Earlier versions

These release notes contain this information:

  • Warnings (read these if they are included)

  • Requirements (what you must have before you install this release)

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading all of your fleet’s apps, Trimble strongly recommends that you read the warnings and requirements. Then, install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, contact your Trimble customer representative.


If you installed D2Link Beta version 3.3.1, you must first uninstall that version. Then, install this latest released version. The Beta version 3.3.1 data is not compatible with this official release and would cause data corruption.


Install and set up the following required hardware and software to use the D2Link app.

Hardware Recommended version or amount Minimum version or amount

A smartphone, pad, or tablet with one of these operating systems:

  • Android OS

    Note: You must also have access to Google Play Services for Android devices.

10.0 or later


  • iOS

13.0 or later



512 MB

256 MB

Available storage space

250 MB or more

100 MB

A built-in flashlight

Software Recommended version Minimum version

D2Link host or later

A core dispatch system that connects to the D2Link host. Examples:

TotalMail® software
and one of these:



  • TMWSuite® software

2020.4 or later


  • TMW.Suite Enterprise SystemsLink software (TMW® Operations or Fuel Dispatch)

2020.4 or later


TruckMate software

21.4 or later



Messages with pictures and text

Send text and pictures separately if required (TTESUITE-200976)

Before, if the network connection quality was poor, the app did not send a message with a picture and text. It saved the message until the network connection quality was good enough to send both parts of the message. This caused delays.

Now, the app sends the message text if there is any network connection. If a picture is part of the message, then it sends the picture only if there is a good quality network connection. Otherwise, the app saves the picture. It sends the picture when there is a good quality network connection.

If a picture arrives after a delay, the system matches the picture with the text part of the message that it already received.

  • This feature is now available for TMWSuite® users. It will soon be available for TruckMate users.

  • Carriers: Obtain a new QR code from your Trimble representative to use this feature.

  • Drivers: You cannot change this setting through the D2Link app.

Performance and security improvements

We upgraded the app development framework from Ionic 3 to Ionic 5. Go to ionicframework.com for information about the Ionic framework.

Stop status data

Added the Mutable Status setting (TTESUITE-201252)

The app saves your arrival and departure stop status data. Updates from the dispatch system replace stop status data saved by the D2Link app. You could see changes in your stops. You might need to correct stop information. We added a new setting on the Settings page, Mutable Status. It controls what happens to that saved data if the dispatch system sends updates with data that is different from what D2Link saved.

  • When the setting is on, there is no change from what happened before.

  • If the setting is off, the stop status data saved in your app does not change. Updates from the dispatch system do not replace your saved stop status data. Your existing stops do not change.

  • Carriers: Obtain a new QR code from your Trimble representative to use this feature.

  • Drivers: You cannot change this setting through the D2Link app.

  • This only applies if there is a difference between the stop status data in the dispatch system and the data saved by the D2Link app.

The Schedules number

Completed trips are not added to the Schedules number (TTESUITE-202125)

A number representing trips displays by the word "Schedules" in the app. Sample number This appears at the top of the Schedules screen and on the side menu.

Before, this number displayed trips that were complete and not complete.

Now, this number only displays trips that are not complete.

Resolved issues

Access to the side menu

  • TTESUITE-202136
    You could use the side menu before the app was activated. Now, the side menu is not active until you activate the app.

    • You cannot see the side menu on phones and some tablets.

    • On some tablets, you can see the menu but cannot use it.

Days Of History setting

  • TTESUITE-21080
    The Days Of History setting did not work right.

    Now, completed trips delete according to the Days Of History setting. If you set Days Of History to zero, completed schedules delete when a new schedule is received.

Issues specific to TruckMate users

  • TTESUITE-202363
    In the Tabbed view, the pending schedule count did not update correctly. This happened when a load was rejected.

  • TTESUITE-203116
    Some users saw these issues:

    • Errors occurred when submitting paperwork.

    • The paperclip for trip paperwork was sometimes missing.

Loading message

  • The "Loading" message sometimes did not go away. You had to exit the app. Now, there is a message box at the bottom of the screen. You can see pages as they load above the box. Any error message displays in that box. If there is an error, close the box to return to the screen.

Session time-out errors

  • You were logged out of your TID account about every hour and after closing the app. You now stay logged in for up to nine days.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 MB

256 MB

Available space

250 MB

100 MB

Additional requirements:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android OS users only)

  • Built-in camera

  • Built-in flashlight

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-202486
    We fixed an issue in which the Container check digit was wrong in some cases.

