Setting up TMW.Suite Go

About this topic
  • Audience: System administrators, TMW.Suite Go administrators, Trimble Web Products administrators

  • Conditions/restrictions: You must have administrator permissions to multiple applications and systems to set up TMW.Suite Go.

    Note: If you have any questions or issues during the installation or set up process, contact your Support representative.

TMW.Suite Go is the umbrella name for the TMW.Suite Go mobile apps (TMW.Suite Go Driver and TMW.Suite Go Dispatch).

Minimum requirements

The minimum requirements for using TMW.Suite Go are the same as those specified for Trimble Web Products.

This table lists features of TMW.Suite Go that are available for specific versions of Trimble Web Products.

TMW.Suite Go feature Available for Trimble Web Products versions


2018.1 and above

Messaging and pay

2018.2 and above

Trip planning

2018.3 and above

Fuel and notifications

2018.4 and above

Display order number on trip
Allow scanned document without indexes

2019.2 and above

Disable localized date

2019.3 and above

Implementation checklist

Before drivers and/or dispatchers can use these apps, the System administrator or the TMW.Suite Go administrator must complete the following checklist.

If a task contains a hyperlink, that topic has additional details. Click the link to view the task’s details.

Implementation task Application
  • Trimble Web Products

  1. Verify that the required environments are installed and set up correctly to interact with TMW.Suite Go.

    Note: This step requires additional set up outside of the scope of this section. If you have questions or issues, contact your Support representative.

  • Fuel Dispatch (if used)

  • Imaging Services

  • Microsoft SQL Server

  • SSRS Reporting

  • SystemsLink (see Step 3 for details)

  • TotalMail

  • TMW Back Office (if used)

  • TMW Operations (if used)

  • Trimble Web Products

  • TMWSuite

  1. Verify that your external SystemsLink middle tier URL allows traffic to TMW.Suite Go.

    Note: This step requires additional set up outside of the scope of this section. If you have questions or issues, contact your Customer Support representative.

  • Internet browser

  • Trimble Routing website

  • Trimble Web Products

  1. Specify which paperwork types are used with TMW.Suite Go

  • TMW Back Office (if used)

  • Trimble Web Products

  • TMWSuite File Maintenance

  1. Configure load offers.

    Note: You manage this feature in the Trimble Web Products for TMW.Suite Go Dispatch and TMW.Suite Go Driver. Fuel Dispatch has additional functionality to push load offers to drivers. This feature requires additional Fuel Dispatch configuration.

  • Trimble Web Products

  • Fuel Dispatch

  • Trimble Web Products

  • Trimble Web Products

  • Trimble Web Products

  1. Add drivers to your TMS.

    You complete this task in Fuel Dispatch or TMW Operations.

    Search for the Creating a driver profile topic in one of the following online help sites:

    Note: If your company does not use TMW Operations or Fuel Dispatch, you can follow the steps listed in the Add dispatchers to your TMS section.

  • Fuel Dispatch

  • TMW Operations

  • TMWSuite System Administration

  • Trimble Routing Website

  1. Verify with your drivers and/or dispatchers that they can log in to TMW.Suite Go.

  • TMW.Suite Go Driver

  • TMW.Suite Go Dispatch

  1. Configure the TruETA/TMW.Suite Go integration (optional feature).

    Note: To set up this feature, you must purchase and install the TruETA license.

  • Trimble Web Products

  • SystemsLink

  • WorkCycle

  • TMW Operations