Your TotalMail system ID and password

This section describes the sign-in ID, or TotalMail® system ID, and password that you need for access to TotalMail® systems.

As you learned in The TotalMail® Basics Guide, TotalMail is a system of applications, computers, databases, and devices that all work together. You can access the parts of the system that you have authorization to use.

Your system ID

You and all TotalMail system users have an assigned, unique system ID. Your system ID links everything that you do in the TotalMail applications and the TMWSuite® system. This allows you to communicate and work with other dispatchers, drivers, and groups.

Your password

You also have a password. You need your password and system ID to access the TotalMail system.

Your first password

The first time you access the TotalMail system, your system administrator or someone else at your company gives you a temporary password.

Trimble strongly recommends that you immediately change the temporary password that you received with your system ID to something memorable to you.
  • If you did not receive a TotalMail system ID and default password, ask your manager.

  • If your TotalMail system ID or password does not work, or if you have another problem when you sign in, then:

    1. Ask your manager.

    2. If your manager cannot help you, then contact your company’s TotalMail system administrator.

Change your password in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application

To change your password in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application:

  1. Sign in to the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application using your current system ID and password.

  2. On the main screen, select Tools > Change Password.

  3. In the Old Password box on the reset password dialog, enter your current password.

  4. In the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes, enter a new password that is easy to remember but hard for others to guess.

  5. Select OK to make the change.

Delete the saved password

You might want to delete the saved password if multiple people use the same computer.

To delete the saved password in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application:

There is no confirmation box that this change is made. Make sure that you want to delete the saved password before following these steps.
  1. Sign in to the TotalMail 2000 Viewer application using your current system ID and password.

  2. On the main screen, select Tools > Clear Stored Password.

The saved password is deleted and the Tools menu does not show the Clear Stored Password option.