  • TTESUITE-202487
    We fixed an issue with the Auto Departure feature. Some tasks were disabled that should not have been.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 MB

256 MB

Available space

250 MB

100 MB

Additional requirements:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android OS users only)

  • Built-in camera

  • Built-in flashlight


Improved telemetry diagnostics (TTESUITE-201703, TTESUITE-201717)

Trimble improved the telemetry diagnostics that control automatic actions. For example, automatic stops and log-outs.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-201718
    For iOS users, an Auto Arrive event moved the app to the background. The app seemed to fail.

  • TTESUITE-201834
    For Android OS users, Auto Arrive events were sometimes wrong. Now, Auto Arrive only happens if the vehicle speed stays under 5 mph for 2 minutes.

  • TTESUITE-202057
    The container check validation sometimes failed. The eleventh digit was wrong.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 MB

256 MB

Available space

250 MB

100 MB

Additional requirements include:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android iOS users only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Enforcing a minimum container number length (TTESUITE-201331)

If a container number is required, you now have the option to enforce the length of the value in the Container Number field. You can choose 10 or 11 characters.

If a container number is not required, the Container Number field can accept values of 10 or 11 characters.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-200813
    A foreground service issue caused D2Link to crash.

  • TTESUITE-201019
    "Stop Detection Duration" did not work.

  • TTESUITE-201221, TTESUITE-201535
    The schedule summary remained when the schedule was deleted.

  • TTESUITE-201283
    The Tasks tab was locked out when an auto departure occurred.

  • TTESUITE-201467
    D2Link customers could not log in with a Trimble ID from a device using iOS 12.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 Mb

256 Mb

Available space

250 Mb

100 Mb

Additional requirements include:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Telemetry data collection (TTESUITE-21009)

Now, D2Link captures diagnostic and application metadata. This information makes it easier for our support and development teams to respond to reported issues.

On the More page, users can opt in or out of any category. By default, all categories are set to opt in.

Metadata review is available upon request.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-200377
    Tablet users encountered alignment issues when capturing document scans through Mobile Imaging.

  • TTESUITE-200878
    For some Android users, D2Link crashed unexpectedly.

  • TTESUITE-200741
    Arrival and departure times sent from D2Link did not reflect the correct time zone in TruckMate.

  • TTESUITE-201018
    When D2Link was running in the background, it did not receive or log position data.

    To ensure that data is received and logged correctly, users should follow these guidelines:

    • When first activating D2Link, set location services to Always Allow.

    • If Google or Apple asks to continue to allow D2Link to capture location data, select Yes (continue).

    • If the device is locked or in sleep mode, location data slowdown may occur. If this happens, unlock the device and ensure that D2Link is running in the foreground or the background.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 Mb

256 Mb

Available space

250 Mb

100 Mb

Additional requirements include:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Access to missing paperwork while offline (TTESUITE-21158)

Now, you can access missing paperwork while offline to capture document images. D2Link stores images and forwards them when you are online again.

To use this feature:

  • You must use Trimble Identity (TID) authentication to log in.

  • D2Link must have enough time (typically about a minute) to sync to your imaging database before you go offline.

Clear/Cancel confirmation added (TTESUITE-21377)

Previously, tapping Clear or Cancel caused D2Link to complete the selected action immediately. This made it easier to clear or cancel a form accidentally.

Now, when you tap Clear or Cancel, a message appears that allows you to confirm the selected action before it is completed.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-20802
    Images captured within a form were rotated 90 degrees.

  • TTESUITE-21324
    After completing a stop using auto-depart, the Arrival button on the next stop was not enabled.

  • TTESUITE-21388
    On some devices, D2Link was unable to locate or transmit pictures that were captured within a form.

  • TTESUITE-200186
    If a connection problem occurred while logging into D2Link with TID, a persistent "loading information" message appeared.

  • TTESUITE-200544
    If network connection was lost while D2Link was attempting to sync to the imaging database, a persistent "syncing with imaging" message appeared.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 Mb

256 Mb

Available space

250 Mb

100 Mb

Additional requirements include:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Improved paperwork performance (TTESUITE-200364)

Previously, when using D2Link with the Trimble ID (TID) and mobile imaging, issues were encountered during the paperwork process. The app would freeze or slow down, and documents sent directly from a form were not received.

Now, if a user is logged in with TID, D2Link allows for offline document capture when scanning from within a form. It stores the document and delivers it when a connection is reestablished.

"Click to View" functionality added (TTESUITE-21111)

If a user has a form that requires barcode scanning of freight bills, tapping Click to View allows them to view the item list before sending the form.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-21337
    Images taken on iOS devices were not stored on TotalMail in their original orientation.

