This section contains the following for the latest version:
System requirements
Enhancements (new or updated features)
Resolved issues (application improvements)
Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble Transportation recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative. |
Before you begin installing LTL Operations Module version 2021.4, check that these requirements are met:
You must be using TMWSuite V.2018.18_01.0192 or later.
Microsoft® .NET Framework
NET Framework 4.6.2 or later (full package not client)The framework must be installed on the LTL Operations Module server, client, and administrator systems before you install LTL Operations Module. If it is not present, the system displays an advisory message during the installation. Install the framework before running the application.
Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft® Windows Server®
IIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later
Microsoft® SQL Server®
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later
Note: SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, and SQL Server 2019 are supported. Trimble Transportation recommends using the latest service pack of whichever version you use.
You must be logged into the system where you want to install LTL Operations Module, and have administrator rights for that system.
Like most applications, LTL Operations Module can be installed locally on a user’s system. It is also possible to install LTL Operations Module on a network drive. To do so, you must be logged into the system where the drive is physically located, and have administrator rights for that system.
SQL Server System Administrator rights are necessary.
The installation of LTL Operations Module includes the manual application of a SQL script to the TMWSuite database. You must have a SQL Server administrator login and password to apply it.
New fields in GetMasterSchedules stored procedure (TTESUITE-160529)
New fields in the GetMasterSchedules stored procedure are available via SystemsLink:
Event (SUL/SLD) - Add new column to database (sched.stp_event)
RevType3 - from Company Profile
isShipper - from company profile in LTLMasterSchedule Service
Add Schedule Group Description (Readable Name from LabelFile)
Add user and the date of last updated schedule detail (from terminal_route_history)
Adding truck file columns to Route row and Leg row (TTESUITE-200057)
Now, the following truck file columns from the leg and route level can be copied to the Route row and Leg row field choosers.
Route row fields you can add to the Leg row:
Break 1 - 5 Duration
Break 1 - 5 Start
Leg row fields you can add to the Route row
Drive Time
Layover Time
Stops Count
TotalCube *
Unload Time
Violation Desc
Wait Time
Work Time
FleetConneX integration
Final stop does not stop processing of intermediate stops (TTESUITE-201337)
Stop statuses sent from the Fleet ConneX (FCX) unit can arrive out-of-order. Before, final stop statuses could be sent from the FCX unit before regular stops. The final stop would complete the manifest. That left the regular stops unprocessed. Now, the processing of the final stop does not stop the processing of intermediate stops.
Mass Manifest Change removes all scheduled stops from manifests (TTESUITE-200947)
You can use the Mass Manifest Change command to remove all Scheduled Unload and Scheduled Load stops from a group of manifests. You will not have to remove single manifests one-at-a-time. You can use the new command on the Trips tab that is available for Picks and Drops when the correct General Info Table setting has a String1 value Y:
Resolved Issues
Appian Direct/Route integration
When you sent a route to Appian, it did not calculate these dates correctly:-
Original Arrive
Original Depart
Now, these dates are calculated correctly.
Before, if you sent manifests with no stops or orders assigned, you got an error message. Now, if you send manifests like that, a message asks if you want to insert a stop.-
Clicking Y in the message opens the Appian Insert Stop window. It shows the stop as unassigned.
Clicking N in the message closes the Send to Appian window.
Before, if you:-
Sent multiple manifests to Appian
Moved one of those manifest’s stops (using the Move Stop wsindow)
Clicked the Undo command
A Window violation on all the hotel stops would occur. Now, clicking the Undo command does not cause Windows violations.
Truck file fields were copied to the Leg Level from the Route Level in the Route Response Dialog grid. Now, they appear in Field Chooser for both the route and the leg. You can add these fields with the Field Chooser and edit them:-
TruckWeightCap - Weight Cap
TruckVolCap - Volume Cap
TruckPallCap - Pallet Cap
TrkEarStart - Truck Early Start
TrkEDay - Truck EDay
TrkLatStart - Truck Late Start
TrkLatFinish - Truck Late Finish
TrkLDay - Truck LDay
UnldPerf - Unload Perf * =
Before, there was no support for multiple legs per manifest when you saved the Appian Truck .xml file. Now any changes to Appian Truck file settings are saved per leg instead of per manifest.
Carrier Pay Record
Changes made to a previous build that allowed creation of an extra leg linking a Carrier Pay Record to an order were cloned to builds 2019.3, 2019.4, and 2021.3. The change involves setting String 1 of General Info Table LTLPayCarrierByOrder to Y.
