
This section contains the following for the latest version:

  • System requirements

  • Enhancements (new or updated features)

  • Resolved issues (application improvements)

We have updated our company name and logo to the Trimble brand.

Note: Before upgrading your production environment, Trimble recommends that you read the system requirements and install the latest version in a test environment. If you have questions, please contact your Trimble customer representative.


Important information, please read before upgrading V.2019.1 and higher

Version warning

When you upgrade TMW Back Office, you must also upgrade TMW Operations and TMWSuite to the same version.

Invoice output configurations warning

Starting in version 2019.1, there is a new procedure for setting up and assigning invoice output configurations for print and EDI.

In previous versions, you set up output configurations in the EDI 210 field or in the Advanced EDI Output Settings window in the company’s File Maintenance profile.

Starting in V.2019.1, those two locations are no longer available.

Now, you set up invoice output configurations in the Billing Output Configuration Folder.

To access this window, go to Tools > Setup > Billing Output Configuration.

Now, you can assign companies to invoice output configurations from either of these locations:

  • The Billing Output Configuration Folder

  • The Distribution Method section on the Distribution Info tab in the company profile

    The upgrade script is designed to automatically import all the invoice output configurations you previously set up. You should not need to do any additional setup for your existing configurations. However, as with any major upgrade, we recommend that you verify the results after running the upgrade script.

    For information about setting up and using invoice output configurations, see the Configuring your invoice output topic.

Case sensitive passwords warning

Starting with V.17.50, the system treats all passwords as case sensitive. This includes existing passwords.

This change affects how you log in with an existing password:

  • If your password was created with [Misc]CaseSensitivePasswords=OFF in your TTS50, you must enter that password in all upper case characters.

  • If your password was created with [Misc]CaseSensitivePasswords=ON in your TTS50, you can enter that password as you originally recorded it (case sensitive).


Before you begin installing TMW Back Office version 2019.2, check that you meet these requirements:

  • TMWSuite®
    You must be using TMWSuite V. 2019.2.

  • TMW Operations
    If you are using TMW Operations, your version of TMW Back Office must be the same as your version of TMW Operations.

  • Microsoft® .NET Framework
    .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later (full package not client)
    The framework must be installed on the TMW Back Office server, client, and administrator systems before you install TMW Back Office. If it is not present, the system displays an advisory message during the installation. Install the framework before running the application.

  • Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft® Windows Server®
    IIS Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later

  • Microsoft® SQL Server®

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 or later
      Note: SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2016 are supported. Trimble recommends using the latest service pack of whichever version you use.

  • You must be logged into the system where you want to install TMW Back Office, and have administrator rights for that system
    Like most applications, TMW Back Office can be installed locally on a user’s system. It is also possible to install TMW Back Office on a network drive. To do so, you must be logged into the system where the drive is physically located, and have administrator rights for that system.

  • SQL Server System Administrator rights are necessary
    The installation of TMW Back Office includes the manual application of a SQL script to the TMWSuite database. You must have a SQL Server administrator login and password to apply it.


Driver Retention

Added feature to help you keep your drivers (NSUITE-206908 and NSUITE-206909)

The Driver Retention feature uses key driver metrics to identify dissatisfied drivers who are at risk of leaving the company. Trimble designed the feature to help you intervene before you lose a driver. This can help you avoid the costly process of recruiting and training a new driver. The feature provides you with a calculated score provided by Trimble Cloud Exchange (TCX).

This information displays in the Driver Retention window. This window is available in TMW Operations and in TMW Back Office.


Added an Inbound 210 tab in Settlements (NSUITE-90737)

The Inbound 210 tab displays the Car Inv Number, date, description, quantity, rate, charge, and total charges. It is read-only, meant for users to verify that what they are paying corresponds to the invoice they received. Information is pulled in from the edi_inbound210_detail and edi_inbound210_header tables. The Inbound 210 tab is available in Trip Settlements and Agent Settlements.
Note: The tab is activated by the Brokerage EDI license.

Protecting the first order reference number (NSUITE-206876)

Now, you can set up the system to prevent users from editing or deleting the first order reference number for an EDI order. You can still modify or delete all other order reference numbers, and you can add additional ones.

General system setup

Setting up unit conversions (NSUITE-206675)

In previous versions, you set up unit conversions in TMWSuite’s System Administration application.

Now, you can set up unit conversions in the Unit Conversion Maintenance window, which is available in TMW Back Office and in TMW Operations.

This feature allows you to set up two types of unit conversions:

  • Quantity conversions, such as converting tons to pounds

  • Rate conversions, such as converting pounds to dollars per 100 pounds

Note: Unit conversions are necessary when the unit of measure recorded on an order is different from the unit of measure used to invoice the customer or to pay the driver.

TMWSuite’s unit conversion feature enables the rating engine to automatically make necessary unit conversions during the rating process.

Setting up currency conversions (NSUITE-206677)
In previous versions, you set up exchange rates for currency conversions in TMWSuite’s System Administration application.