  • TTESUITE-200367
    If the app was running, the device was in sleep or locked mode, and many alerts and/or pop-ups appeared during that time, performance degradation occurred. In addition, the user could not access the app without dismissing all alerts and/or pop-ups.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 Mb

256 Mb

Available space

250 Mb

100 Mb

Additional requirements include:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


There are no enhancements in this release.

Resolved issues

  • TTESUITE-21084
    When you viewed the Schedules menu, you did not see the number of schedules. This fix adds the count of schedules. If no schedules are present, the count will be zero. The count is updated as changes occur and schedules are added or removed.

  • TTESUITE-21146
    In the TotalMail forms design, there is an option to add an XML tag <br/> to indicate that the next text should start on the next line. This tag was visible for some users. This fix removes the XML tag from the display in the stops detail.

  • TTESUITE-21261
    When a schedule is removed, either manually or automatically because it is completed, the stops are removed. The schedule summary remained. Now, the entire schedule, including the summary, is removed.

  • TTESUITE-21276
    For customers with form sets that allow the driver to send a change in destination, the change was not updating in TMWSuite. This fix allows the driver to send the change and have it reflected in the Operating system. Applies to form sets with the change destination option.

  • TTESUITE-21299
    In the TotalMail forms design, there is an option to add an XML tag @display@ to indicate that only the following text should be displayed. This tag was visible for some users. This fix removes the XML tag from the display in the Stops detail.

  • TTESUITE-21323
    If you are not using CoPilot as a navigation app, when viewing a stop from a schedule, D2Link displays the Compass button. Tapping it opens Google Maps. This fix ensures the address for the stop is auto populated so the user can view turn-by-turn directions.

  • TTESUITE-21352
    When capturing a document in portrait mode, if the user changes to landscape mode after capturing the picture, the picture frame did not resize properly. It did not fill the screen. This fix ensures that the window is not resized when the device is rotated.

  • TTESUITE-21378
    With TotalMail (TMWSuite) or CommMrg (TruckMate) forms that have document capture embedded within the form, sending and receiving TotalMail messages were disrupted. This happened if the document was delayed in processing or if the device lost a strong network connection. Messages were queued in the out box, but were not processed when the connection was reestablished. The only recourse was to uninstall and reinstall the app. With this fix, if this issue occurs, the user can restart the app to release the outbox messages and reestablish communication between TotalMail/CommMgr.

  • TTESUITE-21436
    When accessing missing paperwork using the Paperclip icon on the Schedule Details page, users could not select a document type. The drop-down list was blank. This fix restores the ability to select the document type.

  • TTESUITE-21481
    Users logging into D2Link receive a “retry validation” message and then the app crashes. Users cannot log in. This fix removes the issue that was causing the crash to allow users to login.


Software or Hardware Recommended Version or Amount Minimum Version or Amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D²Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 MB

256 MB

Available space

250 MB

100 MB

Additional requirements:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Trimble Identity (TID) version 4.0 release

The Trimble Identity authentication process has been updated for all Trimble Enterprise mobile applications, including D2Link.

In general, this update involves changes to the login process and the minimum password requirements.

This fact sheet contains more information about TID 4.0.


Software/Hardware Recommended version/amount Minimum version/amount

Android OS

10.0 or later

8.0 or later


13.0 or later

12.0 or later

D2Link host or later or later


2020.4 or later

2020.4 or later

TMW.Suite Enterprise

2020.4 or later

2018.4 or later



9006 or later


19.4 or later

19.4 or later


512 MB

256 MB

Available space

250 MB

100 MB

Additional requirements:

  • Access to Google Play Services (Android only)

  • Built-in flashlight


Improved geofencing accuracy for auto-arrive and auto-depart (TME-1882)

Carriers now have two options:

  • A motion-based system. This works best for LTL-type shipments, when you need geofencing for multiple locations at the same time.

  • A distance-based system. Geofencing takes place for one stop at a time. D2Link uses distance calculations to determine arrivals and departures.

Improved performance when the device has lost network connection (TME-2107)

During periods of connection loss:

  • Drivers can now bypass the login process.

  • The Missing Paperwork page is unavailable.

  • Drivers can test the network connection with a new diagnostic feature, available on the About page. With it, they can also test the API endpoint used to send scanned images.

Now, when you install D2Link for the first time, a message appears requesting access to the device’s location even when D2Link is not in use. This access ensures that trips are updated in real time regardless of the app’s state. You can accept or reject the request.

