
This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble Transportation recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Before you begin installing LTL Operations Module version 2020.2, check that these requirements are met:

  • TMWSuite®

    You must be using TMWSuite V.2018.18_01.0192 or later.

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework

    NET Framework 4.6.2 or later (full package not client)

    The framework must be installed on the LTL Operations Module server, client, and administrator systems before you install LTL Operations Module. If it is not present, the system displays an advisory message during the installation. Install the framework before running the application.

  • Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft® Windows Server®

    IIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

  • Microsoft® SQL Server®

    Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later

    Note: SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, and SQL Server 2017 are supported. Trimble Transportation recommends using the latest service pack of whichever version you use.

  • You must be logged into the system where you want to install LTL Operations Module, and have administrator rights for that system.

    Like most applications, LTL Operations Module can be installed locally on a user’s system. It is also possible to install LTL Operations Module on a network drive. To do so, you must be logged into the system where the drive is physically located, and have administrator rights for that system.

  • SQL Server System Administrator rights are necessary.

    The installation of LTL Operations Module includes the manual application of a SQL script to the TMWSuite database. You must have a SQL Server administrator login and password to apply it.


Appian Optimized Stops

Updating appointment records (NSUITE-209773)

Appian integration modifies the arrival and departure times of a stop that already has a scheduled appointment. Now, it updates the appointment record and collects all historical information as if you manually open the Schedule window for that stop and modify the appointment time.

Appian Route

Using additional fields in the Trip Manifest Control (NSUITE-209957)

The AppianRouteResponse required additional fields be added to the Route Response window. You can now add these fields to the Route Response grid.

  • LghType1-4
    User-specified fields

  • Pallets
    Pallets quantity

  • Pattern 1-6
    A location’s Open/Close Times and Day of Week patterns for deliveries

  • Pieces
    Pieces quantity

  • Route
    The route’s ID

  • Trailer Length
    Length of the trailer measured in feet

  • Truck Pallet Used
    Total pallets on all the orders currently assigned to a truck

  • Truck Volume Used
    Total volume on all the orders currently assigned to a truck

  • Truck Weight Used
    Total weight on all the orders currently assigned to a truck

  • Unload Performance
    You can enter a value in this field to alter the Dwell Time calculation. For example, to alter the Dwell Time by 150%, enter 150.

  • Violations
    Rule infractions

  • Volume
    Volume quantity

  • Weight
    Weight quantity


Scheduling and rescheduling appointments (NSUITE-209768)

The Appointment scheduling feature was updated to correct the following issues:

  • When you changed an appointment time that was not assigned to an order, the system skipped the error checks.

  • When the system created a scheduled appointment automatically as part of a manifest created from a schedule, the reason code was not set to INT.

  • The Contact Made check box, when selected, did not validate that the Contact Name field showed an entry.

Company Alt ID field

Adding the Company Alt ID field to grids (NSUITE-209888 - 209893)

You can now add the Company Alt ID field to various grids in the system. The field is a user-defined code assigned to a company. You select the field from the Field Chooser.

You can add the field to these grids:

  • Appointments
    This grid is located in the Appointments window.

  • Company Hours of Operation Overrides
    This grid is located in the Routes tab in the Terminal Profile window.

  • Route
    This grid is located in the Deliveries window and the Pickups window.

  • Stops
    This grid is located on the:

    • Manifest Editor window’s Stops tab

    • Deliveries window’s Stops tab in the Manifest tab

Daily Route Creation and Release

Creating a manifest with scheduled drop stops (NSUITE-209807)

In previous versions, when you created a manifest with scheduled drop stops from a schedule/route, the system only pulled stops whose DOW field matched the DOW of the manifest start. Now, the stops created match the DOW of the scheduled delivery dates and times.

Note: The DOW field is found in the company_hours_of_operation_sched table.


Identifying LTL moves that changes from the original FleetConneX dispatch (NSUITE-209649)

Drivers log into their devices to receive their initial dispatch (manifest with a list of stops). If the stops are modified after the initial dispatch, you can view a list of them in FleetConneX.