Carrier pay transfer to Microsoft Dynamics GP
There was a problem creating carrier pay when:-
The same carrier was the advance (Pickup) carrier and a beyond (Delivery) carrier on an order.
The Probill number fields were left blank for both legs.
The system used the original order number on the payment invoice in accounting. Since both legs had the same number, only the first leg was invoiced.+ Now, the system passes two order numbers to Microsoft Dynamics GP:
For the pickup, it sends the original order number, with a suffix of A. For example, 345678A.
For the delivery, it sends the original order number, with a suffix of b. For example, 345678B.
Checksum Changing Only on Validated Stops
Before, when stops were inserted in a manifest, the sequence change caused a checksum update even in non-validated stops. Now, checksum updates only happen when all stops in the manifest are validated.
Dispatch changes
A database change lets dispatchers override a route name. The name change is sent to the FleetConneX driver unit.
Freight Order Import background service
Now, when a HistoryDetail record is inserted by the Freight Order Service, there is a database trigger that updates:-
The FreightOrder table to Update
The ImportStatus to New
This tells the LTL Freight Order Import service to re-process the record and update the existing LTL order.
LTL Background Services
Before, you could not clone restricted routes less than seven days from their last Creation Date. Now, you can clone them as soon as the day after they are created.
LTLGrid Multi-Row Edit
The Terminal Schedules window’s ApplySeq column has been added to two additional places:-
The Multi-row Edit window
The Terminal Profile Routes tab when the Routes/Schedules view is used.
Note: You also can edit multiple rows at once on the Terminal Profile Routes tab.
Manifest Editor
On the Manifest Editor Legs tab, you can make entries in the Driver, Tractor, and Trailer fields. Before, the system did not validate your entries. Now, it verifies that your entries are accurate. -
Now, you can see the On-Time? column on the Trips tab of Trip Manifest control at the bottom of the Deliveries/Pickups window. This will show the value for the next stop (similar to how the existing TruETA status column works, just with this additional –R for rescheduled information added). Rescheduled means you manually selected the Stop in the Stops tab, opened the Appointment tab, and changed the Date/Time of the appointment. -
Before, you could not search for a manually entered route description. Your entry was:-
Saved in the Manifestheader (SQL) table
Shown on the FleetConnex driver unit
Used instead of the route description value from the TerminalRoutes (SQL) table
Now, you can search on the manually entered route description on the Stops tab.
Note: You must add a percent sign (%) to the end of the search string.
Master Schedules
Before, you could import/create temporary routes that overlap Master Schedules for a specified time. Now, we have updated the slotting logic to use the correct Master Schedule. Slotting logic assigns orders that have been set to Auto-Slot to manifests.
National Motor Freight Classification Number
Changes made to a previous build that pulled NMFC numbers from a Bill To profile into orders were cloned to builds 2019.3 and 2019.4, and 2021.3. Now, NMFC numbers are pulled when the order is saved.
Order sequencing
Before, when a primary event (such as, a Scheduled Unload stop) was removed from an order, other events, such as Load/Unload time and Live Unload time could be incorrectly promoted to Stop Sequence 1 events. If secondary events (like Load/Unload Time, Layover, Break, and Wait) are promoted to Sequence 1 events, the entire stop becomes an unacceptable stop type. Now, only Scheduled Unload stops can be promoted to Stop Sequence 1 events.
Records Out of Balance
TTESUITE-160574 The Ordercarrier table was not being populated correctly for the gl_type Audit. Now the table is being populated correctly.
Terminal Routes
Terminal Routes Copy functionality has been updated. Now:-
Export to Excel is a step. You must accept or cancel the export.
When a route is copied with a non-zero +/- day modifier value; the modified EDay and LDay values written to the TerminalTripScheduleLegs table were incorrect. This has been resolved.
You can make multi-row edits.
The Includes All check box is selected automatically by default. It is not selected for additional routes.
The Add additional routes pop-up window is informational. It is not an error message.
The New Expiry Date is set to one week after the New Effective Date.
Trips window
Before, the On Time column on the Trip window’s Stops tab did not show that orders were rescheduled. Now, the On Time column shows On-Time-R or Late-R for rescheduled orders.
Before, when estimated time of arrival values were provided by TruETA, the Drive Time value sometimes showed a negative number. Now the application does not set Drive Time values as negative numbers. -
Now, the Deliveries/Pickup window shows whether the next stop has been rescheduled. You see an R in the Trips tab’s On-Time? field. A stop is identified as rescheduled when you manually select it on the Stops tab, open the Appointment tab, and change the appointment’s date/time.