Designing notification e-mail templates

Using a template lets you use the same format for each notification e-mail, rather than formatting them each time. You can create and modify preformatted templates for the event notification e-mails.

Specifying the application’s root address

First available in: Trimble Web Products 2017.2

When you design notification e-mail templates for eStat or CarrierHub, you can add a hyperlink that allows the user to view additional details about the event. When users click on this hyperlink, a new browser window or tab opens and the system redirects the user to the Event Details page. The system uses the value in the [$RootAddress$] data field to identify the base URL or web address for your company’s Trimble Web Products.

Before you add this data field to your templates, you must first define your application’s base (root) address. The default value is http://localhost/TmwWebProducts/.

To specify the application’s root address:

  1. Go to Menu > Configuration > Settings Manager.
    The Settings Manager page opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If you want the setting change to apply to all roles, verify the Role field is set to [Global Settings].

    • If you want the setting change to apply to a specific role, select it in the Role field.
      A message asks you to verify that you want to change the role. Click OK to continue.

      Note: If the setting has already been changed for at least one role, its text label is bold and italic.

  3. On the Modules tab, in the Module Selection field, select Carrier or Customer.

  4. Click on the ModuleSettings tab.
    Details about the module settings are displayed.

  5. In the Application Root Address field, enter the base URL to your company’s Trimble Web Products.

    In this example, the bold part is the root address:

  6. Click Save.

Designing notification e-mail templates for eStat

To create and modify preformatted templates for the event notification e-mails for eStat, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Customer Email Templates.
    The Customer Email Templates page opens.


  2. In the Events list, select the event for which the template will be used.

    Note: The listed items are the events that appear in the Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Event Definitions > Define Events page. For existing templates, the formatting appears in the Subject field and text box.

  3. In the text box, use the inline editing tools to write and format the text.

    • Select the Design mode (default) and use the inline editing tools to write and format the text.

    • Select the HTML mode and enter the text using the appropriate HTML tags.

    • Write and format the article in another editor, and then copy and paste the text into the text box.

    See below for the e-mail data objects.

  4. To save the template, click Save.
    A message indicates that the template has been successfully updated.

  5. To test the template, click image20 E-mail.

  6. Complete the E-mail Test Parameters fields:

    Field Definition

    To Address

    Enter the e-mail address where the test e-mail will be sent

    Leg Number

    Unique, system-assigned trip segment ID number

    Stop Number

    Enter the stop number

    Order Number

    Enter the order number

  7. Click Send Email.
    The e-mail message is sent to the designated e-mail address.

    In this example of a cancelled shipment tender, the [$OrderNumber$] variable represents the order number. The [$FirstName$] variable represents the preparer’s first name and the [$LastName$] variable represents the preparer’s last name.


eStat e-mail data objects

Order Data field definitions

Field Definition


Total accessorial charges on the order


Bill-To company ID


Total mileage recorded for the order


Order By company ID


Unique system order header ID number for the load


Unique system order ID number for the load


Order reference number


Order remarks


RevType1 classification for the order


RevType2 classification for the order


RevType3 classification for the order


RevType4 classification for the order


Total charges for the order


Actual number of units of the commodity being shipped


ID of the lead trailer assigned to the trip segment


ID of the rear trailer assigned to the trip segment


TrlType1 classification for the trailer that is to be assigned to the order


Total weight recorded for the order

Leg Data field definitions

Field Definition


System ID of the carrier assigned to the trip segment


Name of the carrier assigned to the trip segment


The 204 date from the Lgh 204date column of the Planning Worksheet Available Trips grid


The 204 status from the Lgh 204status column of the Planning Worksheet Available Trips grid


Destination city for the load


City and state/province where the trip ends


Name of the destination company on the load


Date on which the trip ends


State/province where the trip ends


Total loaded miles for the trip segment


Unique, system-assigned ID for the trip segment


Dispatch status for the trip segment


Total empty miles for the trip segment


ID of the lead trailer assigned to the trip segment


ID of the rear trailer assigned to the trip segment


Origin city


Origin city and state/province


Name of the origin company


Date the trip starts


Origin state/province

Stop Data field definitions

Field Definition


Consignee company ID


Consignee company name


Consignee stop number


Event code


Shipper company ID


Shipper company name


Shipper stop number


Unique, system-assigned ID number for the stop


First line of the stop address


Second line of the stop address


Date and time the load arrived at the scheduled stop


Comments about the scheduled stop


City where the stop company is located


Stop city and state/province


Name of the company where the scheduled stop occurs


State/province where the stop company is located


Stop company’s ZIP Code/postal code


Contact at the stop company


Date and time the load departed the scheduled stop


Earliest stop arrival date


Latest stop departure date


Total mileage for the stop


Primary area code and phone number for the stop contact


Additional area code and phone number for the stop contact

eStat field definitions

Field Definition


Destination city and state/province


Date on which the trip ends


First name of the person who prepared, accepted, entered, or refused the load.


