Setting up e-mail distribution for invoices

When an invoice’s status changes from Ready to Print to Printed, the system prints a copy to the printer specified for the invoice format. If desired, you can also e-mail a copy of an invoice to the Bill To company.

To set up e-mail distribution, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Configure your system to allow for e-mail

  • Define e-mail distribution for a Bill To company

Configuring your system for e-mailing invoices

To configure your system to allow you to e-mail invoices, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Enter SMTP server information in the SmtpEmailer General Info Table setting.

  • Set [Invoice]EnhancedInvoicePrint in your TTS50 to Y.

  • Enter a valid e-mail address in the user’s profile in System Administration.

Entering setting information for e-mailing invoices

The General Info Table setting SmtpEmailer provides the information needed for TMW Back Office to send invoices using SMTP e-mail.

In addition, you must set [Invoice]EnhancedInvoicePrint in your TTS50 to Y.

Adding an e-mail address to the user profile

For each user that will create invoices to be e-mailed, you must enter a valid e-mail address in their user profile. You edit user profiles in the System Administration application’s Edit User Profiles window.


For details, see:

Guide: System Administration | Chapter: Establishing user profiles | Section: Understanding the Edit User Profiles window

Defining e-mail distribution for a Bill To company

To set up your system for e-mailing invoices to a Bill To company, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Tools > Profiles > Company Profile.
    The Company Profile window opens.

  2. In the Company ID field, enter the Bill To company ID.

  3. Press ENTER.
    The company’s information appears in the fields.

  4. Click the Distribution Info tab.

  5. Make entries in the following fields.

    Field Definition

    Delete Files

    This check box determines if the system will save a copy of the invoice to the directory specified in the Temp Directory field. If it is selected, the system will not save a copy to the specified directory.

    Temp Directory

    Enter the location of the directory this feature will use for temporary files by clicking image18 Browse. Then use the Browse for Folder window to navigate to or create a temporary directory.

    If the Delete Files check box is cleared and the Use Email check box is selected, the system will save a copy of the e-mailed invoice in this directory.

    Use Email

    Select this check box if you want the system to e-mail a copy of an invoice as an attachment to the address(es) specified in the Email 1 and Email 2 fields.

    Email 1, Email 2

    Primary and secondary e-mail addresses


    Text that will appear in the subject of the e-mail


    Text that will appear in the body of the e-mail

    Distribution Method

    Lists all invoice configurations assigned to the company.

    You can assign additional configurations to this Bill To company in the Assign Configurations section at the bottom of the window.


    1. For more information about invoice configurations, see [ConfiguringInvoiceOutput].

    2. If the Use Email check box is selected, the system also e-mails the invoice as an attachment to the address(es) specified in the Email 1 and Email 2 fields.

  6. Click image19 Save to save your changes.