Driver Settlements

Driver and Helper Settlements (NSUITE-208456)

LTL Operations now supports TMW.Suite’s third-party accounts payable process. It allows Driver1, Driver2, and Helpers on LTL Manifests to be paid through the settlement application.

ETA calculation for TruETA

Customizing ETA calculations (NSUITE-208460)

The customized ETA system can now calculate a driver’s Scheduled Early Arrival and Scheduled Late Arrival dates and times. The calculations are based on your company’s specific requirements. TruETA validates arrival and departure times to determine if a driver is on time for upcoming stops. This feature lets you customize ETA calculations to match real-time arrivals and departures.

Freight Order Import

Expanding the LTL DispatchBackgroundService (NSUITE-209579)

Previously, you could use the API to remove a stop with no freight details from a route. Or, you could remove it manually from the Manifest’s Stops grid in the Deliveries window. Now, the LTLDispatchBackgroundService FreightOrder import service can process Freight Orders and updates and changes for other orders as well.

Mapping order data (NSUITE-209806)

Previously, when you created a freight order and mapping data, the Freight Order Import service used two options to set a route and the stop sequence:

  • Referenced ROUTE (ReferenceNumber1)

  • Referenced STOP (ReferenceNumber2)

New calculation changes make these settings unnecessary. Now, the system calculates:

  • The route based on company override hours set up in LTL Operations.

  • The stop sequence based on the company override hours set up in LTL Operations.

Additionally, the Freight Order Import service sets an order’s service level based on ReferenceNumber4 (ORDTYP).


Encrypting a username and password (NSUITE-209887)

Security concerns existed over having plain text usernames and passwords in .INI files. Now when you enter a username and password in an INI file, the LTL Dispatch Background Service encrypts them automatically upon its first run.

If you need to change a username or password and apply the encryption:

  1. Modify the username or password in the INI file.

  2. Set the service’s EncryptedLogin value to False.

  3. Stop and restart the LTL Dispatch Background Service.

LTL Daily Route

Assigning a scheduled stop (NSUITE-209565)

New functionality assigns a scheduled stop to a leg other than the last one. This occurs if the leg’s start (terminal) services the customer (based on zip AND route). Otherwise, scheduled stops (picks and drops) default to the last leg.


Placing a manifest on hold (NSUITE-209526)

The system adds the On Hold message to the manifestheader and includes an Undo (release hold) and a mass (multi-select) change option.

Scheduling an unload stop on a new manifest (NSUITE-209687)

When scheduling an unload stop on a new manifest from the Company Hours of Operation Overrides grid, the route_id now shows in the stopltlinfo table. The grid is located on the Terminal Companies window’s Hours tab. If a Customer CmpRevType3 is set to HOTEL, then stops created for that company will use the DIV (diversion) stop type instead of the Scheduled Unload stop type.

Manifest Route Execution Exceptions

Updating a manifest’s status (NSUITE-209555)

The system provides RestFul Endpoint functionality to allow external systems to update a manifest’s status. The LTLDockService.REST project in LTLMobile Solution was modified to support manifest status updates.

Manual slotting

Using additional features in the Appian Routebook import (NSUITE-209578)

The Manual Slotting Scenarios now include these updates. The LghType 1-4 fields are also available.

  • DirectRoute Optimization within a manifest

    1. Select an exising manifest that has orders assigned to each stop.

    2. Click Send to Appian.

    3. In the Load Type field, select Load.

    4. Click Apply Selected Row.

  • Suggest Route (DirectRoute Optimization Un-manifested order)

    1. In the Deliveries Grid, select an Un-manifested order.

    2. Select Suggest Route.

    3. Select the check box for the manifest you want to apply.

    4. Click Apply Selected Row.

Mass Status Change

Additional status commands (NSUITE-208437)

The Mass Status Change functionality has been updated to provide additional status commands such as:

  • Empty

  • Committed

  • To Be Loaded

  • Loading

  • Loaded to Go

  • Completed

Master Schedules and Routes

History of route changes (NSUITE-209648)

The system now shows a history of changes made to routes in the Hours of Operation Overrides – Details grid. The grid is located on the Terminal Companies window’s Hours tab.

Exporting Master Schedules from LTL Dispatch (NSUITE-209550)

With the proper permissions and setup, you can export required data from Import Route Book to create Master Routes in DirectRoute.

