Reviewing a location’s history

You can review a list of historical readings on the Degree Day tab in the Degree Day Site Review window.

A single customer may have multiple tanks or locations associated with their profile. In the Degree Day tab, each tank or location is differentiated with a unique numerical ID. Readings for all of a customer’s tanks or locations are listed in ascending order, so you can see the customer’s entire inventory at a glance.

Readings for each tank or location are pulled using one or more of the following criteria:

  • Latitude and longitude, which provide readings by individual site

  • Postal Code, which provides readings by zip code

  • Country Code, which provides readings by country

  • Station ID, which provides readings by the closest weather station

On the Degree Day tab, you can edit the following fields for each individual site:

Field definitions


Latitude of the site’s location


Longitude of the site’s location


Zip code of the site’s location


Country of the site’s location


ID of the weather station closest to the site


URL of the weather station


Median temperature (65°)


Weather data vendor that provides historical readings for the site


Weather data vendor that provides forecasted readings for the site


Unique identification number for the site


Period of time the degree day is calculated for in UTC


Period of time the degree day is calculated for in UTC


Degree day


Indicates the degree day is forecasted (not historical data)


Indicates how the degree day was calculated or retrieved

Results are:

  • Invalid
    Degree day has not yet been calculated or retrieved

  • LookedUp
    Degree day was retrieved from a third-party weather service

  • Apportioned
    Degree day was calculated using an average consumption value for the given period

  • Other
    Degree day information was manually entered from a different source than a third-party weather service

  • NotAvailable
    Degree day was not available from the third-party weather service


Portion of the weather data for a given period that is estimated (forecasted) versus historic.


Date and time the forecaster retrieved the weather data from the third-party weather vendor.

To review historical readings for a customer or location, follow these steps:

  1. To access the Degree Day Site Review window, go to Tank Forecast > Degree Day Site Review.

  2. In the Company ID field at the top left of the window, enter the company’s ID.


  3. Select the Degree Day tab.

  4. Press TAB.
    The Results grid displays all the tanks or locations associated with that company ID. Each tank or location has a unique numerical ID.

    Show me


  5. Locate the available historical readings from the list.

    • If the IsForecasted checkbox is selected, the reading is forecasted.

    • If the IsForecasted checkbox is cleared, the reading is historical.