D2Link® App 3.4.25 Release Notes
These release notes contain this information:
Warnings (read these if they are included)
Requirements (what you must have before you install this release)
Enhancements (new or updated features)
Resolved issues (application improvements)
Before you upgrade all of your fleet’s apps, Trimble strongly recommends that you read the warnings and requirements. Then, install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, contact Trimble Transportation Support. If you do not already have an account, click Sign Up to create one. |
Install and set up the following required hardware and software to use the D2Link app.
Hardware | Recommended version or amount | Minimum version or amount |
A smartphone, pad, or tablet with one of these operating systems: |
10.0 or later |
8.0 |
13.0 or later |
12.0 |
512 MB or more |
256 MB |
Available storage space |
250 MB or more |
100 MB |
A built-in flashlight |
Software | Recommended Version | Minimum Version |
D2Link host | or later | |
A core dispatch system that connects to the D2Link host. Examples: |
2018.4.9544 |
2018.4.9544 |
2020.4 or later |
2020.4 |
2020.4 or later |
2018.4 |
21.4 or later |
20.4 |
General enhancements
API endpoints for API keys (TTESUITE-205561)
We added API endpoints for retrieving, adding, updating, and deleting API keys. The API keys link to a tenant installation.
Carriers can now limit drivers to truck routes if CoPilot® navigation is available (TTESUITE 200489)
Use the new setting Allow All Navigation to control what navigation system, if any, is available to drivers.
Set this to ON to allow drivers to use any navigation system. (This is the default setting.)
Set this to OFF.
If CoPilot navigation is available, then it appears when the driver taps the Compass on the stop page.
If CoPilot navigation is not available, then the Compass is not visible.
Usability (UX) and user interface (UI) enhancements
Added user-feedback about quantities (TTESUITE-204308)
Now, when you scan items on the Commodity List page, the quantity of the matched item increases by one (1). Also, the scanned quantity and estimated quantity appear at the end of the item row.
New select or clear all box (TTESUITE-204309)
You can now select a box in the header of the commodity list to select or deselect all items for deletion.
New barcode show or hide button (TTESUITE-205775)
We added a button to the header. You can now show or hide the barcode in the item description.
Load Offer notification (TTESUITE-204573)
Now, if you select a Load Offer notification, the app shows either the Pending tab or Schedules Landing page, depending on your settings.
Dwell time notification (TTESUITE-204574)
Now, you can select a Dwell time threshold expiry notification to go to the Schedule Detail page.
Geofence auto-arrive notification (TTESUITE-204576)
Now, you can select a Geofence auto-arrive notification to go to the Schedule Detail page.
Improved notifications about new messages (TTESUITE-204579)
Now, when new messages arrive, the notification is specific. It reads, "N new inbox messages received", where N is the number of new messages you received.
Also, you can select the notification to go to the Inbox.
Improved notifications about new schedules (TTESUITE-204580)
Now, when new schedules arrive, the notification is specific, "N new schedules received", where "N" is the number of schedules.
Also, you can select the notification to go to the Schedules, Schedule Detail, or Inbox page, depending on your situation.
Added a barcode not found message (TTESUITE-205772)
This applies if you scan a barcode that is not in the commodity list. Now, a message says that the barcode was not found.
Resolved issues
App functionality issues
Some documents sent by D²Link had an asterisk (*) in front of them. The imaging system did not recognize those documents. -
TTESUITE-205285, TTESUITE-205310
This issue affected users on Android OS 12 and later.Sometimes the D²Link foreground service did not start within the time allowed by the Android OS. In this case, if the user opened D²Link from the background then the app would stop responding and restart.
Usability (UX) issues
When you selectped Go in a Dwell time threshold expiry notification, nothing happened. Now, the Schedule Detail page appears. -
If you could not scan a barcode and selected Back, the form closed. This erased the data you already entered on the form. Now, Back takes you to the form without data loss. -
When working offline, the Missing Paperwork page did not display data that it had already received. Instead, the page was empty. -
The first time that you tried to use the camera to scan a document in a reply form, you got a black page. No Take Picture button or preview image appeared.