Importing Master Routes (NSUITE-209647)

With the proper permissions and setup, you can use Import Route Book to import Master Routes from DirectRoute into LTL Operations.


Filtering by company Alt ID in the Terminal Companies window (NSUITE-209873)

The Company Alt ID field now shows in the upper grid of the Terminal Companies window. You can filter the list of items in the grid based on a company’s alternate ID. To filter the list, click the column heading and then enter the alternate ID in the Filter field.


LTLAppian Route Response window (NSUITE-209780)

The LTLAppian Route Response window now applies the setting (BranchOrgType1=Y) in the branch profile to change the UserfieldLabels to Original Arrive, and Original Depart.

New routing fields added to Terminal Companies and Terminal Deliveries windows (NSUITE-209610)

New routing fields provide details on scheduled deliveries. Both fields are read only.

  • Pattern (Days of Week)
    Days of the week on which a delivery is scheduled

  • Frequency (Days of Week)
    Length of the pattern field or the number of days in a week that the customer receives a delivery

You can view the fields in these windows.

  • Terminal Companies
    This field shows in the Hours tab’s Operation Overrides – Details grid.

  • Terminal Deliveries
    This field shows in the Stops tab’s grid.

Routing Exception

Fixed Time Requirement (NSUITE-209568)

The LTLAppian Route Response window now applies the setting, (BranchOrgType1=Y/N) to determine:

  • What values to display in the Response grid, for example, _Original Early/Late Times, or Appian Calculated Early/Late Times

  • Whether to select or clear the Keep Times check box.

Re-sequencing and optimization of stops between multiple existing manifests (NSUITE-209646)

The Appian Integration now allows for Re-sequencing and Optimization of stops between multiple existing manifests.

Re-sequencing and optimizing a single manifest (NSUITE-209654)

The Appian Integration now allows for Re-sequencing and Optimization of a single manifest. Additional empty manifests can also be added from the results window.


New manifest sets initial appointment automatically (NSUITE-208469)

When DirectRoute Export Tool imported the daily route from DirectRoute, it created the initial appointment for each required appointment. It did this by duplicating the appointment time brought over from DirectRoute. This way Schedule / Reschedule was actively monitoring any manual changes to a stop appointment. If the initial appointment was not created automatically, you had to set the initial appointment for each stop. This caused unnecessary work. Now, each new manifest automatically sets the initial appointment for each delivery stop equal to the cloned schedule’s appointment time.

Slotting freight orders

Slotting execution without exceptions (NSUITE-209569)

The new LTL Dispatch Background Service supports automatic manifesting of imported Freight Orders.

Slotting exception - orders marked as manual slot (NSUITE-209571)

By design, the system does not automatically manifest imported Freight Orders that:

  • Have an Available status

  • Have a label reference of MAN.

Trip Manifest Control

Using additional features in the Trip Manifest Control (NSUITE-209609)

The Trips tab in the Trip Manifest Control was modified to use a stored procedure rather than inline SQL.

These fields are now available to add to various manifest grids. You select the fields from the Field Chooser.

  • Total Pieces
    Total number of pieces for a load

  • Total Stops
    Total number of stops on a trip

  • Total Unload Time
    Total amount of time used to unload the commodity

  • Total Volume
    Volume of the commodity being delivered

  • Total Weight
    Weight of the commodity being delivered

  • Total Work Time
    Driver’s total work time completed for a trip

  • Trailer Length
    Length of the trailer measured in feet

  • Unload Performance
    You can enter a value in this field to alter the Dwell Time calculation. For example, to alter the Dwell Time by 150%, enter 150.

Using additional fields and stop event codes in the Trip Manifest Control (NSUITE-209947)

  • Manifest grids
    You can now add these fields to various manifest grids in the system. You select a field from the Field Chooser.

    • Actual Arrival Day
      Delivery’s actual arrival day (Displays Day of Week)

    • Actual Departure Day
      Delivery’s actual departure day (Displays Day of Week)

    • Leg End Day
      Day on which a trip leg ends

    • Leg Start Day
      Day on which a trip leg starts

    • Total Break Time
      Total break time for the trip

    • Total Mileage
      Total number of miles for a trip

    • Total Wait Time
      Driver’s total wait time to make a delivery

  • Terminal companies
    You can now add this field to grids in the Terminal Companies window’s Hours tab. You select the field from the Field Chooser.

