The Options > Messages window

Settings in the Messages folder affect general message properties.

The content pane of the Messages folder has several sections. The top section contains one setting that affects the warning message TotalMail displays when an agent is not available.

Text to display in TotalMail 2000 Viewer when agents appear to be down

When an agent is not available, the text entered in this field displays in the TotalMail System Warning message window of the TotalMail 2000 Viewer.

Only TotalMail agents configured to display a warning message when down display this warning.

The settings in the Message Settings section affect the use of each login ID’s Inbox in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer.

Reply from truck goes to dispatch group

By default, a reply sent from a truck is sent to the sender of the original message. Select to specify that replies be sent to the truck’s dispatch group.

Set auto reply when creating a message inTotalMail 2000 Viewer

Add the Auto Reply submenu to the Options menu of a form or text message created in the TotalMail 2000 Viewer. This allows you to specify a default form and message priority to be used when replying to the message currently being composed.

This option is not supported by all mobile communications vendors.

Take ownership upon reading message

By default, incoming messages from a truck are delivered to the inbox of the dispatch group assigned to monitor the truck that sent the message.

If you select the checkbox, TotalMail moves messages from dispatch group inboxes to the inbox of the dispatcher who reads it. Once the message is moved, no other members of the dispatch group will see the message once they have refreshed their inboxes.

When the checkbox is cleared, any message a dispatcher reads in a dispatch group’s inbox will remain in that group’s inbox.

You must double-click a message to mark it Read. Simply looking at a message in the preview window will not mark it Read or allow you to take ownership.

The settings in the Text Message Settings section set the default values for new message properties.


Specify the default priority for outgoing text messages. The options are:

  • Low

  • med

  • high

  • panic

These priorities are internal to TotalMail and must be mapped to the mobile communications vendor’s priorities, which is done in either the Omnitracs agent or the Generic Poller.

The default priority for form messages is set within each form’s definition.


Specify the default receipt request for outgoing text messages. The options are:

  • Note Delivery Applicable when the message is sent to the mobile communications vendor, this setting changes the message status to Sent.

  • Note Delivery/Read Applicable when the message is sent to the mobile communications vendor, this setting changes the message status to Sent when the message is sent. The status changes to Read when the driver presses Read Next on the MCT. The Date Read field in the Additional Information window is also set to the date/time the message was read.

    Not all mobile communications vendors support all receipt types.

    The default receipt request for form messages is set within each form’s definition.

The settings in the Use Text Message Processing Forms section only become available if you select the checkbox at the top of the section.

Use Text Message Processing Forms

Use form processing for text messages. When this feature is selected, processing options usually only available to form messages can also be applied to text messages.

Inbound Form ID

Specify the form that is used to process inbound text messages.

This field is only available if the Use Text Message Processing Forms checkbox has been selected.

Outbound Form ID

Specify the form that is used to process outbound text messages.

This field is only available if the Use Text Message Processing Forms checkbox has been selected.