Working with infeasible loads and unplanned loads

You can display and review your optimization solutions for infeasible loads in Fuel Dispatch.

  1. Open the Planning Worksheet or Card Planner in Fuel Dispatch:

    • Go to Application > Planning Worksheet, or

    • Go to Application > Card Planner.

  2. Optimize the currently displayed loads.

  3. When the Status field changes to End, double-click at the left side of the transaction row to display the solution.


  4. To display all loads that had no compatible drivers, click the Infeasible Loads tab.

    By default, the Stops tab displays stop-related information for the infeasible load selected in the Infeasible Loads tab.


  5. Verify whether the earliest date and latest date for the stop is realistic for the drivers included in the optimization.

    Note: The most common infeasible loads are loads that deliver on a different day or shift than the selected set of compatible drivers.

  6. To display specific infeasibility messages related to the load, select the Infeasibilities tab.

    Some loads may have only one infeasibility message, such as a load being excluded because it falls outside of the selected drivers' shifts.


    Other loads may have many infeasibility messages, such as a combination of drivers that would be late on the load, do not have the necessary qualifications, or would have to drive empty a long distance.

Working with unplanned loads

Unplanned loads are loads that are feasible for at least one driver, but cannot be assigned without harming the overall solution, because there are not enough available drivers to cover the loads.

For example, you have four drivers and five identical loads. However, the loads must be delivered at exactly the same time. All five loads are possible to be delivered during the four drivers’ shifts, but only four loads can actually be assigned because there are only four drivers. The remaining load is an Unassigned Load.

When this happens, you can do one of two things:

  • Check the time the loads deliver and see if you can add On Call drivers to cover the loads.

  • Reschedule the loads to a different time when more drivers are available.
