Setting up a holiday schedule
Setting up a holiday schedule, includes these steps:
Creating a holiday group
Generating a holiday schedule
Adding or deleting holidays to the schedule
Creating a holiday group
In the HolidayGroup label, you create a holiday group, such as USA.
For more information about creating labels, see Using the label file to customize fields.
Generating a holiday schedule
To generate a holiday schedule:
Go to Tools > Setup > Holiday Calendar.
The Holiday Calendar window opens. -
Select the holiday group in the Group field.
Click Generate holidays.
The Generate Holidays window opens. -
In the Country field, select a country.
Each country option is associated with a hard-coded list of holidays appropriate to that country. You can add or delete holidays from the list. -
In the Year’s fields, enter a date range for the schedule.
Click Generate.
The system shows a holiday list based on the option you selected in the Country field. -
In the Select column, select the holidays you want to include in your schedule.
Note: After you save the schedule, you can add holidays to it. -
Click Save.
The system lists the selected holidays in the All Holidays tab and highlights them on the Holiday Calendar tab.
Adding a holiday to a schedule
To add a holiday to a schedule:
Go to Tools > Setup > Holiday Calendar.
The Holiday Calendar window opens. -
Select the holiday group in the Group field.
Do one of the following on the Holiday Calendar:
Double click the date you want to add.
Select the date you want to add and click Add Holiday.
The Add Holiday window opens.
Enter a name in the Description field.
Click Add.
Click Save.
Deleting a holiday from a schedule
To delete a holiday from a schedule:
Go to Tools > Setup > Holiday Calendar.
The Holiday Calendar window opens. -
Select the holiday group in the Group field.
On the calendar, select the date you want to delete.
Note: Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple dates for deletion. -
Click Delete selected holiday(s).
The Delete Holiday(s) window opens. -
Click Delete.
Click Save.