Sign in and work with passwords for the TotalMail application

For general information about TotalMail® IDs and passwords, see The Dispatcher’s Guide to TotalMail® Fundamentals.

The admin sign in ID

The admin sign in ID is a special account used by TotalMail system administrators. This ID has access to features not available to other TotalMail IDs.

The admin and the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application

The admin account has access to messages anywhere in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer system. This includes: folders for all dispatcher sign in IDs, tractors, drivers, MCT/MCU devices, dispatch groups, and TotalMail agents.


  • When you open the TotalMail 2000 Viewer, it takes longer to load for you than for typical administrators. This is because your account loads all folders, not just those available to TotalMail dispatchers.

  • TotalMail sends all TotalMail 2000 Viewer error messages that do not clearly belong to a dispatcher folder to your admin account.

Failed check call transfers are in your Admin InBox in TotalMail 2000 Viewer. Monitor this Admin account periodically and review the errors that were not reported to dispatchers.