Now, you can set up currency conversions in the Currency Conversion Maintenance window. You can access this window in TMW Back Office and in TMW Operations.

Setting up semimonthly pay schedules (NSUITE-207249)

You use pay schedules to issue pay on a set schedule.

In previous versions, you could set the recurrence pattern based on daily, weekly, every two weeks (biweekly), or monthly.

A new option allows you to schedule pay semimonthly. When using this option you set up two pay periods per month by specifying:

  • One pay period will fall on either the first or last day of the month

  • One pay period will fall on either the 14th, 15th, or 16th day of the month

For example, you could set up a semimonthly pay schedule that pays on the 1st and the 15th of every month.


Creating multiple credit memo/rebills for a Master Bill (NSUITE-206857)

In previous versions, you could create only one credit memo/rebill for a Master Bill.

Now, you can create multiple credit memo/rebills for a Master Bill.

Changing the Cloud Imaging Integration to retrieve images by order number (NSUITE-207294)

If you are using the Cloud Imaging integration, you can retrieve invoices on the Documents tab in the Edit Invoice Folder.

Previously, the system retrieved invoices by invoice number only.

Now, the document lookup retrieves by order number for invoices attached to an order and retrieves by invoice number for invoices not attached to an order (such as, miscellaneous invoices).

Microsoft® Dynamics GP integration

Viewing Alternate ID in AR Export (NSUITE-204071)

Now, the AR Export window includes an Alternate ID column.


Flammable and Corrosive system codes added for ALK’s HazMat add-on module (NSUITE-206531)

Clients using ALK’s HazMat add-on module in conjunction with PC*MILER can create routes and calculate mileages based on hazardous material classifications.

In previous versions, the ALKHazLevel label provided four classifications as system codes:

  • General hazardous material

  • Explosives

  • Inhalants

  • Radioactive material

Now, two more system code options have been added:

  • Flammable

  • Corrosive

Note: In previous versions, you could set up these options manually.


Using asset index restrictions for pay not associated with a trip (NSUITE-207576)

By default, the rating engine tries to match the asset type of index restrictions set on the rate to the asset information recorded on the trip.

Now, you can set up the system to match the asset index restrictions on the rate to the ones recorded in the asset’s profile.


  1. This affects only TMW Back Office Final Settlements.

  2. This setup will cause the system to ignore the [Settlement]UseResourceTypeOnTrip INI setting.

Recurring adjustments

Specifying both the Per Diem Credit and Per Diem Deduction pay types on a recurring adjustment (NSUITE-207248)

Per Diem pay is a flat, non-taxable dollar amount granted to company drivers to reimburse them for work-related expenses (such as meals).

To achieve non-taxable status, the system first deducts the Per Diem dollar figure from a driver’s taxable earnings. Then it awards the driver a non-taxable reimbursement for the same Per Diem amount.

Now, when setting up Per Diem pay, you can specify both the Per Diem Credit and Per Diem Deduction pay types on the recurring adjustment.

Resolved issues

Dedicated billing

  • NSUITE-202974
    Fixed an issue that was allowing you to tab through disabled fields

  • NSUITE-205693
    Fixed the sort order to list minimum or maximum charges with the original billing detail

  • NSUITE-206294
    When you deleted a dedicated detail that was linked to dedicated revenue allocations, the system showed a foreign key reference error. We fixed the dedicated detail delete logic so that it will also delete the corresponding dedicated revenue allocations.

  • NSUITE-206837
    The Print Invoices window was allowing you to set an eligible invoice to Printed without selecting the Finalize Eligible Invoices for Dedicated Bill check box.

Final Settlements

  • NSUITE-206626
    Fixed an issue that was preventing holiday pay additional earnings from being applied.+ A Settlement Collect Configuration is no longer required to calculate Holiday Pay. You can now calculate Holiday Pay using Stored Procedure or Holiday Calendar without additional setup.

  • NSUITE-206956
    Pay Schedules set up as payroll or accounts payable were not appearing in the Restrict window for Collect Final Settlements queue.

  • NSUITE-207087
    Fixed issue that was preventing you from showing the Collect and Close option on the Collect Final Settlements queue after hiding it with Screen Designer.

  • NSUITE-207157
    Fixed issue in Final Settlements that was preventing the order number and move number from displaying on overtime pay details generated by a custom procedure.

  • NSUITE-207268
    Fixed an issue that was causing an error when running the Collect process for a manually added pay detail that did not have a trip segment number. The error message stated that Movement Not Available For Settlements Exception.


  • NSUITE-205854
    Fixed a problem that was preventing you from adding an invoice charge to a split trip when the first segment was completed and paid

  • NSUITE-206703
    Fixed these restriction fields on the Invoices On Hold for Audit queue:

    • Bill To

    • Shipper

    • Consignee

    • Order By

    • NSUITE-206939

    When checking in required paperwork for a cross docked trip, the system was not allowing you to save.

  • NSUITE-207135
    The Revenue Allocation for a Credit Memo was not replicating the original invoice.

