Set up databases

The first time a user signs in to the TotalMail system, the database connection saves that information to the client Windows registry. Users do not need to enter all of their information each time they sign in.

If you run the TotalMail application in a Citrix or Terminal Server environment, the settings are not saved when a user logs off. Each user must re-enter the database settings when logging into TotalMail.

You can solve this problem by creating two configuration files:

  • One to control settings for your TotalMail database connections

  • One to control settings for your TMWSuite® database connections

Most TotalMail systems combine the TotalMail and TMWSuite databases. If you use two databases, you need a separate configuration settings file for your TMWSuite database.

Use the procedures below to view your current database connection settings and to save database connection settings to the TotalMail and TMWSuite databases.

View current connections to the TotalMail database

To view the database connection settings in the Windows registry, follow these steps:

  1. Select Start in the Windows taskbar.

  2. In the command prompt, type REGEDIT.

  3. Press ENTER. The Registry Editor window opens.

  4. Open the Settings folder here:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\TotlMail\Settings

    The Settings folder contains the information from the Database Settings window.

    Your connection information must be set up properly before you can connect to the database successfully.

Open Database Settings

  1. In the TotalMail 2000 Viewer login window, select the Setup tab.

  2. Select Connection.

  3. In the Database Settings window, verify the information.

When you enter database settings, if you do not enter the username and password, then TotalMail uses Windows authentication to connect to the database. You must provide the server name and the database name.

Save connections to the TotalMail and TMWSuite databases

When you are running in a Citrix or Terminal Server environment, TotalMail cannot access connection information stored in the Windows Registry. To ensure that the connection information is available, you use two INI files to tell TotalMail applications where to look for TMWSuite information. The settings in each file are used for all users within TotalMail. Each configuration file is an ASCII text file commonly called a G-INI file.

The GTotlmail.ini configuration file and the GPSXact.ini configuration file go in the TotalMail program folder. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\TMW Systems, Inc{app-name}.

GTotlmail.ini configuration file

The GTotlmail.ini file tells TotalMail applications where to look for TotalMail information. The file includes two sections, [Settings] and [Transaction].

The settings that belong in the [Settings] and [Transaction] sections are listed below:

UserID [Transaction]

Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, TotalMail


Enter the name of the Server and SQL Server instance:

  • For unified database setup: Identifies the server containing your TMWSuite database

  • For split database setup: Identifies the server containing your TotalMail database


Enter the name of your database:

  • For unified database setup: Identifies your TMWSuite database

  • For split database setup: Identifies your TotalMail database


Enter the SQL Server administrator’s user ID.


Enter the encrypted version of the SQL Server administrator’s password.


Enter the name of the server where the transaction agent is located.

GPSXact.ini configuration file

The GPSXact.ini file tells TotalMail applications where to look for TMWSuite information. A list of required settings for the GPSXact.ini file is provided below.

In this file, you make all entries in the [Settings] section.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations, TotalMail


This identifies TMWSuite database information.


Enter the name of the Server and SQL Server instance where your TMWSuite database is located.


Enter the name of your TMWSuite database.


Enter the SQL Server LV647IQOPPCFM user ID.


Enter the encrypted version of the SQL Server administrator’s password.