INI settings that are used by LTL Operations

The TTS50.ini file contains the global settings that control how TMWSuite operates. You must set up this file for your company’s way of doing business. General information about the INI settings can be found in the TMWSuite System Administration Guide.

[Brackets] enclose all the section headings in your TTS50. Each setting must remain in its section. The TTS50 is not alphabetical; you must use your text editor’s Find feature to locate a setting or section.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order in each section. If you know the name of a setting, use your browser’s Find feature to jump to that setting.

[.NetMisc] settings


Applies to

TMW Operations


Working in conjunction with ConditionalValidityEnabled=Y, this setting applies the validity checking to updated orders as well as to new orders.


  • Y (default)
    Will only apply validity checking when saving new orders.

  • N
    Will apply validity checking when saving updated orders as well as new orders.

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations


This setting determines if you want to enable validity checking when savings orders. You must define condition equations for users or user groups as they apply to these types: legs (Trip segments), orders, stops, and freight. Each combination of user/group and condition type is saved through the Conditional Validity Editor.


  • N (default)
    Disable the validity checking.

  • Y
    Enable validity checking when savings orders. Add the Conditional Validity menu option to the Tools menu for administrator logins only.

Additional Notes

CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Back Office


Conditional editing in a data grid allows you to cause a field to be read only when certain conditions are met in another field.


  • N (default)
    Disables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature.

  • Y
    Enables the conditional cell editing for data grids feature, and adds the Conditional Edit option to the shortcut menu from the column header.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch and Inventory Services do not support this setting.


Applies to

TMW Operations: 14.10.114, CRM Right, TMW Back Office


When you apply a filter to any data grid, this setting determines whether a green fill color is applied to the data row numbers (located on the left side of the screen).

The fill color will remain until the grid layout is saved or reset.


  • N (default)
    Do not display the green fill color.

  • Y
    Display the green fill color.

Additional Notes

Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, and TMW eManifest do not support this setting.

[Appian] settings


Applies to

LTL Operations 2020.3 and later


LTL Operations integrates with Appian DirectRoute™ to optimize route planning. Use this setting to provide the authorization token that activates Appian functionality, specifically command buttons throughout the system. These buttons include, but are not limited to:

  • Send to Appian

  • Optimize Route

  • Suggest Route

Note: Licensing restrictions apply for the use of DirectRoute™ in LTL Operations. For more information, contact your Support Team.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Disables Appian functionality and command buttons

  • Trimble-specified token
    Activates Appian functionality and command buttons

    Enter the Trimble-specified token. For example: AuthorizationToken=Trimble master key information. Trimble provides the token during setup and implementation.


Applies to

LTL Operations 2020.3 and later


This setting allows you to create an XML debug file when you send a request to Appian DirectRoute™ for route optimization. You can use the file to verify that all information sent to Appian is both valid, and in the correct format. Appian requests include:

  • Send to Appian

  • Suggest Route

    Note: Licensing restrictions apply for the use of DirectRoute™ in LTL Operations. For more information, contact your Support Team.


  • N (default)
    Do not create an XLM debug file.

  • Y
    Create an XLM debug file.

    Notes: When using this option:

    1. Specify any qualified path for the [Appian]DebugOutputDir setting in your TTS50. The file path should identify the folder where you store debug files.

      Note: Be mindful of user permissions when choosing an output folder.

    2. Show the Trimble-specified token in the [Appian]AuthorizationToken setting in your TTS50.


Applies to

LTL Operations 2020.3 and later


The [Appian]DebugOutput setting allows you to create an XML debug file when you send a request to Appian DirectRoute™ for route optimization. Use this setting to specify a file path that identifies the folder where you store debug files.

Note: Licensing restrictions apply for the use of DirectRoute™ in LTL Operations. For more information, contact your Support Team.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Shows no file path.

    The debug files are created in the application’s installation directory.

  • User-specified file path
    Enter the file path of the folder that stores the debug files.

    Note: Be mindful of user permissions when choosing an output folder.

[Dispatch] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite V.2003 and later, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether, when users close an application, the system will display a message asking them to confirm their intent to exit.


  • No (default)
    Display the confirmation message.

  • Yes
    Do not display the confirmation message.

Additional Notes

CRM Right does not support this setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Operations


This setting prevents users in the Trip Folder from making changes to orders that have a given invoice status. When an invoice status is specified in this setting, any order having that status cannot be modified.

Specify desired statuses by typing the abbreviations assigned to them in the InvoiceStatus label. Make your entry as a comma-separated list with no spaces. For example: InvoiceStatusEditLocks=PRN,XFR.


