Viewing archived ACE messages

When you send or receive a message concerning an eManifest, the system archives a copy of the message with other eManifest data. These messages can be reviewed in the eManifest window.

  1. With the order or movement displayed in eManifest, select Archived Messages.


    The message data grid displays a list of archived messages.




    Note: Fields in this section of the window are read-only. They are retrieved from the TMW eManifest archive data table.



    355 Status

    Status of the 355 Accept/Reject Notification message received from the border protection agency

    355 Status Date

    Date of the 355 Accept/Reject Notification message received from the border protection agency

    355 Rejection Code

    Reason (code) for the 355 Accept/Reject Notification message received from the border protection agency

    997 Status

    Status of the 997 Functional Acknowledgement message received from the border protection agency

    All fields below reflect response data from customs agency via 997 or 355.

    997 Status Date

    Date of the 997 Functional Acknowledgement message received from the border protection agency


    Reason (code) for the 997 Functional Acknowledgement message received from the border protection agency


    Sequence of the document in the outbound batch


    Record ID

    Message Type

    Numeric type of ACE or ACI message (309, 358, etc.)

    Batch #

    Outbound document batch number

    Create Date

    When the message was created and sent to the border protection agency

    Created by

    Login ID of the individual who created the message

    Header Data

    Message type, source, destination, date, and time of the message

    To view the entire message, resize the column or position the cursor over the field.

    Message Context

    Displays the eManifest type (ACE or ACI)


    Unique movement number associated with the order.

    SCN Number

    Primary shipment ID for document

  2. In the message data grid, double-click the message you want to review.
    The ACE Archive Detail Listing window opens.


  3. Review the message as needed.

  4. To close the window, click image4 in the upper right corner of the window.