
This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble Transportation recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Before you begin installing LTL Operations Module version 2022.2, check that these requirements are met:

  • TMWSuite®

    You must be using TMWSuite V.2018.18_01.0192 or later.

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework

    Version 4.6.2 or later (full package not client)

    The framework must be installed on the LTL Operations Module server, client, and administrator systems before you install LTL Operations Module. If it is not present, the system displays an advisory message during the installation. Install the framework before running the application.

  • Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft Windows Server®

    IIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

  • Microsoft® SQL Server®

    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later

    Note: SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, and SQL Server 2019 are supported. Trimble Transportation recommends using the latest service pack of whichever version you use.

  • You must be logged into the system where you want to install LTL Operations Module, and have administrator rights for that system.

    Like most applications, LTL Operations Module can be installed locally on a user’s system. It is also possible to install LTL Operations Module on a network drive. To do so, you must be logged into the system where the drive is physically located, and have administrator rights for that system.

  • SQL Server System Administrator rights are necessary.

    The installation of LTL Operations Module includes the manual application of an SQL script to the TMWSuite database. You must have a SQL Server administrator login and password to apply it.



Improved Mapping features (TTESUITE-160668 , TTESUITE-2032)

Several features were added/improved in mapping. The Settings command is in the Map section. The additions/improvements include:

  • An option to show/hide route lines to and from the main/current terminal

  • An option to choose/configure route line colors different from default colors

  • Moved/organized all mapping options into a new Settings window

    • Choices in the Settings dropdown are saved for you and the computer.

    • An option to restore default settings has been included.

  • Extended the number of root colors from a fixed maximum of 10 to a maximum set in Integer1 of the General Info Table setting LTLMappingMaxManifests.

  • Extended the functionality of the Shows Stems feature to show or hide the terminal/

  • Added a Straight Lines option that show stops linked by straight/numbered lines

  • Made stop icons/markers configurable

  • Made the route lines thickness configurable

  • Allowed saving of all the map settings/configuration as a company-wide default or a current user override

Sync Domicile Route stops time errors corrected (TTESUITE-203635)

When the Sync Domicile Stop command is used to Send to Appian, the Relay Time is no longer pulled from the Delivery leg. Now, it is pulled from each individual leg. The EDay/LDay Appian Truck File settings are set during the sync. The LDay has been increased by 1 day. Do not modify the Time window of the domicile stop. The Abs Start time is effective enough in forcing the route to sync.

Deliveries Window

Settings to configure when/if/how the Filters command performs (TTESUITE-203374)

When the Review/Future tabs on the Deliveries window have been hidden, information for deliveries is still sent to the tabs. Selecting the Clear Plan command will display the information on the tabs. Also, fields have been added to the Terminal Profile Filter tab that let the system know which filter to use in which cases.

Domicile Routes

Import/Export Domicile Routes to/from DirectRoute (TTESUITE-201753)

A Domicile Route is two routes that are paired so that one comes first and one comes after. LTL can now import and export a Domicile Route to/from DirectRoute and keep its before/after relationship.

Multi-leg domicile route legs can be grouped by color (TTESUITE-202404)

The legs of multi-leg domicile routes with ldh_firstlegnumber and/or lgh_lastlegnumber (column header names) can now be grouped by color on the Trip Manifest Control Trips tab. A new LTLTripMnfstInclLegsGrpID General Info Table setting makes it possible to allow the use of color for better visualization. String1 of the setting must be set to Y.

To make sure String1 is set to Y: -

  1. On the LTL Operations window, go to Tools > LTL Setup.

  2. On the LTL Setup window, select the General Info tab. generalinfotab

  3. When the Selection Criteria section appears, type in the name of the General Info Table setting (in this case, LTLTripMnfstInclLegsGrpID).

  4. When the settings appear in the General Info Settings section, check the String1 field:

    1. If the String1 field is set to Y, continue with your next task.

    2. If the String1 field is set to N, select the field, change the String1 setting to Y, and press Enter.

Route Response Split command search criteria switch (TTESUITE-2031980)

When creating a Domicile Route with the Route Response Split command, you can also change the search criteria.


LTL Background Service

Load series matches not removed from manifests (TTESUITE-203491)

When a load series changed during a Freight Order Update, the load series was removed from its original manifest. Now the order can remain with the original manifest when the new load series matches the load series of the manifest.

Freight Order Import

Drop at dock error messages no longer suppressed (TTESUITE-201753)

Before, errors that happened during the Drop at Dock phase of the Freight Order Import process were suppressed. Now the errors are written to the Expedite Audit table. You can see the cause of the Drop at Dock failure. You can produce reports from this table.


