The Options > Configuration window

Settings in the Configuration folder affect the appearance of windows in the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility.

The following describes the settings available in the Configuration folder’s content pane.

  • Save list preferences Saves the appearance of TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility views (column sizes, colors, etc.) when the utility is closed.

  • Restore list preferences Restores the appearance of TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility views (column sizes, colors, etc.) when the Utility program is opened.

  • Save and restore window state Controls whether the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility will open in the same window state as it was in when it was last closed. For example, maximized or partial screen.

  • Cascade window properties Controls Properties windows in the Resources and Groups categories appear directly on top of the main TotalMail 2000 Configuration Utility window.

  • Find as you type Controls the ability to find an item in a resource area by selecting the grid and typing the first few characters of its name.