Welcome to Interface Settings

Use Interface Settings to set up your system to work with TMW.Suite add-on modules. Interface Settings allows you perform the setup in one location.

The following features are currently available. While you do not need a license for the Interface Settings application, you must be licensed for an add-on module to access its configuration interface.

  • Customer EDI Codes

    Use Customer EDI Codes to maintain:

    • Most of the required global TMWSuite settings that affect all EDI trading partners.

    • Each trading partner’s specific 210 and 214 requirements.

  • LTSL2 Configuration

    The Load Tender SmartLink (LTSL) 2.0 add-on application provides seamless movement of EDI load tenders into TMW orders. The core components of LTSL 2.0:

    • Process incoming orders

    • Generate responses for those orders through 204 and 990 flat files.

    Use LTSL2 Configuration to maintain the settings applicable to LTSL 2.0.