Last name of the person who prepared, accepted, entered, or refused the load.


Number of loaded miles in the trip


Unique, system-assigned order ID number for the trip


Origin city and state/province for the load


Date the tractor will depart

Note: For multiple stops, create additional lines for [$StopNumber$], [$StpArrivalDate$], [$StpCompanyName$], and [$StpDepartureDate$].

Profile field definitions

Field Definition


First name of the person who prepared the rate quote request


Last name of the person who prepared the rate quote request


Company making the rate quote request



Customer name associated with the load’s origin


City and state location of the load’s origin


ZIP Code/postal code for city and state location of the load’s origin



Customer name associated with the load’s destination


City and state location of the load’s destination


ZIP Code/postal code for city and state location of the load’s destination

Additional Details:


Pickup date for the load


Total number of stops required for the load’s shipment


Load’s dollar value


Information about the freight types included in the load

Use the [($$$$StopFreight$$$$)] tag to include multiple freight types in the e-mail. For example, to include the commodity code and description for two freight types you would add the following code to the e-mail template:

Commodity: [($CmdCode$)] [($CmdDescription$)]

Commodity: [($CmdCode$)] [($CmdDescription$)]

You can use any of these variables between the [($$$$StopFreight$$$$)] and [/($$$$StopFreight$$$$)] tags:

  • [$AccountOf$]

  • [$CmdCode$]

  • [$CmdDescription$]

  • [$cmdRefNumber$]

  • [$cmdRefNumberType$]

  • [$Height$]

  • [$HeightUnit$]

  • [$Length$]

  • [$LengthUnit$]

  • [$NetVolume$]

  • [$Quantity$]

  • [$QuantityUnit$]

  • [$Stackable$]

  • [$Supplier$]

  • [$Volume$]

  • [$VolumeUnit$]

  • [$Weight$]

  • [$WeightUnit$]

  • [$Width$]

  • [$WidthUnit$]


Hazardous material class


Hazardous material packaging


Hazardous material UN code


Weight of the load


Number of pieces in the load


The base URL to your company’s Trimble Web Products

Designing notification e-mail templates for CarrierHub

To create and modify preformatted templates for the event notification e-mails for CarrierHub, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Carrier Email Templates.
    The Event Email Templates page opens.


  2. In the Events list, select the event for which the template will be used.

    Note: The listed items are the events that appear in the Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Define Events page. For existing templates, the formatting appears in the Subject field and text box.

  3. In the text box, use the inline editing tools to write and format the text.

    • Select the Design mode (default) and use the inline editing tools to write and format the text.

    • Select the HTML mode and enter the text using the appropriate HTML tags.

    • Write and format the article in another editor, and then copy and paste the text into the text box.

    See below for the data objects.

  4. To save the template, click Save.
    A message indicates that the template has been successfully updated.

  5. To test the template, click Email Test.

  6. Complete the E-mail Test Parameters fields.

    Field Definition

    To Address

    Enter the e-mail address where the test e-mail will be sent

    Leg Number

    Unique, system-assigned trip segment ID number

    Stop Number

    Enter the stop number

    Order Number

    Enter the order number

    In this example, the [$LabelRequestLoadQ1$] variable represents the Company Name field label and [$RequestLoadQ1$] the actual company name entered by the carrier in the Load Request Details page.

    [$LabelRequestLoadQ2$] through [$LabelRequestLoadQ5$] are represented by the City/ST, Contact Name, Contact E-mail, and Contact Phone field labels.


