
Mobile device operating system

  • Android OS 6.0 or later

  • iOS 9.0 or later


  • Mobile network connection capable of transmitting data

  • Wi-Fi connection



Update the global versions of dependencies and plugins to the latest compatible version (WE-223405)

Update global dependencies, such as the plugins, to the latest version so Android and Apple will not invalidate the application.

User interface

TMW Go Driver - Driver Instructions (WE-222939)

Previously, users could not see trip directions that were added by the dispatcher. Now, users can see trip directions on the Directions tab.

TMW Go Driver - Driver Notes tab (WE-222940)

Previously, users could not see notes that were added by the dispatcher. Now, users can see notes on the Driver Notes tab.

Resolved issues


  • WE-223146
    Fixed an issue with inconsistent Do Not Deliver times.

  • WE-223183
    Fixed an issue where newer devices could not connect to the tmwsystems.com website.

  • WE-223233
    Fixed an issue where the camera would not load in mobile imaging.

  • WE-223239
    Fixed an issue where the Fuel Load Details screen failed to load correctly.


  • WE-217094
    Fixed an issue where SSRS reports were generating error messages when running the Reports on Legs report.

  • WE-223076
    Fixed an issue where the Reports button was not visible under the Options icon.



Fixed an issue with fuel subscriptions changing the weight or count to zero.