Resolved issues

  • TME-1604
    Android users were not receiving arrival or departure notifications.

  • TME-1683
    When printed, the font size on forward forms was too small.

  • TME-1759
    The CoPilot Partner ID field has been restored to the launch page. The field is used to connect the device to the correct company to manage devices from the CoPilot web portal.

  • TME-1879
    Users could click Send repeatedly, causing duplicate messages.

  • TME-1902
    Notifications appeared minutes before a new message or schedule appeared in the app.

  • TME-1910
    The Load Offer’s appointment number did not appear in the trip schedule.

  • TME-1930
    The Exit option was removed from the side menu.

  • TME-1932
    When printing a sent form from the TOGS device, populated fields were not printing.

  • TME-1974
    After initial activation, the app would close after launching. This happened several times, after which it became stable and would stay open after launching.

  • TME-1982
    A @DELETE@ message appeared inadvertently in the stop schedule.

  • TME-2112
    The trip status bar on the Schedules page was not appearing.

  • TME-2147
    For setups involving auto-arrival, auto-departure, and a required departure form: If a manual arrival took place and the device was outside of the geofence, the auto-departure process would begin immediately even though the departure form had not been completed. In addition, users could not access the departure form to complete it.

  • TME-2149
    Schedule cards "flashed" when navigating to a tab. This occurred in both tabbed and classic schedule views.

  • TME-2150
    Resolved the following issues:

    • D2Link messages are arriving out of order

    • Messages are being duplicated (both in the sent box and in TotalMail/ CommManager)

    • Messages are stuck in the outbox

  • TME-2184
    The auto-departure process began immediately after the auto-arrival process was completed.

  • TME-2212
    Auto arrival occurred on a canceled load.

  • TME-2235
    D2Link does not delete images from the device after a form is sent, cancelled, or deleted, causing images to fail to upload with a form.

  • TME-2257
    When multiple trips appeared on the Schedules screen, selecting Arrive at a stop on the second trip marked the first trip as Active.

  • TME-2272
    When re-sending a schedule using the ItemList LTL features, items were duplicated.

  • TME-2448
    Missing data prevented stops from being updated correctly in TMWSuite and TruckMate databases.


  • iOS version 9.0 or later

  • Android version 6.0 or later

  • D2Link Host version or later

  • Device must have access to Google Play Services (Android only)


To validate your D2Link Host minimum version, you must have a valid connection to the host. In previous versions, the process would stop if your connection was not at the required strength. Now, if it is not sufficient, you are notified that you cannot complete the activation process.

The Trimble Privacy link has been added to the About page. When you tap the link, the Privacy Policy page opens in a web browser.

Resolved issues

  • TME-1671
    When DeliverToName in the settings are addressed to ALL, changes to settings on a host should be synced to all Android devices for the customer automatically. The system was applying them only the first time each device connected to the host. This is contrary to how new forms and form updates are synced every time each device connects to the host. The mcGetMessagesForDevice stored procedure was returning only forms based on the account ID. It did not return any settings changes. Now, any settings changes sent to ALL should be updated on all devices. This will happen the first time the settings are sent or when they are updated.

  • TME-1693
    New schedules sent to the device did not appear.

  • TME-1768
    After logging into D2Link, if you had it running in the background for 24 hours, you lost access to it. Restarting the app produced a 403 Forbidden error. The app access request was not authorized. You could not use the app. This happened if you logged in with TID. The login token is active for only 24 hours. Logging in after that, you received the error.

  • TME-1819
    The first time you activated the app, the About page incorrectly showed the copyright date as 2019.


  • iOS version 9.0 or later

  • Android version 6.0 or later

  • D2Link Host version or later

  • Device must have access to Google Play Services (Android only)



Validating minimum system requirements (TME-1659)

When you activate the application, it checks to make sure your company’s systems meet the minimum requirements. If the validation fails, the application is not started.

The application uses your device’s phone number as the MCID. Once the activation process has validated that your company’s systems meet the minimum requirements, a message opens. It requests your consent to use your phone number as the MCID. You can:

  • Tap Yes to accept the use of the phone number as the MCID and continue the activation process.

  • Tap No to reject the use of the phone number as the MCID and return to the activation screen.


Geofencing radius logic updated (TME-1667)

Before, trips sent as a schedule from TotalMail had auto arrive/depart issues if the geofence radius was 0 (zero) and the depart radius was a value other than 0 (zero). Now, the system no longer disables the geofencing.


Forcing an image capture (TME-1607)

In earlier versions, you could not capture an image without waiting for the camera to steady. Now, you can force the system to capture the image.