  • HLD,RTP,PRN,XFR,NTP,PRO (default)
    You cannot edit orders that have any of these invoice statuses.

  • HLD
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of On Hold.

  • RTP
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Ready to Print.

  • PRN
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Printed.

  • XFR
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Transferred.

  • NTP
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of NTP.

  • PRO
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of Inv or MB Printed.

  • NONE
    You can edit trips in the Trip Folder regardless of the invoice status.

Additional Notes

This setting does not affect TMWSuite Order Entry or TMW Operations Order Maintenance. A setting with this same name exists in the [Order] section for that purpose.

[FuelDispatch] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


If you are a system administrator, you can remove users' ability to use the Field Chooser function for all data grids. This prevents users from adding or removing columns. You can use this INI setting to prevent users who are not system administrators from seeing the Field Chooser.


  • N (default)
    Field Chooser will show on data grids whether the user is a system administrator, supervisor, or user.

  • Y
    Field Chooser will only show on data grids if the user is a system administrator.

Additional Notes

It is recommended that the system administrator also set the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.INI. This setting prevents users from resetting a layout back to the factory default.

[MileageInterface] settings


Applies to



This setting determines the system-wide default method the system will use to look up miles. Your entry must be enclosed in double quotes.

Notes: . Unless otherwise noted, all options work with both ALK’s PC*MILER and Rand McNally mileage interfaces. . This setting is valid only when you have value of OLD in the String1 field of your DistanceLookupVersion General Info Table setting.


  • "C" (default)
    City-to-city only

    Note: The system only looks for City-to-City miles. If the mileage is not on file in your mileage interface, the system will not attempt to use a different lookup method.

  • "Z"


    1. If the mileage is not on file in your mileage interface, the system will perform additional searches in this order:

      • Zip to Company

      • Company to Zip

      • Zip to City

      • City to Zip

      • City to City

    To use Rand McNally for zip code-to-zip code mileage verification, you must:

    • Be using Rand V. 17 or later.

    • Using the RANDDLL.

    • Include the [MileageInterface]RandVersion= setting in your TTS50.ini file. You enter the version number as the value for this setting. For example, RandVersion=17.

  • "O"

    Note: If the mileage is not on file in your mileage interface, the system will perform additional searches in this order:

    • Company to Zip

    • Zip to Company

    • Company to City

    • City to Company

    • Zip to Zip

    • Zip to City

    • City to Zip

    • City to City

  • "OC"
    Company-to-company; if company-to-company is unsuccessful, use city-to-city.

    Note: If city-to-city is unsuccessful, no other lookups will be attempted.

  • "OO"
    Company-to-company only.

  • "L"


    1. This option is applicable only for TMWSuite clients who use PC*MILER|Streets Version 14 or higher. You can assign latitude and longitude information to an individual company or to a group of companies.

    2. If the mileage is not on file in your mileage interface, the system will perform additional searches in this order:

      • Zip to Zip

      • City to City

    You must have [PCMilerMap]MappingInstalled=PCMILERSTREETSNEW to make the Get Lat/Long button available in the company profile.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is not dependent on any mileage interface; however, your mileagetable must be pre-populated. If the mileage cannot be found in TMWSuite, then the mileage interface comes into play.

  2. ZIP Code mileage lookups are based on the ZIP Code’s primary post office location. City mileage lookups are based on the city’s main post office location, usually near the center of the city.

[Misc] settings


Applies to



This setting controls whether the system treats login passwords as case sensitive.

Note: This setting no longer applies to these applications:

  • TMW Operations, starting with 17.50

  • TMW Back Office, starting with 17.50

  • CRMRight, starting with 17.50

  • Fuel Dispatch, starting with 17.20

  • Inventory Services, starting with 17.20

  • eManifest, starting with 17.50

Starting with these versions, passwords that were created without case sensitivity must always be entered in upper case.


  • OFF (default)
    System stores password as all upper case.


    1. Although the system default is still OFF, TMW has opted to change the value in the installed TTS50 file to ON. If the setting is not present in your INI file, the system default of OFF will apply.

    2. When you use this option, you can log on to TMWSuite by typing your password in mixed case. The system accepts and processes the password as being entered in upper case.

    3. When using a TMW application password to log on to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later, you must type your password in upper case. Press the SHIFT key to do this.

    4. If you create a password using this option, but later switch to the ON option, you must type your password in upper case. Use the SHIFT key to do this. This applies to TMWSuite and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later).

  • ON
    System stores the password as it was entered.


    1. When logging on to TMWSuite or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (and later) using a TMW application password, you must use the case sensitive password.

    2. Passwords created using this option, will not work if either of these occur. If they do, contact your system administrator.

