Company profiles

Three types of companies must appear on an eManifest:

  • Shipper

  • Consignee

  • Border crossing (port) location

Each company profile requires the following information:

  • Company name, address, city, state, and country

  • Name, phone number(s), and fax number for a company contact person

  • If the company is a border crossing location, a port location code in the Alt ID field

  • ACE ID that will be used on eManifest documents

You can also use a company profile to represent a customs broker.

Creating an ACE/ACI compliant company profile

The profile of a company assigned to ACE or ACI trips requires the following information:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Contact information

  • Company type

  • Port location code (for border crossing locations)

  • ACE Compliance information

Creating the company profile in TMWSuite

To create an ACE/ACI compliant company profile in TMWSuite File Maintenance, follow these steps:

  1. In Company File Maintenance, do one of the following:

    • To create a new company profile, click image1 New.

    • To edit an existing company profile, enter the company ID in the Company field, and click image2 Open.

  2. In the company profile, make the following entries.


    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    Name *

    Name of the company

    A maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

    Address *

    Three lines used to record the street address for the company

    A maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters is allowed in each line.

    City, State *

    City and state/province location of the company

    Zip *

    Five-digit or nine-digit ZIP or postal code for the city

    Country *

    Country in which the company is located

    Enter the two-character ISO country code for the country. For ISO country codes, visit:

    Alt ID

    If the company is a border crossing location, enter the port code of the city. For details, see Designating a company as a border crossing location.

    Main *

    Primary telephone number at which the company can be reached

    Ext *

    Extension numbers for the company’s primary phone number

    Fax *

    Fax number for the company


    Person at the company who can be contacted in case of emergency


    Select each checkbox that applies to the company.

  3. To enter ACE Compliance information for the company, click image4 at the bottom of the window.
    The Additional Details window opens.

  4. Scroll to the ACE Compliance section.


  5. Make the following entries.

    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    ACE Type ID *

    Select the appropriate ID type from the drop-down list. The default options are:

    • Broker Filer Code
      ID provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, this 7- or 9-digit code identifies the broker on the CBP side in order to route data appropriately between systems once the EDI message has been processed by CBP. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Duns Number
      Unique nine-digit number, issued by Dun &Bradstreet

      Duns numbers are assigned to each business location. Each has a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose of identifying them. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Fed. Taxpayer ID
      The Employer Identification Number (EIN) used to identify your business entity.This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • FIRMS Code
      A four-digit alpha-numeric identifier assigned by US Customs

      FIRMS codes are used when communicating with a US Customs Port of Entry. They are required on import paperwork, inbond transit orders, and other Customs documents. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Customs Assigned #
      Importer ID number assigned by the Customs and Border Protection

      If you do not have an IRS business tax number, you can request an importer number from the CBP. This ID is applicable only to companies.


    Note: These options are system code entries recorded in the AceIDtype label. They are the only options accepted by ACE and ACI. Any other options your company may have added will be ignored by eManifest.

    ACE ID *

    Enter the identification number for the type specified in the ACE Type ID field.

  6. Click image4 to close the window.

  7. Click image6 Save.

Creating the company profile in TMW Operations

To create an ACE/ACI compliant company profile in the TMW Operations Company Profile window, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Tools > Profiles > Company Profile.
    The Company Profile window opens.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To create a new company profile, click image7 New.

    • To edit an existing company profile, enter the company ID in the Company ID field, and click image8 Open.

  3. On the Information tab, make the following entries.


    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    Company Name *

    Name of the company

    A maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

    Alt ID

    If the company is a border crossing location, enter the port code of the city. For details, see Designating a company as a border crossing location.


    Address 1-3 *

    Two lines used to record the street address for the company

    A maximum of 100 alphanumeric characters is allowed in each line.

    City, State *

    City and state/province location of the company

    Country *

    Country in which the company is located

    Enter the two-character ISO country code for the country. For ISO country codes, visit:

    Zip *

    Five-digit or nine-digit ZIP or postal code for the city

    Contact Information

    Contact Name

    Person at the company who can be contacted in case of emergency

    Phone 1 *

    Primary telephone number at which the company can be reached

    Phone 2 *

    Extension numbers for the company’s primary phone number

    Fax *

    Fax number for the company


    Select each checkbox that applies to the company.

  4. Click the Stop Info/Routing tab.

  5. In the Ace Compliance section, make the following entries.


    Required field: *

    Field Definition

    ACE ID Type *

    Select the appropriate ID type from the drop-down list. The default options are:

    • Broker Filer Code
      ID provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, this 7- or 9-digit code identifies the broker on the CBP side in order to route data appropriately between systems once the EDI message has been processed by CBP. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Duns Number
      Unique nine-digit number, issued by Dun &Bradstreet

      Duns numbers are assigned to each business location, having a unique, separate, and distinct operation for the purpose of identifying them. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Fed. Taxpayer ID
      The Employer Identification Number (EIN) used to identify your business entity.This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • FIRMS Code
      A four-digit alpha-numeric identifier assigned by US Customs

      FIRMS codes are used when communicating with a US Customs Port of Entry. They are required on import paperwork, inbond transit orders, and other Customs documents. This ID is applicable only to companies.

    • Customs Assigned #
      Importer ID number assigned by the Customs and Border Protection

      If you do not have an IRS business tax number, you can request an importer number from the CBP. This ID is applicable only to companies.


    Note: These options are system code entries recorded in the AceIDtype label. They are the only options accepted by ACE and ACI. Any other options your company may have added will be ignored by eManifest.

    ACE ID *

    Enter the identification number for the type specified in the ACE Type ID field.

  6. Click image11 Save.

Designating a company as a border crossing location

You set up profiles for border crossing locations in the company profile. You designate the company as a border crossing location by entering the location’s port code in the Alt ID field.

The Alt ID field in TMWSuite Company File Maintenance:


The Alt ID field in the TMW Operations Company Profile window:


Port codes can be found at the following URLs:

Using US ports for ACI trips

An ACI trip must include a border crossing at a Canadian port. However, using the ACI:AllowUSBorderLocation General Info Table setting, you can set up the system to use a US border crossing location on an ACI trip, in place of a Canadian location. To do this, you must create two company profiles for the border crossing location.

For example, if the city location is Niagara Falls, New York, the corresponding Canadian city is Fort Erie, Ontario. You would create two company profiles for Niagara Falls, NY.

  • One would have the US port code of 0901 recorded in its Alt ID field.

  • The other would have the Canadian port code of 0410 in its Alt ID field.