Resolved issues

  • TME-1157
    TASKS were ignored in the Schedules screen even though the Data - Reply Form was checked in D2link Stop Profile

  • TME-1333
    Accept Load Offer screen was not showing separate Y and N radio buttons for Accept Load.

  • TME-1602
    Missing Paperwork was not capturing picture for trip that had multiple orders.

  • TME-1606
    Missing Paperwork was ignoring the Grayscale setting. All images were in grayscale.

  • TME-1613
    D2Link 3.0 login fails.

  • TME-1638
    Geofencing was auto arriving the third stop instead of departing the first stop. It was ignoring the Sequential Stops setting.

  • TME-1648
    Missing Paperwork call to Transportation API caused an exception. The Transportation API was not able to retrieve the trip and freight information.

  • TME-1652
    In landscape mode, the screen incorrectly split when interacting with a form.

  • TME-1657
    After arriving at stop, if you went to a different screen in the app and then went back to the stops, the tasks should still be available to complete. Note: The Tasks button is meant for tracking freight bills/orders. If freight bills/orders are not available, you can only click Tasks once.

  • TME-1668
    Auto Arrive/Depart activity did not always show in the driver’s sent box.

  • TME-1671
    When DeliverToName settings are addressed to ALL, settings changes, new forms, and form updates should be synced automatically. The syncing should happen every time each device connects to the host. Instead, the changes were applied only the first time each device connected to the host.

  • TME-1675
    System was not prompting for a password when user accessed Settings.

  • TME-1676
    Cascading forms were not working with multiple Live Load events on an order.

  • TME-1722
    D2Link Host’s clean up stored procedure was deleting form definitions incorrectly.



Mobile device operating system

  • Android OS 6.0 or later

  • iOS 9.0 or later


  • Mobile network connection capable of transmitting data

  • Wi-Fi connection


The following new features, improvements, and optimizations are included in this release:

Show stops within the map screen (TME-34)

All stops for a load are now displayed within the Map screen. You can tap each stop to view more information, or to open the stop’s location in your device’s navigation application.

Integration with GEOtrac for auto-populating fields (TME-499, TME-561, TME-862)

D2Link can now auto-populate these form fields using data retrieved from a GEOtrac device:

  • DriverId

  • VehicleId

  • EngineOdometer

  • EngineHours

  • Latitude

  • Longitude

To use this feature, your form fields must use the field names shown above.

Bypass QR code requirement for D2Link host configuration (TME-527)

Previously, you had to scan a QR code to configure D2Link’s connection to a host.

Now, you can manually configure the host connection by tapping Activate Manually on the home screen instead of Scan QR Code to Activate.

Mobile imaging integration with Loads workflow (TME-594)

Trimble Mobile Imaging is now supported by D2Link forms with image fields. You can use these features to upload pictures to your imaging system from a mobile device.

You must own the Mobile Imaging license and be logged in with your Trimble ID to use this feature.

Hide TID login when not licensed for TID features (TME-595)

Previously, D2Link displayed the Trimble ID login for all users. However, logging in was only necessary for licensed features like mobile imaging.

Now, you can set up D2Link to hide the TID login and associated features using the Enable Trimble Login setting. This can be set on the device itself or pushed to multiple devices at once through the D2Link database.

Integration with CoPilot sends the current vehicle ID (TME-955)

D2Link now sends a user’s vehicle ID to the CoPilot FleetPortal. This allows drivers to use a routing profile for the specific truck they are currently driving.

Print forms in a condensed format (TME-1269)

Previously, printouts of D2Link forms could be long and difficult to read when using certain mobile printers.

Now, you can adjust print formatting using the Condense Print Format setting. When this setting is activated, you can also adjust the font size with the Form Printing Font setting.

Populate return forms with D2Link settings data (TME-1316)

When drivers send a return form with PartnerId or VehicleId fields, those fields are populated using their respective values in D2Link’s application settings. Return forms with a TruckId field are populated with the Vehicle ID value.

Set Partner ID remotely (TME-1315)

The Partner ID setting in the D2Link application can be set remotely using D2Link Host.


Remember flash preference for document capture (TME-1168)

When you enable or disable flash during document capture, your choice is saved.

When opening the Document Capture screen again, flash will be set to your most recent choice.

Limit location recordings in the background (TME-1181, TME-1266)

Your location is no longer recorded when both of these conditions are true:

  1. The vehicle is stationary

  2. D2Link is running in the background

This change increases battery life by limiting unnecessary GPS use.