Making General Info Table entries

The following General Info Table settings apply to LTL Operations.

You edit the General Info Table in the LTL Setup window.

You must have system administrator rights to modify General Info Table settings.
  1. Go to Tools > LTL Setup.
    The LTL Setup window opens.

  2. Click the General Info tab.

  3. In the Selection Criteria section, enter the name of the setting in the Key Name field.

  4. Click Refresh.

    The General Info Settings section of the window shows the:

    • Key Name

    • Description

    • String1-4 field values

    • Interger1-4 field values

  5. Make entries in the String1-4 and/or Interger1-4 fields. Use the information in the setting descriptions documented in the following topics to determine your entries.

    Note: You must press TAB to exit a field after making your entry. If you do not, Save is not available.

  6. Click Save.
    The Audit History section at the bottom of the window shows the date/time you saved your entry. It also shows your User ID and the field values you entered.

Activating communication between LTL Operations and TMW Operations

Use the LTLOEMoveMgrOnNew setting to set up LTL Operations to create freight detail records for routing records in TMW Operations.

Specifying the default rating mode

With the LTLRateBy and LTLServiceLevel settings, you can specify the default rating mode used by LTL Order Entry when no rating method is set for the Bill To company.

Activating the RateWareXL interface

When you purchase the RateWare XL license from SMC3, SMC3 will provide you with a user name, password, and license key. This information must be recorded in the RateWareXL setting.