D2Link® 3 App Version 3.5.22 Release Notes

Release notes may contain this information:

  • Warnings: Read these, if any, to prevent problems. Warnings could save you from rework or data loss.

  • Requirements: Hardware and software that you need before you install this release.

  • Enhancements: New or improved features or functions.

  • Resolved issues: App fixes.

Before you upgrade your live host or entire fleet, Trimble strongly recommends that you read all warnings and requirements. Then, install the latest version in a test environment and verify that it meets your needs before implementing it live.

If you have questions, contact Trimble Transportation Support. To create a new account, tap Sign Up.


Install and set up the following required hardware and software to use the D2Link app.

Hardware requirements

Hardware Requirement Recommended Version or Amount Minimum Version or Amount

A smartphone, pad, or tablet with one of these operating systems:

  • Android OS

    Note: You must also have access to Google Play Services for Android devices.

10.0 or later


  • iOS

13.0 or later



512 MB or more

256 MB

Available storage space

250 MB or more

100 MB

A built-in flashlight

Software requirements

Software Requirement Recommended Version Minimum Version

D2Link host or later

A core dispatch system that connects to the D2Link host. Examples:

  • TotalMail® software
    and one of these:

    • TMWSuite® software

    • TMW.Suite Enterprise SystemsLink software TMW® Operations or Fuel Dispatch)



2020.4 or later


2020.4 or later


  • TruckMate software

21.4 or later



Suppress Keyboard when using the 'Scan or Enter here field' (TTESUITE-206640)

When 'Scan or Enter' input field is selected, the keyboard is suppressed.

Remove the Delete button, Checkboxes, and Select/Unselect all functionality (TTESUITE-206641)

In previous versions, there were checkboxes on the commodity list screens to give the user the ability to select and delete items from the list. Now, there are no checkboxes and the user is unable to remove items from the list. This will give users an accurate representation of the scheduled commodities vs. actual commodities scanned.

Form Functionality - Scanned items count should show total of all scans (TTESUITE-206644)

The scanned item count now displays the total for the entire order.

Form Functionality - Form should not be sent until all quantities are met (TTESUITE-206645)

Users can now click send even if all items are not scanned. Previously, the Send button was disabled until all items were scanned. Also, if all items were NOT scanned then the user could navigate to an exception form to activate the send button. Now, the send button is always enabled and if the user clicks it without having all of the items selected, the user will automatically be redirected to the exception form (if available) and fill it out to send with missing items.

The link to the Trimble Privacy was updated and the links to the Trimble Notice at Collection and Your Privacy Choices (Us residents) was added.

Swipe fix (TTESUITE-208035)

Users are now able to successfully swipe to the right and left from anywhere in the 'Stop detail page'.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-20050

    Wiping data off the phone needs to resync the forms from D2Link Host

    You can wipe all of the data from the device by either clicking the button or sending an xml. Before, wiping the data would also completely wipe the forms and not resync them. Now, after the data is wiped, the forms will automatically resync so the users forms will reload onto the device.

  • TTESUITE-202272

    D2Link 3 - Hide Pay feature is broken

    The ability to hide one driver’s pay rate from another was broken.

  • TTESUITE-205043

    User aren’t able to copy and paste from D2link 3.0

    Fixed a bug that prevented users from being able to copy and paste from the arrive screen.

  • TTESUITE-205938

    Images not making to TMW through Transflo Imaging.

    Customer was not receiving certain images on some devices. A code change was made to ensure that all images are sent and received from D2Link through transflo imaging.

  • TTESUITE-206504

    Bar Code button covers up 'Scan or Enter Here' field

    Occasionally, on the Commodity List page, the barcode scan button covered up the Scan or Enter Here field. This has been corrected.

  • TTESUITE-206642

    Keep focus on the 'Scan or Enter here' field

    On the commodity list screen, the user can scan items and those items get added to the count. IF this user is using a scanner separate from the phone (bluetooth scanner or Zebra device for eexample) and inadvertantly clicked out of the 'Scan or Enter here' field, the subsequent scans would not register but the user would not be notified. This was because the focus was no longer on the "Scan or Enterhere' field after the user tapped the screen. Now, no matter where the user taps on the screen, the focus will remain on the field.

  • TTESUITE-207085

    D2link items duplicating (sometimes)

    You can scan barcodes into a list of items called a Commodity’s list. Previously, duplicates were allowed due to a combination of errors in the logic. This has been corrected and duplicates are not allowed in the list at all. We also added safegaurds to prevent against future potential issues pertaining to adding items to the list.

  • TTESUITE-207170

    Forms with field type of ItemList set to Mandatory can be submitted without ItemList being checked

    When the field type ItemList is set to Mandatory, the "*Viewed" button requires the user to click and view the ItemList before the form can be sent.

  • TTESUITE-207192

    "Cannot read properties…​" Error

    When the app starts it does not have the previous geofencing stop stored. In the code, we did not check it so the app would error out. There is now a check for the previous geofencing stop to prevent the error. The error was "setDestination - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'status')" and the user was forced to close the app and reopen.

  • TTESUITE-207212

    D2LINK 3.5.50 : documents cut off due to blank bar added to scans

    The application would often add a white bar along the left side of the document and shifts the entire document over to accompany it, cropping off an equal amount on the right side in the process due to a PDF conversion. The conversion logic has been updated to properly rotate the orientation of the image without cropping it.

  • TTESUITE-207260

    Blank Schedule Delay

    Fixed a performance issue where the stop detail page would not load for an extended period of time. Once a trip is loaded with a large number of stops onto the device the stop details page now loads the individual stops within 3 seconds.

  • TTESUITE-207401

    Unable to use enhanced scanning on Zebra device due to keyboard suppression

    The software keyboard is suppressed while using the built-in or external barcode scanner.

  • TTESUITE-208050

    D2Link 3.0 Schedule Trip Report Area No Longer Scrolls

    Fixed a bug in iOS that caused that caused users to be unable to scroll through the trip information on the stop details page.

  • TTESUITE-208054

    Suppressing Keyboard Icon in IOS not Working

    In iOS, the keyboard icon was not working. If a user selected the icon then the keyboard would not show up. This has been corrected.