Available Trips

The Available Trips grid of the Planning Worksheet displays trips that meet your restrictions. The most commonly used columns are defined in the following table. The columns are listed alphabetically.

Bill To

ID of the Bill To company recorded on the order.

Note: If the trip involves consolidated orders, this field shows the Bill To for the first order.


User ID of the person who entered the order into the system


ID of the carrier assigned to the trip

Cmd Code

Commodity ID code that identifies the cargo

Cmd Count

Number of commodities recorded for the trip. The value recorded for the General Info Table setting, cmd_total, controls how the total is determined. There are two options:

  • Pieces

    The Cmd Count column displays the total number of pieces for all freight details on the order.


    1. If no count-based commodities are recorded for the order, the Cmd Count column displays a zero (0).

    2. If the order contains multiple freight details, some that are count-based and others that are not, only the total of the count-based details are shown in the Cmd Count column.

    3. If you have consolidated orders, the Cmd Count column shows the count-based total for all the orders.

    4. This option is the default, recorded in String1, for this setting.

  • Freight

The Cmd Count column displays the total number of freight details recorded on the order.

Cmd Description

Name of the commodity on the order


ID of the company where the first pickup occurs


Name of the company where the first pickup occurs


City and state/province location of the last drop


ID of the company where the last drop occurs


Name of the company where the last drop occurs


Earliest date/time that the final stop may occur


ID of the company where the last drop occurs


Latest date/time that the final stop may occur


Name of the company where the last drop occurs


The destination city’s dispatch regions 1-4, which are established in the System Administration application. Dispatch regions are used to categorize loads for operational purposes.


State/province where the last event is to occur


ZIP Code/postal code where the last event is to occur


City/state where the first event is to occur


State where the first event is to occur


The system determines detention time by tracking the amount of time a driver spends at a stop before departing. After the arrival time at the stop is actualized manually or through a TotalMail form, the system periodically checks to see whether the departure time has been actualized. The color of the indicator corresponds to the detention status of the trip.

  • Gray
    The driver is traveling from one stop to the next. This color appears in two situations:

    • The arrival at the first stop has not been actualized.

    • The departure from a stop is complete, but the arrival at the next stop has not been actualized.

  • Green
    The arrival at a stop has been actualized, but tolerances for yellow alerts, red alerts and autobilling have not been exceeded.

  • Yellow
    The yellow alert tolerance for the stop type has elapsed.

  • Red
    The red alert tolerance for the stop type has elapsed.

Note: For more information, see:

Dispatch Status

Status of the trip. The statuses that display depend on how you have defined your views. The statuses are:

  • Available
    Trip is ready for dispatch; resources have not been pre-assigned.

  • Planned
    Resources have been pre-assigned, but the assignment has not yet been communicated to the driver/carrier.

  • Dispatched
    Resources have been pre-assigned, and the assignment has been communicated to the driver/carrier.

  • Started
    Trip is in progress.


ID of the primary driver assigned to the trip


Name of the primary driver assigned to the trip


Date and time of the last event on the trip


City, state/province where the last event is to occur


ID of the company where the last event is to occur


Name of the company where the last event is to occur


State where the last event is to occur


ZIP Code/postal code where the last event is to occur


The status of the tractor’s next trip. Statuses are:

  • PLN
    Planned or Dispatched

  • UNP


Late indicator, which is color-coded to indicate whether a stop on a trip is late, or in danger of being late. The Late indicator displays in one of these colors:

  • Red
    Critical warning: A stop’s scheduled arrival time is either imminent or past due.

  • Yellow
    Semi-critical warning: A stop is nearing its scheduled arrival time.

  • Gray
    The scheduled arrival time of the stop is far enough in the future that the trip is not considered at risk of being late.

Note: For more information, see Late symbol.


The latitude recorded in the profile of the company where the first stop occurs. If no latitude is recorded in the company’s profile, the field value is 0.000000.


System-assigned ID number for the trip segment


Trip segment classifications, often used to categorize trips for pay.

Note: Trip classifications are user-defined in the LghType1-4 labels in the Edit User Definable Fields window.


The longitude recorded in the profile of the company where the first stop occurs. If no longitude is recorded in the company’s profile, the field value is 0.000000.


Total miles for the entire movement


Numeric system-assigned ID for the movement


Unique numeric ID assigned to an order by the system


Order identification code.

Note: Typically, this is a numeric value assigned to the order when it is created. However, in some cases, users will override the system-assigned number with a user-defined alphanumeric code. This is common for master orders because it makes the orders easier to look up.


ID of the company that placed the order


City and state/province where the first event on the trip segment is to occur


ID of the company where the first event is to occur


Name of the company where the first event on the trip segment is to occur


ID of the company where the first event is to occur


Name of the company where the first event on the trip segment is to occur


State/province where the trip begins


ZIP Code/postal code where the first event is to occur


The Priority indicator signals the importance of the load. The color of the indicator is determined by the priority assigned to the trip (e.g., the entry made in the Priority field in the order header). The indicator will display in one of these colors:

  • Red
    Load has highest priority (of 1)

  • Yellow
    Load has been assigned a lower level priority (of 2 - 5)

  • Green
    Either a priority was never set for the load, or a priority of 6 or greater was assigned

Note: For more information, see Priority symbol.


Earliest acceptable date and time that the first event on the trip segment can occur


Latest acceptable date and time that the first event on the trip segment can occur


The origin company’s dispatch regions. Dispatch regions are established in the System Administration application and are used to categorize loads for operational purposes.


The order’s RevType1-4 classification codes.

Note: Revenue classifications are user-defined in the RevType1-4 labels, accessed in the Edit User Definable Fields window.


The order’s RevType1-4 classifications.

Note: Revenue classifications are user-defined in the RevType1-4 labels, accessed in the Edit User Definable Fields window.


Total charges for a pre-rated order


Date and time that the first event on the trip segment is scheduled to occur


Icons indicate the dispatch status of the trip. The statuses that display depend on how you have defined your views. The statuses are:

  • Available
    Trip is ready for dispatch; resources have not been pre-assigned.

  • Planned
    Resources have been pre-assigned, but the assignment has not yet been communicated to the driver/carrier.

  • Dispatched
    Resources have been pre-assigned, and the assignment has been communicated to the driver/carrier.

  • Started
    Trip is in progress.

Note: For more information, see Status column in the Available Trips grid.


Total number of stops recorded for the trip segment


Date/time the arrival at the stop was marked as completed


Indicates whether the resources have completed the event scheduled for the stop location. Options are:

  • OPN
    In the Trip Folder’s Stops tab, the Completed checkbox for the stop is cleared.

  • DNE
    In the Trip Folder’s Stops tab, the Completed checkbox for the stop is selected.


Name of the commodity associated with the stop


Event recorded for the stop


System-assigned numeric identifier for the stop


Indicates whether the resources have arrived at the stop location. Options are:

  • OPN
    In the Trip Folder’s Stops tab, the Arrived checkbox for the stop is cleared.

  • DNE
    In the Trip Folder’s Stops tab, the Arrived checkbox for the stop is selected.


ID of the tractor assigned to the trip


ID of the primary trailer assigned to the trip


ID of the secondary trailer assigned to the trip


The TrlType1 classification for the trailer that is to be assigned to the order, as specified when the order was created.

Note: To help your company track revenue brought in by different types of trailers, the system allows you to classify trailers into four trailer categories. These categories, called Trailer Types, are defined by your company for its own use. They are further subdivided into trailer categories.


Total weight of the cargo