  • NSUITE-207222
    The system was preventing you from creating credit memos when you had InvoiceSuffixPrefix=NS set in your TTS50.

Microsoft® Dynamics GP integration

  • NSUITE-206470
    The AR Export was not sending the GP specific reference numbers listed in the company profile for Misc invoices.

  • NSUITE-206704
    When set up to auto apply credit memos, the system was creating incorrect apply records.
    Accounting transfers can now return warning messages to indicate that the data was successfully transferred to the accounting package, but something may have happened during the process that is worth noting.

  • NSUITE-206869
    The AR Export was not considering the posting date option from Accounting Setup when transferring freight invoices attached to a master bill.

  • NSUITE-206960
    Fixed an issue that was causing incorrect amounts to be transferred to GP Purchasing (AP) module from the Back Office AP Export.

  • NSUITE-207010
    A view is a set of restrictions that serves as a filter to limit the number of records listed in a grid.
    A new field in these accounting export windows allows you to select the view used:

    • AP Export

    • AR Export

    • Vendor Export

    • Customer Export

  • NSUITE-207374
    The Customer Export window does not export companies that do not have a Company Name set in their profile. In previous versions, the system did not alert you. Now, an error message is displayed if you try to export companies without a Company Name.

Navigation and data entry

  • NSUITE-202652
    The File > Close command was not available for the following windows:

    • Charge Type Maintenance

    • Pay Type Maintenance

    • Paperwork Asset Setup

    • Output Maintenance

    • Trip Settlements folder

    • Agent Settlements folder

    • Time Settlements folder


  • NSUITE-206575
    Fixed problem that was causing a concurrency error when you attempted to apply a line item tariff set up for incremental rates.

  • NSUITE-206962
    Repaired system to correctly calculate hourly pay for split trips.

  • NSUITE-206896
    Fixed problem a client was having with their Calculated Revenue rates.

  • NSUITE-207095
    Fixed a parameter mismatch that occurred while making a call to custom stored procedure sp_ChargeTypeBasisUnitRuleBillToMileAll.

  • NSUITE-207141
    The system was ignoring commodity restrictions on the rate when rating trip segments not attached to an order.

  • NSUITE-207258
    Fixed an issue that was preventing line item rating for details that were added by TotalMail. This was affecting rating in TMW Operations and in TMW Back Office.

Recurring adjustments

  • NSUITE-207110
    Fixed issue that was causing balances to update incorrectly when deleting Escrow Pay.

  • NSUITE-207111
    You can use the Withdraw option on the Transactions tab in the Assign Assets window to withdraw or deposit money into an escrow account. We fixed two issues with using this tab:

    • The system was allowing you to withdraw an amount greater than the balance.

    • The system was not allowing you to enter a positive value greater than the available balance, to record a deposit to the escrow fund.

Tracking paperwork

  • NSUITE-205885
    The paperwork rows were being added with the pw_received set to NULL instead of 'N'. This was causing confusion with users when they view the paperwork in Invoicing. It was also causing problems with the client’s customers when they received a Rate Confirm sheet without paperwork information.

  • NSUITE-206473
    Fixed an issue that was causing the system to update the last_updatedby and the last_updateddatetime columns in the database for paperwork each time you retrieved an order.

  • NSUITE-206740
    Fixed an issue that was causing Trip Settlements to require paperwork for both legs of a split trip even when the paperwork requirement was set for last drop only.

  • NSUITE-206860
    Charge Type paperwork requirements were not being flagged.

  • NSUITE-206963
    If the Bill To was not assigned when the trip was dispatched, Invoicing was not setting required paperwork that was based on charge types.

  • NSUITE-207209
    Fixed issue that was preventing the system from checking in paperwork for all segments on a split trip when the paperwork was received through imaging.

  • NSUITE-207473
    Fixed an issue that was preventing the system from updating the color of the Paperwork tab on some split or consolidated trips.

    • When all Billing requirements were met for a split trip, the system was not setting the Paperwork tab color to Blue in the Edit Invoice Folder.

    • When all Settlements requirements were met on a consolidated trip, the system was not setting the Paperwork tab color to Yellow in the Trip Settlements Folder.

  • NSUITE-207256
    Previously, when paperwork was required for Both and the trip was split, you could not check in the paperwork for the second trip segment.

  • NSUITE-207473
    Fixed an issue that was preventing the system from updating the color of the Paperwork tab on some split or consolidated trips.

    • When all Billing requirements were met for a split trip, the system was not setting the Paperwork tab color to Blue.

    • When all Settlements requirements were met on a consolidated trip , the system was not setting the Paperwork tab color to Yellow.

Trip Settlements

  • NSUITE-206858
    Settling a trip unassociated with an order was not triggering the GL reset rule. This was happening on trips ordered but not used (TONU). Client must pay the driver even though the order is cancelled.

  • NSUITE-206573
    Fixed error that occurred when releasing pay in the Settlement On Hold and On Hold for Audit queues for asset setup to do Express Trip Pay processing.

  • NSUITE-207444
    Fixed the Board Carrier restriction for Settlements.