The Options > Security window

Use the Security folder to assign passwords for many administrative tasks.

Passwords in the Security folder do not allow access to the TotalMail 2000 Viewer. To allow a dispatcher or other user access to the TotalMail 2000 Viewer, create a TotalMail ID in the Logins folder.
When TotalMail is first installed, no passwords are assigned to any task listed in the Security folder. To make sure that only authorized users perform these tasks, Trimble strongly recommends that you use a separate password for each task.

You can set up these passwords in the Security folder’s content pane.

Full Configuration password

Allows the user full access to all options in the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility.
Important: Only system administrators should have access to this password.

MCU Edit Configuration Password

Opens the Trucks folder in the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility, and allows the user to change the MCT assigned to a truck.

Truck and Group Defs Password

Allows the user to access only the Trucks and Member folders in the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility, and allows the user to modify truck and member group resources only.

Non-Mobile Comm Group Defs Password

Opens the Member folder of the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility, and allows the user to modify member group resources only.

Truck Dispatch Group Password

Opens the Trucks folder in the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility, and allows the user to change a truck’s assigned dispatch group only.

Form Definition Password

Allows the user to edit Form Definitions in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer. Only system administrators should have access to this password. This password does not provide any access to the TotalMail 2000 Configuration utility.

To assign or change an administrative password

Administrative tasks include creating form definitions, adding and editing mobile communications units, and more.

Follow this procedure to add or change an administrative password:

  1. In the folder list, select the Security folder.

  2. In the Contents pane, select the password field for the administrative task.

  3. Enter a new password for the administrative task.

  4. Select Apply to save your changes.