    • Frequency
      Number of times routes are active for different days

  • Stop event codes
    You can now create stop event codes to record and identify the total time a driver uses for breaks, layovers, or wait time. Use the LTLStopTimeGroupingEvents General Info Table setting to add the event codes. Set String1 to BRK, String2 to LAY, and String3 to WAIT.

    When you activate the setting, you can select these options in the Status Change window’s Event Type field.

  • Break
    Quantity of time used for a break

  • Layover
    Quantity of time used for a layover

  • Wait Time
    Quantity of time used for waiting

    The Status Change window opens when you use the Add Event command in a Stops grid. To access the grid:

    1. Open the Terminal Pickups window or Terminal Deliveries window.

    2. Select the Manifest tab.

    3. Select the Stops tab.

Unloading Dwell calculation

Calculating rate per-hour-dwell times by unit of measure (NSuite-209744)

Previously, you could set a dwell time for a fixed amount of time, for example 1 hour. Now you can set up a dwell calculation to specify a rate-per-hour for a particular unit of measure, for example 64 cases per hour. The units of measure include Count, Volume and, Weight.

Resolved issues

Appian Route

  • NSUITE-209739
    The Appian Route Response required that additional fields be added to the Terminal Schedule Legs table.

Appian violations in the Trip Manifest Control

  • NSUITE-209969
    When Appian optimized a manifest and saved the results, then determined there was a rule violation, the violation was not saved. Examples of rule violations include:

    • A stop being serviced outside a company’s Open/Close window

    • A manifest’s total work time going over a set maximum

      The violations show in the Terminal Pickups and Deliveries windows' Manifest Stops and Trips tabs.


  • NSUITE-209691
    The Appointment Queue window was experiencing some performance issues.

  • NSUITE-209867
    When selected, the All Terminals check box did not function in the Terminal Appointments window.

Companies window

  • NSUITE-209851
    The Terminal Companies window experienced slow performance issues.


  • NSUITE-209837
    Removal of scheduled unload stops on LoadedToGo function did not re-sequence the remaining events on a trip. As a result, there is no event where sequence = 1. This caused a problem with loading the trip in the Trip Folder (TMW Operations) and for TruETA.

Freight Order Import

  • NSUITE-209820
    When importing a freight order you received a System. OutOfMemoryException. This occurred when the External ID was null.

  • NSUITE-209718
    The copyright in the Help About window did not include the text, "Unauthorized duplication, copying or use prohibited."

Import Route Book

  • NSUITE-209975
    When Importing Route books, the mapping of UserFields to Labelfile entries did not match correctly with the values in the abbr or label_extrastring1 fields.


  • NSUITE-209871
    The Manifest Creation feature did not take into account the day of the week for which the schedule was intended. Therefore, manifests were not created according to the schedule.

Scheduling and rescheduling appointments

  • NSUITE-209768

    The Appointment scheduling feature was updated to correct the following issues:

    • When you changed an appointment time that was not assigned to an order, the system skipped the error checks.

    • When the system created a scheduled appointment automatically as part of a manifest created from a schedule, the reason code was not set to INT.

    • The Contact Made check box, when selected, did not validate that the Contact Name field showed an entry.

Terminal Routes

  • NSUITE-209945
    When you tried to Update Dates in the Routes grid in the Terminal Profile window, the system did not accept your changes.

Trip Manifest Control

  • NSUITE-209788

    The system provided no error message to indicate that you should not use the Send to Appian button on a committed manifest. Now, only an active manifest with a manifest status of Empty and Not Committed can be manually rerouted in DirectRoute.

    • You are no longer able to send a manifest to DirectRoute if its manifest status is Empty and Committed; To Be Loaded; Loading; Loaded to Go; Completed; or Cancelled.

    • If a manifest requires rerouting and the manifest status is Empty and Committed; To Be Loaded; Loading; or Loaded to Go; you must manually reset the manifest status to Empty and Not Committed or On Hold.