Selecting the 204 and 990 settings for all trading partners

On the Global Settings tab, you select the EDI 204 and 990 settings that affect all trading partners.

The number of settings may change with each DX release. After upgrading DX, your system will automatically update the list when you log into Interface Settings.


To apply a setting, select its check box. When you finished making selections, click Save Global Settings to save your changes.

Selections that you make in this section of the Global Settings tab will be reflected in the Data Exchange XML script:
Option Definition

Global Setting Name


Automatically apply updates to dispatched orders.

Note: If you select AllowDispatchUpdates, you must also select AllowStartedUpdates.


Automatically apply updates to started orders.

Note: If you select AllowStartedUpdates, you must also select AllowDispatchUpdates.

Alternate Order Number

Not functional


Auto-accept 204s for each trading partner with the AutoAccept204s dynamic setting selected in the Trading Partners tab.


Convert kilograms to pounds.


When a stop is added to a Started or Planned leg, the system will copy assets from the leg to the new stop.


Use the import date in the Booked field on the order if there is no date in the 204’s Book Date field.

Note: If not selected, the system displays 01/01/50 in the Booked field.


This is a custom setting.


Allows you to pass in expanded freight details for processing 204s.


Use an alternate ID to find company matches.


If the city name is blank, use the company name as company ID to find company matches.


This is a custom setting.

Lookup Mileage

Primarily used in earlier versions of LTSL 2 and Data Exchange to find look ups in the mileage table.

Maritime Validation

This is a custom setting.


Not functional


Allows you to select whether to apply date changes using a pop-up window.

Note: If you select NeverAutoUpdateDates, ensure the UpdateValidation check box is clear.


If an order’s status is Planned, updates are not applied.


Use the EDI Order Number as the EDI Control Number.

OrderByTrading Partner

Use the trading partner as the Order By on all 204 orders.


Do not use the EDI Order Number as the primary reference number.


Enable PostProcessing on cancelation 204s.


Enable PostProcessing on update 204s.


Select to add stored procedures to the 204 import process. The stored procedures may be run only on new orders, not on updates.

Note: This setting and the PostProcessor setting in the Post Processing Settings section are linked.


First available in: Load Tender SmartLink 2.0 V., TMW Operations V.15.20.132

If you want, you can use interfaces other than ALK PC*Miler for mileage lookups. To do so, use the settings in the [MileageInterface] section of your TTS50.

This setting allows you to view the mileage on the Mileage Tab. You can see the distance involved before accepting an order.


Allows you to see rating information before accepting an order.


Disables the Save As New button for users who do not have system administrator rights.


Disables the OK button when creating a new company from an unknown company for users who do not have system administrator rights.


Copy all stop and freight notes from the 204 to the order.


Set all orders for the trip to Rate by Total.


  1. If you selected the PostProcessTMWRating check box, selecting this check box will override the Default Rate Mode in the Company Profile.

  2. If you have [Order]DefaultRateMode=ByDetail in your TTS50 and you do not select this check box, the system will not apply the Rate by Detail mode until after the orders have been imported.


Sends the trading partner ID to the post process.


First available in: TMW Operations V.14.40.49

Assign an appointment status to each stop created from an Inbound 204 in the Planning Worksheet’s EDI tab.


  1. This setting applies only to Inbound 204s processed in TMW Operations.

  2. To use the Appointment Scheduler feature:

    • You must have the [.NetMisc]ScheduleReschedule=Y setting in your TTS50.

    • The appointment scheduling options specified in the Bill To’s company profile determine a stop’s initial appointment status.

    For details, see Scheduling appointments in the TMW Operations online help.

  3. If a company on a 204 is not in your database, the initial appointment status for a stop is determined after you do the following:

    • Accept the 204 on the EDI tab

    • Match the 204 to a company in your database, or create a new company record


When creating a new company profile, the system defaults the company type identification (shipper, consignee, or Bill To) to the 204 assignment.


This is a custom setting.


Allow a 204 to update an existing order when the SID and trading partner on the 204 match the SID and trading partner on the order.


Allows a 204 file to update the stop dates, even if:

  • It is for a previous date and/or time

  • The stop has been completed


This is a custom setting.


Validates new cities added to the system based on those listed in ALK and Rand.

Trip Events

Used as a cross-reference table for translated data from the 204 file.

Selecting post processing settings for all trading partners

Use the Post Processing Settings section to identify customized stored procedures that will run after 204s have been imported into TMWSuite.

To apply a setting, select its check box. When you finished making selections, click Save Global Settings to add the stored procedure to the process.

Option Definition

Post Processor

Select to add stored procedures to the 204 import process. The stored procedures may be run only on new orders, not on updates.

Note: This setting and the PostProcessor setting in the Global Setting Name section are linked.

Post Process Stored Proc Name

Enter the name of the stored procedure that will run automatically after the order has been successfully created by Data Exchange.

Post Company Stored Proc Name

Enter the name of the stored procedure that will run after Data Exchange has successfully created a new company.

Note: This stored procedure is used only when the AutoCreatePSCompanies setting is selected on the Trading Partners tab to automatically create companies that do not have an existing TMWSuite Company ID match. For the setting description, see Specifying a trading partner’s 204 and 990 settings.

Send Trading Partner

Select to include the trading partner ID as a second parameter when executing a post-processing stored procedure.