Working with company profiles

Before using TMW.Suite’s Microsoft Dynamics ™ GP Integration application, you must specify the appropriate accounting information for your Bill To companies and transfer your TMW.Suite company profile information to Dynamics GP customer cards.

Access the Company Profile window by selecting Tools > Profiles > Company Profiles.

Specifying accounting information for companies

You transfer data from company profiles to Dynamics GP. To ensure it transfers without errors, verify the accounting information is entered correctly.

In TMW.Suite, a Bill To company is an accounts receivable entity. You identify a company as a Bill To in its profile. Select the Bill To check box in the Switches section of the Company Profile window.


Certain fields in the company profile are specific to Bill To companies. These fields provide accounting information and define how the company is billed for work performed. The fields are located on the various tabs in the profile window.

Company profile header

The header section contains information that identifies the company.


Review the information in these fields:

Field Description

Company ID

Identification code for the company in the TMW.Suite database The entry in this field populates the Customer ID field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Company Name

Name of the company

The entry in this field populates the Name field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.


The check box is selected for companies you are actively doing business with.

Alt ID

Company’s accounting ID code, as it appears in Dynamics GP.

The entry in this field populates the Short Name field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Information tab

Review the entries in the fields listed here. They are required for the Bill To company’s Customer card in Dynamics GP.


Field Description

Address section

Address (Line 1)

First of three lines used to record the company’s street address

The entry in this field populates the first Address field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Address (Line 2)

Second of three lines used to record the company’s street address

The entry in this field populates the second Address field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Address (Line 3)

Third of three lines used to record the company’s street address

The entry in this field populates the third Address field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

City, State

City and state/province location of the company

These entries populate the City and the State fields in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.


Country in which the company is located

The entry in this field populates the Country field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.


Five-digit or nine-digit ZIP Code

The entry in this field populates the ZIP Code field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Contact Information section

Phone 1

Primary telephone number

The entry in this field populates the Phone 1 field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Phone 2

Alternate telephone number

The entry in this field populates the Phone 2 field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.


Fax number

The entry in this field populates the Fax field in the Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window.

Switches section

The switch is set to on when the check box is selected.

Bill To

You can bill the company when the check box is selected.

This check box must be selected to transfer the company to the Dynamics GP Customer file.

Other section


The currency used to bill the company.

The system code options are:

  • US$

  • CA$

The value in this field relates to the Currency ID specified in the Dynamics GP Customer Card Maintenance window.

Billing/Credit tab

Review the entries in the fields listed here. They are required for the Bill To company’s Customer card in Dynamics GP.


Table header Table header

Billing section


Specifies how the system generates invoices and/or master bills for the company.

The options are:

  • Freight Bill
    Company receives an individual invoice for each order, no summary statement.

  • Master Bill
    Company receives only a summary statement, not individual invoices for each order.

  • Both Bills
    Company receives an individual invoice for each order and a summary statement.

  • No output
    A hardcopy of the invoice or master bill is not printed.


Specifies the format of the information transferred to Dynamics GP. The options are:

  • Freight Bill
    Transfer detail invoice transactions

  • Master Bill
    Transfer only summary information

Mail To section




The address to which you mail invoices

By default, the system uses the Bill To company’s address as the mailing address. However, in this section, you can specify that invoices be mailed to a different address instead, such as for a third party freight payment company.

A Mail To address is deemed the Mailing address by Dynamics GP. The entry is added to the Dynamics GP Customer Address Maintenance window. You access it by clicking on the Statement To link in the Customer Maintenance window.

The Bill To company’s Dynamics GP Customer card


Note: For complete instructions on creating a Bill To profile, see the Company Profile chapter in the File Maintenance guide.

Specifying the reference number type passed as the PO number

You can specify the type of reference number the system uses as the PO number when it transfers receivables to the Receivables module in Dynamics GP.

Specify the type in the Type 2 Xfr to GP field. It is located in the Company Reference Number section on the profile window’s Billing/Credit tab.


The system transfers the reference number on a company-by-company basis. It displays in the Dynamics GP Customer PO field.

  • If a reference number of the specified type exists in the order header, the system transfers that number.

  • If no reference number of the specified type exists in the order header, the system transfers the first reference number from the *invoice* header.

  • If there is no reference number in the invoice header, the system does not transfer a reference number.

Transferring companies as customers

The integration lets you transfer TMW.Suite company profiles to Dynamics GP customer cards. You use the Customer Export window to export batches of Bill To company profiles to Dynamics GP.

The export transfers only companies flagged as Bill To companies.

Accessing the Customer Export window

Use the Customer Export window to export batches of data to Dynamics GP and establish customer cards. You can access the window from TMW Back Office.

  1. Go to Accounting > Customer Export.
    The Customer Export window opens.


  2. Set one or more filters to limit the retrieval.

    Filter Description


    Retrieve only active companies

    Bill To

    Retrieve Bill To companies


    Retrieve companies designated as shippers


    Retrieve companies designated as consignees

    Customer Class

    The field default is the word DEFAULT.

    By default, this field is empty. This tells the system to use the default Class ID set up in Dynamics GP

  3. Click Retrieve.
    The system pulls a list of companies that match your restriction(s).


    Note: You can sort the rows according to the entries in a particular column by double-clicking the column heading.


  4. Select the company profiles you want to transfer to Dynamics GP.

    By default, the Select All Rows check box is selected, but you can clear it.

    The Update field is selected for customers that already exist in your Dynamics GP Database.


  5. Click Process Selected to transfer the selected files to your Dynamics GP database.

    The Batch Process Results window displays the status of each company transferred. At the bottom of the window, the system shows the Total Processed, Total Successful, and Total Failed for this batch.


  6. Do one of the following:

    • Click Save to save the results to a file.

    • Click OK to close the window without saving.

Viewing how data appears in Dynamics GP

The Customer Maintenance link on the Company Profile header allows you to see how Company Profile information appears on the Customer Card in Microsoft Dynamics GP.


Clicking the link opens a logon window asking you to log into your Dynamics GP database.


If your TMW login has access to the Dynamics GP database, you are not asked to enter your Dynamics GP Credentials in this window.

Once a connection is established, a read-only Customer Maintenance window opens. You can see where the profile data appears on the Customer Card.


Understanding the field relationships Customer Maintenance and the TMW company profile

Much of the information in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Customer Maintenance window is easily identified in the company profile window.

Not all of the information in the company profile comes from or goes to the Customer Maintenance window. The data shown in the Customer Maintenance window fields is controlled by various setup windows:

  • Currency Setup

  • Customer Class Setup

Before you transfer data between the systems, you must set up matching values.

The system populates these when you transfer data.

Dynamics GP field Company File Maintenance field

Customer ID/Customer Maintenance

Company ID

Name/Customer Maintenance

Company Name

Address/Customer Maintenance


City/Customer Maintenance

City, State

State/Customer Maintenance

City, State

ZIP Code/Customer Maintenance


Class ID

GP Class

Phone 1/Customer Maintenance

Phone 1

Phone 2/Customer Maintenance

Phone 2

Fax/Customer Maintenance


StatementTo/Customer Maintenance

Mail To section (on Billing/Credit tab)