      • The setting is switched to the OFF option.

      • The setting is removed from your TTS50.

Additional Notes

If the system is set up to use Microsoft SQL Server standards for password complexity, passwords must contain at least one letter, one number, and one non-alphanumeric character, such as an exclamation point. The password must not contain your entire account name or display name.


Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting activates the global logon feature.


  • Yes (default)
    Store the current user ID and password and apply it for each TMW application accessed by the user today or until he/she selects the Exit and Sign Off command from the File menu to close an application.


    1. This option requires entry of an ID and password only once a day. Entry is needed the first time the user accesses a TMW application. When subsequent access to an application is needed, the system bypasses the logon screen and immediately opens the application. The user may re-access the same application, or access different applications, during the same day without having to log on each time.

    2. CRM Right does not have an Exit and Sign Off command.

      • If users have accessed the application from within TMW Operations, they must use the File > Exit and Sign Off command in TMW Operations.

      • When used as a standalone product, CRM Right does not allow users to exit and sign off. Once a user accesses CRM Right, the system will bypass the logon screen until the stored user ID and password expire at the end of the day.

  • No
    Require the user to log on every time an application is started.

Additional Notes

TMW eManifest does not support this setting.

Applies to

TMWSuite, CRM Right, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting identifies the file name of the large bitmap used in the Login dialog box of TMW modules. The bitmap should be located in your TMWSuite executable directory.

To display an alternate image in the Login dialog box, you must make a valid entry in both the [Directories]Bitmaps setting and the [Misc]Logo setting.


  • TMW_D.BMP (default)
    The file name of the TMW logo that displays in the Login dialog box.

  • Logo file name
    Enter the name of the file you want to display in the Login dialog box.

Additional Notes

  1. Image files must be either BMP or JPG file type.

  2. Image dimensions should be 450 pixels wide and 330 pixels high.

  3. If a valid entry is not made in both the Bitmaps setting and the Logo setting:

    • TMWSuite core applications will display a blank pane (no image).

    • CRM Right, TMW Operations, and TMW Back Office will display the default TMWSuite logo.

  4. Fuel TMS does not support this setting.


Applies to

CRM Right, TMW Back Office, TMW Operations


When you right-click on retrieved records in a .NET grid window, a shortcut menu appears. This setting determines whether the Export Grid to Excel and Export Selected Rows to Excel command is available in that shortcut menu.


  • N (default)
    Display the commands for all users.

  • Y
    Do not display the commands for any users, including system administrators and supervisors.

    Note: This option will override [Misc]RemoveScrollExporttoExcelMenuOption=N.


Applies to

TMW Operations, TMW Back Office


This setting determines whether users who are not system administrators have access to the commands used to manage data grids. The affected commands are:

  • Load Layout

  • Save Layout

  • Save as New Layout

  • Reset Layout

  • Load Grid Layout from File


  • Y (default)
    Show the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=Y in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.

  • N
    Hide the commands that manage data grid layouts.

    Note: If you use this option, TMW recommends that you have [Misc]ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N in your TTS50. By using the settings in conjunction, you maintain the Reset Layout command functionality you want in place.


Applies to

TMWSuite Add-ins, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, Inventory Services, TMW Back Office, TMW eManifest, TMW Operations


TMW customers apply security to windows and grids by hiding some columns and fields, and by making others read-only. However, by default, any user can switch from a customized window or data grid layout back to the system default by right-clicking on the layout and selecting Reset Layout from the shortcut menu. This can be problematic because the system default has no security applied to it. As a result, users will be able to view or make entries in fields or columns that your company wants to be hidden or read-only.

You can use the ShowResetLayoutForNonSA INI setting to hide the Reset Layout menu selection for users who are not system administrators.


  • Y (default)
    Show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

  • N
    Do not show the Reset Layout menu option for users who are not system administrators.

[Order] settings


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


This setting prevents users from making changes to orders that have a given invoice status. When an invoice status is specified in this setting, any order having that status cannot be modified in these applications:

  • TMWSuite Order Entry

  • TMW Operations Order Maintenance

Specify desired statuses by typing the abbreviations assigned to them in the InvoiceStatus label. Make your entry as a comma separated list with no spaces. For example: InvoiceStatusEditLocks=PRN,XFR.


  • HLD,RTP,PRN,XFR,NTP,PRO (default)
    You cannot edit orders that have an invoice status of On Hold, Ready to Print, Printed, Transferred, NTP, or Inv or MB Printed.

    Note: Statuses not specified will have no effect on a user’s ability to change an order.

Additional Notes

This setting does not affect the Trip Folder. A setting with this same name exists in the [Dispatch] section for that purpose.