Viewing system details
When using the application, there may be times when you need to quickly view details about your system such as the name of your database, the location of your INI files, and other system information.
On the status bar
Limited database and application information is available at all times in the status bar, located at the bottom of the application window.
This bar displays the database name, application version, current system date/time, and the user ID.
In the About window
To access system information using the About window,
go to Help > About, or
select About from the toolbar.
Identifying your database and its server location
Under the heading Database Info in the Help About window, you can see this information:
Server Name
Displays the name of the server to which you are connected.-
Database Name
Displays the name of the database to which you are connected. Shown in parentheses to the right of the server name is the ID of the user who logged on to the application. -
Database Version
Displays the TMWSuite version and build number of the database. The first four digits identify the version year, and the last four characters identify the build number.
Determining your application version and INI file location
In the Application Info section in the Help About window, you can see this information:
Application Version
Displays the version of the application in use. Your application was coded to work in tandem with core Trimble applications. However, it is built separately from them, and therefore has a different version number from them. -
Application INI File
Displays the path to the TTS50 file in use. The TTS50 is a configuration file that controls how Trimble applications work. It is used to set up the system to best meet your company’s needs. Knowing its location enables your system administrator or Trimble Support representative to research the settings that are currently in place, as well as make any needed changes. -
Local INI File
Displays the path to the local INI file in use. The local INI file (also known as the ttslocal.ini file) is another configuration file. Its most important function is to identify the server and database that you use when you sign on.
Determining your application’s location and license date
In the Environment Info section in the Help About window, you can see:
Executable Location
Displays the path to the executable file for the application in use. In most cases, you will run an application using a shortcut on your desktop, or from the Windows Start menu. However, this entry in the Help About window indicates where the application and its supporting files are installed. -
License Version
Displays the date associated with the license file that was provided to your company by TMW. The license signifies that your company is authorized to use the application.
Viewing licensing information
When your company purchases products from TMW, Trimble supplies license files that enable use of those products. A license file consists of SQL that your system administrator must run against your database so that the application or feature can be used by people in your company. If you attempt to run an application before the SQL is applied, you will see a warning message indicating that you are not licensed and you will not be able to log on.
You can verify that the license is applied from within your Trimble applications. Go to Help > About. In the About window, click More. A second window opens. It lists licenses in a table. Look for the license name in the Name column, and verify that the Value column is set to Y. Click Close in the windows.
If you have any questions regarding licensing, contact your Support Team.