INI settings that are found in Interface Settings

Your TTS50 file contains the global settings that control how TMW.Suite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about INI settings can be found in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical. Use your text editor’s Find feature to locate a setting or section.

[.NetMisc] settings

These settings found in Interface Settings are located in the [.NetMisc] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

EDI, TMW Operations


This setting determines whether the Appointment Scheduler feature is active. When activated, the following are available:

  • The Operations > Schedule Reschedule command in the Trip Folder

  • The Schedule tab in the Trip Folder

  • The AppointmentStatus column on the Stops tab in the Trip Folder

  • The AppointmentStatus column on the AllStops tab in Order Maintenance


  • N (default)
    The feature is inactive.

  • Y
    The feature is active.

Additional Notes

TMWSuite and Fuel Dispatch do not support this setting.

[EDIfilesave] settings

These settings found in Interface Settings are located in the [EDIfilesave] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite, EDI, TMW Operations


This setting provides a path for moving the 210 data to a flat file. When a path is provided, a default file name of 210_hhmm is applied. A unique time-stamped number is substituted for hhmm.


  • C:\EDI\ (default)

    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

  • User-specified path
    For example, C:\EDI\210\

    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

Additional Notes

The entry for this setting applies to all trading partners. If you want, you can have a separate folder for each trading partner. To do so, you must have String1 set to Y in the EDI_ExtractbyTP General Info Table setting. When you do, the 214 Save Path and 210 Save Path fields are added to the Partner Info tab. The tab is available in these windows:

  • TMWSuite - The File Maintenance application’s EDI Codes Maintenance window

  • TMW Operations - The Interface Settings application’s Customer EDI Codes window


Applies to

TMWSuite, EDI, TMW Operations


This setting provides a path for moving the 214 data to a flat file. When a path is provided, a default file name of 214_hhmm is applied. A unique time-stamped number is substituted for hhmm.


  • 214data=C:\EDI\
    Note: You must add the trailing backslash after the path.

Additional Notes

The entry for this setting applies to all trading partners. If you want, you can have a separate folder for each trading partner. To do so, you must have String1 set to Y in the EDI_ExtractbyTP General Info Table setting. When you do, the 214 Save Path and 210 Save Path fields are added to the Partner Info tab. The tab is available in these windows:

  • TMWSuite - The File Maintenance application’s EDI Codes Maintenance window

  • TMW Operations - The Interface Settings application’s Customer EDI Codes window

[Misc] settings

These settings found in Interface Settings are located in the [Misc] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2001 and later, CRM Right, EDI LTSL2, TMW Operations


This setting specifies the format the system uses when assigning a company ID.

For EDI LTSL2: When setting up trading partners in DX Configuration, you can select the AutoNumericCompanyID check box located on the Trading Partners tab for each trading partner. When you do, the system uses your entry for this setting for processing inbound 204s. If you do not select the check box for a trading partner, the system uses the Original (default) option when processing inbound 204s.


  • Original (default)
    NAMCIT or NAMCITNN, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [CIT] is the first three characters of the city name

    • [NN] is a two-digit numeric code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] and [CIT] values

  • Mas90
    NAMCIT or NAMCITA, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [CIT] is the first three characters of the city name

    • [A] is a one-digit alphabetic code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] and [CIT] values

    NAM or NAMNN, where:

    • [NAM] is the first three characters of the company name

    • [NN] is a two-digit numeric code used to differentiate companies with the same root ID; that is, the same [NAM] value

  • Numeric6Plus2
    Generates company IDs in a modified numeric sequence. The first company ID assigned is 100000. The system increments by one for each new company ID. When 999999 has been assigned, the first six digits reset to 100000 and the extension 01 is added. When 99999901 has been assigned, the first six digits again reset to 100000 and the extension 02 is added. This sequence repeats as necessary.

[Order] settings

These settings found in Interface Settings are located in the [Order] section of your TTS50.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000 and later, EDI, TMW Operations 17.60


This setting determines the rating mode.


  • ByTotal (default)

    • In TMWSuite, Rate by Total is the only rating mode available.

      Note: When you use this option, you must have [Order]OrderScreenMode=Stops in your TTS50.

