
Mobile device operating system

  • Android OS 6.0 or later

  • iOS 9.0 or later


  • Mobile network connection capable of transmitting data

  • Wi-Fi connection



Display order numbers on Home (TME-446), Notifications (TME-449), and Missing Paperwork (TME-452) screens

Previously, the app only displayed leg numbers on these screens:

  • Home

  • Notification Center

  • Notification Details

  • Missing Paperwork

Now, it displays order numbers or leg numbers. Settings in Trimble Web Products determine which number is displayed.

Mobile imaging

Selecting an order number on the Paperwork Info screen (TME-498)

Previously, you could select leg numbers when uploading images not associated with trips.

Now you can select order numbers or leg numbers. Settings in Trimble Web Products determine which number is displayed.


Missing Paperwork notifications (TME-199)

Previously when you tapped on a Missing Paperwork notification, the app loaded; however, it did not display details about the missing paperwork.

Now, tapping on the Missing Paperwork notification opens the Missing Paperwork screen and displays information related to that notification.

Resolved issues


  • TME-794
    Fixed an issue where the route screens displayed inconsistent times.

  • TME-810, TME-811
    Fixed an issue where localized times were not displaying correctly on the Messages screen.

  • TME-811
    Fixed an issue where localized times were not displaying correctly on the Conversations and Messages screens.

  • TME-812
    Fixed an issue where localized times were not displaying correctly on the Missing Paperwork screens.

  • TME-814
    Fixed an issue where localized times were not displaying correctly on the Pay Summary screens.


TME-727 (Fuel Dispatch)

Fixed an issue where gallons were not being displayed on the order after a trailer transfer. The system displayed zero (0) gallons.

SSRS Reports


Fixed an issue where users received an error message when running the Settlement Sheet SSRS report that stated, "An error occurred while attempting to run report 99."