Specifying passengers on a movement

To comply with customs regulations, all passengers aboard a tractor must be identified. You can add or delete a passenger associated with a movement from within the Trip Folder, or from within eManifest. Where you do so is a matter of convenience.

  1. On an eManifest, a passenger is considered to be anyone not assigned as the Person in Charge or a Crew Member.

  2. A company driver who has no official role on the trip as Person in Charge or Crew Member should be assigned as a passenger.

  3. If FAST lanes will be used at the border crossing, all personnel on board, including passengers, must have a valid FAST ID. You can record an ACE ID or FAST ID in a passenger’s profile.

Adding a passenger to a movement


  1. Open the trip in the Trip Folder.

  2. Go to Dispatch > Add Passenger/s to Movement.
    The Passengers Associated with Move window opens.

    The window is shown here with a passenger recorded.


  3. Click Insert.

  4. In the Passenger Identity field, enter the ID of the passenger you want to add to the movement.

  5. Save your changes and close the window.

TMW Operations

  1. Open the trip in the Trip Folder.

  2. Go to Edit > Add Passenger/s to Movement.
    The Assign Passengers To Move window opens.

    The window is shown here with a passenger recorded.


  3. Click Add Passenger.
    A row displaying UNKNOWN in the Passenger Identity field appears at the end of the list.


  4. In the Passenger Identity field, enter the ID of the passenger you want to add to the movement.

  5. Save your changes and close the window.

Deleting a passenger from a movement


  1. Open the trip in the Trip Folder.

  2. Go to Dispatch > Add Passenger/s to Movement.
    The Passengers Associated with Move window opens.

  3. Select the passenger you want to remove from the movement.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. A confirmation message appears.

  6. Click Yes.

  7. Save your changes and close the window.

TMW Operations

  1. Open the trip in the Trip Folder.

  2. Go to Edit > Add Passenger/s to Movement.
    The Assign Passengers To Move window opens.

  3. Click Remove Passenger.
    A confirmation message appears.

  4. Click Yes.

  5. Save your changes and close the window.