    • In TMW Operations, the system selects the By Total radio button by default.

      On an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.

  • ByDetail

    • In TMWSuite, on an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.


      1. When you use this option, you must have [Order]OrderScreenMode=Commodity in your TTS50.

      2. You must use this option to use Volume Optimization.

    • In TMW Operations, the system selects the By Detail radio button by default.

      On an order-by-order basis, you can toggle between Rate by Detail mode and Rate by Total mode.

      Note: The [Order]OrderScreenMode= INI setting is not supported for TMW Operations.

Additional Notes

This setting is case-sensitive.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2002 and later, EDI, TMW Operations, Fuel Dispatch V.16.10.30


These settings determine the default RevType values for orders. RevType values can be copied from the profile of the order’s Bill To, shipper, consignee, a third party recorded on the order, or the user who created the order.

An entry for these settings consists of two characters; these characters are independent of one another. The first character specifies the profile from which the RevType value is copied. The second character determines if and how the RevType value will change if the source changes.

Multiple comma-delimited entries can be used to determine the default RevType value based on multiple profiles.

In TMWSuite, these settings apply to Order Entry and Dispatch.

In TMW Operations, these settings apply to Order Maintenance and the Trip Folder.

In Fuel Dispatch, these settings apply to Call On Demand Order Entry and Oil Field Order Entry. To use them, you must have these settings in the [FuelDispatch] section of your TTS50:

  • DefaultUserTerminalOnNewOrder=N

  • SetRevTypesByConsignee=N


Character 1 defines where the default revenue type value comes from.

  • N, X, or blank (default)
    No default revenue type value is provided.

    In Fuel Dispatch:

    • In Call On Demand Order Entry, no default revenue types are displayed for RevType1-4.

    • In Oil Field Order Entry, the RevType1 value is displayed. For RevType2-4, no default revenue type is provided.

  • B
    Bill To’s company profile

  • S
    Shipper’s company profile

  • C
    Consignee’s company profile

  • L
    Current user’s profile

    This option applies to Character 1 for the SetRevType1DefaultFrom and SetRevType2DefaultFrom settings.

    In TMWSuite, your company may have set up the RevType1 field in a user’s profile to represent a booking terminal. When you use this option for the SetRevType1DefaultFrom setting, the default values for both BK:RevType1 and RevType1 are copied from the current user’s profile.

    If you want the Bk:RevType1 field to reflect the user profile setting, but you prefer to have the default RevType1 value copied from a company or third party profile, you can use multiple entries for SetRevType1DefaultFrom, such as:

    SetRevType1DefaultFrom=B1, L1

    Using the example entry, you could replace B with S, C, or T to set the RevType1 field from the shipper, consignee, or third party profile, respectively.

  • T
    Third party’s profile

    Note: Third parties are entities specific to the Third Party Pay feature. This setting is applicable only if Third Party Pay is active.

  • R
    Automatically fill in the RevType 4 field based on RevType relationships established in the RevType1 label in System Administration.

    Warning: This option pertains to a customized feature, Revenue type relationships, designed for a specific TMW client. Do not use this option.

Character 2 defines how the system is to control the replacement of an existing value.

  • 1
    Automatically overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 2
    Do not overwrite an existing value when its default source is changed.

  • 3
    When the default source for an existing value is changed, the system will prompt the user before replacing the existing value.

    In Fuel Dispatch’s Oil Field Order Entry, this option works only when Character 1 is set to S (shipper). It does not work when Character 1 is set to B (Bill To) or C (consignee). Also, the T and R options are not applicable in Fuel Dispatch.

  • 4
    Do not override an existing value with one of UNKNOWN.

    Note: If the new value is something other than UNKNOWN, the system automatically overwrites the existing value. No warning is displayed.

    • In TMWSuite, this option does not work if you are using the DefaultOrdRevType1FromDriver General Info Table key to have the system provide the RevType1 value on the order from the DrvType1 value in the profile of the primary driver assigned on the trip.

    • In Fuel Dispatch’s Call On Demand Order Entry and Oil Field Order Entry, this option works when Character 1 is set to S (shipper), B (Bill To), or C (consignee). Also, the T and R options are not applicable in Fuel Dispatch.