Viewing load pay details

About this topic
  • Audience: General users

  • Conditions/restrictions: You must be assigned to a role that has access to the Carrier Pay pages. If you cannot access the pages, contact your company’s system administrator.

You use the Load Pay Details page to view pay details for a trip or load. This page is read-only.

You can view:

  • Stop information

  • Existing/Approved pay

  • Pending pay

To view load pay details:

  1. Go to Menu > Carrier > Pay > Load Pay Details.
    The Load Pay Details page opens.


  2. In the Leg # field, enter the needed leg number.

  3. Click Load.
    The page refreshes and pay details are displayed.

    Note: Depending on your permissions, you may receive a message that states, "You do not have permission to view this load, it is assigned to another carrier." If you receive this message out of error, contact your company’s system administrator.