CarrierHub e-mail data objects

Field definitions

Field Definition


Name of the carrier


First name of the person who is the contact for the carrier


Last name of the person who is the contact for the carrier


System ID of the carrier assigned to the load


E-mail address of the user


TMWSuite ID associated with the user’s profile


User’s ID


First line of the consignee address


Second line of the consignee address


City where the consignee is located


System ID of the consignee company


Name of the consignee company


State/province where the consignee is located


ZIP Code/postal code for the consignee address


City and state/province where the trip ends


Date on which the trip ends


First line of the address for the first stop on the trip segment


Second line of the address for the first stop on the trip segment


City where the first stop is located


System ID of the company at which the first stop on the trip segment occurs


Name of the company where the first stop occurs


State/province where the first stop is located


ZIP Code/postal code for the first stop address


First line of the address for the last stop


Second line of the address for the last stop


City where the last stop is located


System ID of the company at which the last stop on the trip segment occurs


Name of the company where the last stop occurs


State/province where the last stop is located


ZIP Code/postal code for the last stop address


Total loaded miles


Unique, system-assigned ID for the trip segment


First line of the shipper address


Second line of the shipper address


City where the shipper is located


System ID of the shipper company


Name of the shipper company


State/province where the shipper is located


ZIP Code/postal code for the shipper address


Origin city and state/province


Date the trip starts


Unique, system-assigned ID number for the scheduled stop


Total number of stops


Date of arrival at the scheduled stop


Name of the company where the scheduled stop occurs


Date of departure from the scheduled stop

User-specified variables

These customizable variables appear in the Load Request Details section on the Available Loads page, when a carrier submits a request for a load. Using the Customize Page Fields page, you can modify them to meet your company’s needs.

These variables are also used in the load request notification e-mail.


Field Definition


Customized questions for the Available Loads notification

  1. From your user menu, go to Customize.

  2. In the Customizer, select a Role.

  3. From the Choose a Control list, select Question1Label (AxnComboBox).


  4. For the Text property, select the check box in the Customize? column.


  5. In the Value column, enter the new field name; i.e., Company Name.

  6. Repeat Steps b and c for Question2Label through Question5Label, as needed.

[$RequestLoadQ1$]- [$RequestLoadQ5$]

When a carrier submits a request for a load, the text for these fields is pulled from the Load Request Details section of the Available Loads page.

Order Data field definitions

Field Definition


Total accessorial charges on the order


Count unit of measure


Total mileage recorded for the order


Unique system order header ID number for the load


Unique system order ID number for the load


Total charges for the order


Actual number of units of the commodity being shipped


TrlType1 classification for the trailer that is to be assigned to the order


Total weight recorded for the order


Weight unit of measure

Leg Data field definitions

Field Definition


System ID of the carrier assigned to the trip segment


Name of the carrier assigned to the trip segment


204 date from the Lgh 204date column of the Planning Worksheet Available Trips grid


204 status from the Lgh 204status column of the Planning Worksheet Available Trips grid


Destination city for the load


City and state/province where the trip ends


Name of the destination company on the load


Date on which the trip ends


State/province where the trip ends


Total loaded miles for the trip segment


Unique, system-assigned ID for the trip segment


Dispatch status for the trip segment


Total empty miles for the trip segment


ID of the lead trailer assigned to the trip segment


ID of the rear trailer assigned to the trip segment


Origin state/province


Origin city


Origin city and state/province


Name of the origin company


Date the trip starts

Stop Data field definitions

Field Definition


Unique, system-assigned ID number for the stop


First line of the stop address


Second line of the stop address


Date and time the load arrived at the scheduled stop


Comments about the scheduled stop


City where the stop company is located


Stop city and state/province


Name of the company where the scheduled stop occurs


State/province where the stop company is located


Stop company’s ZIP Code/postal code


Contact at the stop company


Date and time the load departed the scheduled stop


Total mileage for the stop


Primary area code and phone number for the stop contact


Additional area code and phone number for the stop contact

Check Call Form Properties field definitions

Field Definition


The name of the city where the driver/tractor was located when contact was made


Additional information about the check call


The date of the check call


The latitude recorded for the city, state/province, and ZIP Code/postal code where the driver/tractor was located when contact was made


The longitude recorded for the city, state/province, and ZIP Code/postal code where the driver/tractor was located when contact was made


The name of the state/province where the driver/tractor was located when contact was made


The ZIP Code/postal code for the driver/tractor location when contact was made

Bid Award field definitions

Field Definition


Name of the carrier bidding for the load


Sum of the dollar amounts bid for line haul, fuel, and accessorials


Commodity code


Name of the person who placed the bid


Fax number for the bidding carrier


Phone number for the bidding carrier


Dollar amount that the carrier is bidding for the load’s fuel


Dollar amount that the carrier is bidding for the load’s line haul pay


Order number for the bid


Dollar amount the carrier is bidding for the load’s accessorial charges


If the carrier declines to bid for a load, the reason the carrier is not participating


Additional information about the carrier or bid

E-mail data objects

Field Definition


First name of the person who prepared the rate quote request


Last name of the person who prepared the rate quote request


The company making the rate quote request



The customer name associated with the load’s origin


The city and state location of the load’s origin


The ZIP Code/postal code for city and state location of the load’s origin



The customer name associated with the load’s destination


The city and state location of the load’s destination


The ZIP Code/postal code for city and state location of the load’s destination

Additional Details:


The pickup date for the load


The total number of stops required for the load’s shipment


The load’s dollar value


Information about the freight types included in the load


The load’s weight


The load’s number of pieces


The base URL to your company’s Trimble Web Products