Agent overview
FreightAgent is a web-based application that enables a hosting company to create a customized, secure site for agents. You can use the Freight Agent Order Entry page in FreightAgent to create and edit orders, view the status of orders, and assign resources. You can also use the Company Entry and Carrier Entry pages to add companies and carriers to the database.
The Planning Worksheet page in FreightAgent provides an overview of loads and resources. You can:
Retrieve and view loads for a specified date range
Edit details
Assign carriers, drivers, tractors, and trailers
The hosting company determines which pages you may access and the functionality you may use on those pages. For example, the hosting company determines whether you can view resources on the Planning Worksheet page. You may not see a resource grid or you may not see all resource types. |
Terms used in FreightAgent
While working in FreightAgent, you may come across these terms.
- Move Number
A system-assigned ID associated with a record of all the activities that occur during a trip.
- Planning Worksheet
The Planning Worksheet page in FreightAgent provides a listing of loads and resources.
- Revenue Types
The hosting company creates revenue types as classifications for tracking revenue brought in by different types of loads. A load can have up to four revenue types assigned to it.
- Trailer Types
The hosting company creates trailer types to track revenue and work according to trailer types. In addition, dispatchers may need to know the trailer type to assign resources to the order.
General process that you will follow when using FreightAgent
The links in this process direct you to the help topics for each.
The User Registration Information page opens the first time you log into the application. It also opens if the hosting company changes the terms and conditions, requiring you to read and accept them again.
Add or change the information in your user profile.
Your user account may require periodic maintenance. If necessary, you can update your name, contact information, and security questions in your user profile at any time. To ensure your account security, it is a good policy to change your password periodically. You can also view the Terms and Conditions that you accepted the first time you logged in.
If needed, create additional login accounts for other agents working with you.
FreightAgent features
The links in this list direct you to the help topics for each.
These topics describe how you can submit carrier and customer profile information to your hosting company’s database. The Pending Entries feature lists those profiles that are waiting for approval from the hosting company. Those that have been approved for your use can be accessed with the Assigned Carriers and Assigned Companies features.
The topics and procedures in this section provide information on how to create and edit orders, as well as how to retrieve and copy existing orders.
These topics provide in-depth information on assigning carriers, drivers, tractors, and/or trailers to orders.