Password encryption added (TTESUITE-202854)

Before, the LTLDockService web.config file used plain text for passwords. Its DefaultSettingValueAttribute password found in compiled .exe or .dll files were also in plain text. This caused cyber security issues. Now, these passwords are encrypted.

Domicile Routes sorted with new Route Sort column (TTESUITE-203203)

A new Route Sort column has been added to the Appian Route Response window. It can be used as a primary sort column when working with domicile routes.

Manifest Edit

Appointment history record visibility (TTESUITE-203404)

The Trip and Edit Manifest windows now contain these columns:

  • AppianArriv

  • AppianDepart

  • LateReason

  • newArriv

  • newDepart

  • modifiedBy

  • sch_comment

LTLMnfstStopsInclApptInfo populates Appointment information into the Manifest Edit window.

LTLMnfstInclAppianInfo populates Appian information into the Trip Manifest window.

Master Schedule

Remove a stop using LTL Dock REST API (TTESUITE-159895)

When a manifest is created through a schedule, Scheduled Unload (SUL) stops are auto-created based on the Master Schedule data. If the manifest has no orders, the SUL stops must be removed before the manifest is finalized. Now, you can remove the SUL stop using the LTL Dock REST API. A third party can also use this method.

.NET LTL Dispatch

Appointment Tool added (TTESUITE-202550)

The new Appointment Tool allows you to enter a nearly unlimited number of appointments into an Excel© spreadsheet. You can import them in to LTL Dispatch when needed.

Set logging parameters to event viewer (TTESUITE-203576)

You can now set the priority of messages sent to the Windows® Event Viewer. You can choose to send any combination of errors, warnings, and information. You can also set the maximum message length.


Self-dispatch route asset switch (TTESUITE-203036)

Before, when a driver requested a self-dispatch route, their truck had to be in Active or Planned status. If it was not, they could not be assigned to a new manifest. Now, you can let drivers self-dispatch when their truck’s previous manifest is incomplete. To do this, you use the LTLForceAssetSwitchValidation General Info Table setting. In the String2 field, enter N.

Terminal Profile

Batch number created on import (TTESUITE-203235)

When you import a file from Direct Route, the batch number is created. It is shown on the Terminal Routes window.

Terminal Profile Routes Tab Dispatch Dates clarify driver start time (TTESUITE-203246)

The Dispatch Dates now show the first terminaltripschedule_leg’s dispatch time. An additional column that shows the last leg dispatch time minus the pre-trip time. The driver start time is then visible.

TerminalRouteControl copy/edit schedules new features and fixes (TTESUITE-203306)

New features and behaviors have been added to TerminalRouteControl:

  • When you copy an existing Routebook, the Effective/Expirey dates are copied and populated in the new Routebook.

  • The copy Routebook is edit only; you can’t check everything off.

  • You can delete routes.

  • You can filter the schedules to the Edit window to only show Schedule Grouping Codes that are in use.

Trip Manifest Control

General Info Table setting controls cell/text colors (TTESUITE-202448)

A new General Info Table setting controls the cell color and text color on completed/disabled grid rows. The scheme of a light grey cell background and dark gray text could be hard to read. The LTLGreyOutDoneDisabledGridRows General Info Table setting can control the color schemes.

General Info Table setting controls drag/drop stop resequencing (TTESUITE-203490)

Now you can control the use of drag/drop to resequence stops on the Trip Manifest Control Stops tab. You can control it with the LTLAllowResequenceStops General Info Table setting.

Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) Service

Include Stop Event Description (TTESUITE-203009)

The LTL WCF Service now returns Stop Event Descriptions along with Stop Event Codes for each stop. Before, you got just event codes like BBT, EBT, and LUL. Now you get the code and its description (e.g., BBT – Begin Bobtail, EBT – End Bobtail, and LUL – Live Unload).

Support for multi-event split stop (TTESUITE-203014)

The LTL WCF Service now supports Driver Unload (DUL), Drop Empty Trailer (DMT), and Hook Preloaded Trailer (HPL) events.

Access to all order-specific reference numbers (TTESUITE-203007)

Order-specific reference numbers of all reference types can now be accessed through WCF.

Add support for all order reference numbers (TTESUITE-203717)

LTL Mobile will now show all reference numbers on an order (not just Bill of Lading, and Pickup Number). Any changes made to the reference numbers in LTL Dispatch will be pushed to your mobile communications unit.

Resolved Issues


  • TTESUITE-203308
    When a manifest that had two orders at a stop was sent to Appian and the time it took to unload the stop was increased or reduced in the Upload Time (UnldTM) field in the Route Response window, the change was not applied. Now, you can modify the UnldTM field.

