Overview of the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application

This application is for TotalMail® dispatchers. The TotalMail 2000 Viewer is the main application of the two applications that you will regularly use with the TotalMail system to complete your work.

What it is

The TotalMail 2000 Viewer application is similar to an email application, but it has features specifically for TotalMail dispatchers. You must be authorized to access the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application.

Similarities with email applications

The TotalMail 2000 Viewer application has many things in common with email applications, including:

  • Inboxes and outboxes

  • Folders and subfolders for specific types of messages

  • You can use it to send and receive messages

  • When sending a message, you can use an address book, called the TotalMail Global Address Book, to choose who to send messages to.

  • …​ and more.

Differences from other email applications

The TotalMail 2000 Viewer application differs from traditional email applications in many ways.

It has many folders with inboxes and outboxes for specific purposes. For example:

  • You share some folders with all dispatchers in your dispatch group.

  • Some folders relate to assets and may contain historical information, current position reports, reports from the driver’s device in the tractor, transactions, and more.

  • Special columns on the main page apply to you, such as Dispatch Group, Truck Time Zone, and more.

How it is set up

Before you received your computer, Trimble installed TotalMail 2000 Viewer and other apps and utilities, along with TotalMail. They fully customized everything for your company’s unique needs.

Now, you can further personalize TotalMail 2000 Viewer to suit your needs. You can:

  • Create new folders, subfolders, …​
    Note: Do not change the existing folder names, however.

  • Change the column widths to best see the data you want.

  • Sort the contents based on a column to easily find what you need.

  • And much more.

Many TotalMail features can be turned on as-needed. If you don’t see a feature described here, contact your TotalMail system administrator.