Deleting a view

To remove a dispatch view that is not a system default view permanently, follow these steps.

Do not delete the default All Loads and All Inbound views.
  1. Go to Maintenance > Maintain Planning Boards.
    The Maintain Planning Boards window opens.

    The window automatically shows the user groups in the User/Group tree. All Users is the default group that shows for all companies.


  2. In the window header, select Outbound/Loads or Inbound/Power.

  3. Select the view to delete.

    1. From the user tree, select a user or group that currently has access to the view you want to delete.

      • To specify a user, click image2 Expand next to a group name to expand the tree, and then select a user ID.

      • To specify a group, click the group name.

      Note: You cannot select the All Users group to delete a view.

    A list of dispatch views is shown in the grid.

    1. From the list of views, select the one you want to delete.


  4. Click Delete.
    A confirmation message is shown.


  5. Click Yes.
    If you do not want to remove access to the view after all, click No instead.

  6. On the Maintain Planning Boards window, click Save, and then OK.