  • TTESUITE-203627
    Now when you send multiple routes to Appian and move stops by dragging and dropping, selecting Accept Routes saves the stops. You can also drag and drop stops on domicile routes to move them.

Background Service

  • TTESUITE-202962
    When you closed a manifest but did not close individual legs, ETA Update would find the open legs on Cancelled or Completed manifests. Now, ETA Update finds active legs on active manifests.

  • TTESUITE-203139
    When you processed an updated record, if the Load Date had not changed and you attempted to update dates on the order all updates could fail.

Domicile Routes

  • TTESUITE-203200
    When a domicile route is created using the Split Leg command, the Leg End Time was incorrect. Sending the route to Appian a second time registers the correct Leg End Time.

  • TTESUITE- 203202
    When two splits are performed on a Domicile route, the time zone in the second split is now accurate.

  • TTESUITE-203215
    The Generate Trip from Schedule command did not use the Master Schedule Truck file settings. Now it does. The Truck Early/Late Start fields are on the manifest for all legs.

  • TTESUITE-203305
    Stops are no longer being pushed out a week when the Generate Trips from Schedule command is run on stops in Domicile manifests.

  • TTESUITE-203665
    When you clone a domicile route, LTL Operations no longer creates an extra Appointment History record.

Manifest Detail Records


Sometimes Manifest Detail records were not created when you set a manifest to Loaded to Go. Now, detail records are created when the manifest status is changed.

LTL Split Event Code


If a TMW Operations order with a Live Unload (LUL) event was sent to LTL Ops for delivery, when the LTL order and manifest were created the event code was changed. Now, TMW Operations keeps the original code.

Master Detail Records


Sometimes Manifest Detail records were not created when you set a manifest to Loaded to Go. Now, detail records are created when the manifest status is changed.

Mass Manifest Status Change

  • TTESUITE-203489
    When the stop for a manifested order had the Stop Unload (SUL) event assigned to the order (most likely by FleetConneX), you couldn’t move the order back to Empty and then back to Loaded to Go. Two duplicate manifest detail records for each order also appeared on the manifest. Now, you can move the orders backward and the duplicates are eliminated.

  • TTESUITE-203783
    Two-legged manifests now get shiftless records during Mass Status Change. Once a two-legged manifest is set as Ready to go, the first leg gets a shiftless record inserted. Since the driver for the second leg is assigned later, the second-leg shiftless record is inserted then.

Manifest Window


When you close old manifests in the Manifest window Legs tab, you no longer have to tab out of a field before you can save your work.

Master Schedule

  • TTESUITE-203232
    When the LTLApplySchedChngsToActMnfsts General Info Table setting String1 was set to W, prompts appeared only when you sent a manifest to Appian and inserted a stop at the end. Now you are prompted for the stop change in the manifest.

  • TTESUITE-203276
    The GetMasterSchedule stored procedure returned the Date/Time for the manifest’s shuttle leg. The stored procedure has been adjusted to give you the return Date/Time of the delivery leg.


When a PickToLinehaul, Deliver Enroute stop was labeled Missed in MobileComm, five extra route stops were generated. Now, the extra route stops are no longer created.

Route Response

  • TTESUITE-202880
    In the Route Response window, using the Nearby command to search for companies could cause an error. This happened when you selected a Terminal Stop and used the Insert Stops command, then clicked Nearby. The error no longer occurs. You can search for nearby companies.

  • TTESUITE-203275
    When a stop was inserted on the Route Response window using the Insert Stops command, the batch number and Schedule Grouping code were not set consistently. Now, these values are set to the same value as the rest of the stops on the route.

Terminal Latitude/Longitude

The Terminal Companies window Info tab did not show correct rounding in Lat/Long fields.

Terminal Profile

  • TTESUITE-203214
    When you imported a RouteBook, the batch number would be cleared. If you assigned a new batch number before the schedule grouping code, the batch number would be cleared when you assigned the schedule grouping.

  • TTESUITE-203250
    When a stop was rescheduled, the On Time field on the manifest should have –R in the field. A stop created from a Master Schedule would have an Initial Appointment item in the manifest history grid. When it was manually moved from its original Master Schedule created manifest to another, the Initial Appointment item was lost. This caused the –R to be left out of the On Time field in the new manifest. Now, the Initial Appointment item is retained and the –R notation is transferred to the new manifest.

Trips Tab OnTime Column

No stops on Completed legs of a manifest will be marked Early/Late in the OnTime column on the Trips tab of the Deliveries window. This prevents Uncompleted stops on Completed legs from being Early/Late. If different Drivers handled different legs, both drivers were marked Early/Late when only one driver was.