Documents (for Customers)

TM4Web provides the ability to view documents from specific client directories (previously created by an administrator) on the TM4Web server.

All available documents must be in access code specific client folders on the TM4Web server.

Documents can be viewed in one of two ways:

  • Viewed directly from the server

  • Saved as local files and then viewed

Any documents available to be viewed by Customers must be set up by an administrator.


Use this procedure to view documents.

This procedure assumes that an administrator has setup a correct folder structure for the logged in user.
  1. On the TM4Web menu, click More and then click Documents.
    The Documents page opens.

  2. Select a file to view and click Save or View.

    1. Clicking View opens the selected document directly from the TM4Web server.

    2. Clicking Save downloads the specified document directly to your local machine.

Only one file can be downloaded or viewed at one time.