Canned Reports

About this topic
  • Audience: System administrators, SSRS Report administrators

  • Conditions/restrictions: None

This section contains samples of Canned Reports in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Application Security

These templates generate reports that contain TMWSuite menu items, user access details, and user groups.

Report Name Description

Default Values

Lists default values in the TMWSuite database.

Note: This report runs with TMWSuite only. It does not work with TMW Operations.

Field Level Restrictions

Lists all field level restrictions in your database.

Operations - Saved Grid Layouts

List of saved TMW Operations grid layouts and users with access

Operations - Saved Screen Layouts

List of saved TMW Operations screen layouts and users with access

Report Security

List of Report Library objects and users with access

TMWSuite Menu Security

List of TMWSuite menu items and users with access

TMWSuite Modules and Users

List of TMWSuite modules and users with access

TMWSuite Users

List of TMWSuite users and groups

Auto Hauler

These templates generate reports that contain vehicle damage information.

Report Name Description

Claims Letter

Letter to driver for damages responsibility

OSD Report

Detailed report of vehicle damage

Brokerage Reports

These templates generate reports that contain invoice and rating history.

Report Name Description

Carrier Bids

Displays a list of carrier bids for an order over a period of time.

Carriers By Qualifications

Summary of carrier qualifications

Rate History By Lane

Summary of invoice and rating history by specific lane

Trip Segment Analysis Template By Executing Terminal

Displays a list of trip segments for a specific period of time grouped by executing terminal

This report includes details, such as: Leg #, Order #, start/end dates, empty/loaded miles, revenue, net, margin, and revenue per mile.

CRM Tasks Reports

These templates generate reports that contain activity details by user and by completed task.

These templates require CRM Right installed to generate report data.
Report Name Description

Activities Detail

Summary of activity details by user ID and activity type

Completed Activity

Summary of activity by user for completed tasks

Database Reports

These templates generate reports that contain database information.

Report Name Description

Database List

List of all databases on server

General Info Settings

List of all General Info Table (GIT) settings in the database

This report displays the setting name, when it was added to the database, and the values.

Table Sizes

List of tables and sizes in one database

DX - Data Exchange

These templates generate reports that contain data exceptions.

Report Name Description

DX - Data Exceptions

Data Exceptions written by data exchanged to the DX_Exceptions table

EDI Orders by Status

EDI orders organized by status

eManifest ACE ACI Reports

These templates generate reports that contain eManifest information.

Report Name Description

ACE Electronic Manifest

Displays ACE Electronic Manifest barcode

Includes the driver’s name, license plate number, trip number, and other information.

Note: This is border crossing documentation. You must be licensed to use these features.

eManifest Lead Sheet

Displays Lead Sheet barcode

Includes the carrier code, trip number, ETA date, Port of Arrival, tractor and trailer license plate numbers, and other information.

Note: This is border crossing documentation. You must be licensed to use these features.

Fuel Dispatch Reports

These templates generate reports that contain scheduled drivers, orders by volume, and oil field readings.

Report Name Description

Board Plan

Five-day planning board

Delivered Gallons

Delivered gallons over a period of time organized by tractor number and commodity

Driver Calendar

Driver’s available days, unavailable days, trip count, trip time, logged hours, scheduled, and shift over a period of time

Note: This report works with Fuel Dispatch databases only.

Driver Login/Logout

Driver’s login and logout times on shift schedules organized by Driver ID

Driver Schedule

List of drivers scheduled for a specific day

Driver Schedule Weekly

List of drivers scheduled for week

Drop Ticket Report

Oil field reading drop ticket that includes estimated barrels, truck number, lease number, and other information

Fuel Split Stops

List of trips that contain more than one pickup event or drop event for a single trip over a period of time

Low Volume

List of orders below target volume

Missing Fuel Inventory Readings

List of missing inventory readings by company

Reject and Refusal Tickets [Reject and Refusal Tickets^]

List of rejected fuel deliveries with reasons

First available in Fuel Dispatch: 2018.3

Run Ticket Report

Oil field readings run ticket, includes: company name, ticket number, tank number, hub reading, and other information

Oil Field Readings

Summary of oil field readings

Stops By Shift

List of stops organized by shift

Truck Schedule

List of tractor schedules

Fuel Tax Mileage

These templates generate reports that contain fuel tax mileage information.

To use this report, you must install and run the Fuel Tax Mileage WorkCycle feature. If you have questions about this feature, contact your Support representative.
Report Name Description

State Miles Details

State mile totals and subtotals by tractor for a period of time

Note: This report requires a WorkCycle process to complete. WorkCycle is a separately licensed module.

Management Report Canned Reports

These templates generate reports that contain tractor, sales, and pay information.

Sub folder Report Name Description

File Maintenance

Active Tractor Information

Summary of all active tractors


Summary of current, future, or past expirations


Pay Period Summary by Driver or Carrier

Summary of pay for a specific driver or carrier over a period

Pay Period Summary by PayTo

Summary of pay for a specific PayTo companies over a period

Pay Period Summary by Tractor

Summary of pay for a specific tractor over a period

Settlement Detail Summary by Settlement Item Type

List trip details, grouped by trip number

Revenue Based Reports

Daily Sales

Summary of total revenue for a specific day

This report contains:

  • Billed revenue

  • Unbilled revenue

  • Revenue per mile

  • Total miles

Revenue Analysis

General summary of revenue over a period of time

Revenue Analysis by BillTo

Summary of revenue over a period of time for specific BillTo companies

Trip Segment Analysis by Tractor

Analysis for a trip segment based on a specific tractor

This report contains:

  • Order number

  • Trip dates and times

  • Total miles

  • Driver/Carrier information

Unbilled Revenue

Summary of unbilled revenue for a specific date

Resource Based

Resource Mileage Driver

Summary of empty, loaded, and total miles by driver


These templates generate reports that display simple map information.

Report Name Description

Flat Screen One Truck History

Displays one truck’s GPS location by date range

Flat Screen Tractor Positions

Displays current tractor GPS locations

Margin By State

Displays tractor GPS margins by origin state

Miles From

Displays the distance from the start of a trip to the nearest tractors

One Truck History

Displays GPS history and a basic GPS map for a single truck over a period of time

One Truck History (map only)

Displays a basic GPS map for a single truck over a period of time

Tractor Positions

Displays GPS locations, stop locations, and a basic GPS map for active tractors

Tractor Positions (map only)

Displays a basic GPS map for active tractors

Microsoft Dynamics GP Reports

These templates generate reports that contain 401K records, cash receipts, deductions, and employee tax information.

Report Name Description


Summary of 401(K) payment information

Average Pay

Summary of average pay per employee ID

This report contains:

  • Year-to-date totals

  • Average pay per paycheck

  • Number of checks received during a period of time

Cash Receipts

Summary of cash receipts during a period of time

Consolidated Payroll Register

Summary of payroll sorted by company category

This report contains:

  • Terminal information

  • Employee pay

  • Employee deductions

Deduction In Arrears

Summary of pay per employee class

Deduction Summary

Summary of employee deductions over a period of time

This report contains:

  • Employee deductions

  • Spouse deductions

  • Dependent deductions

Dependent List

Summary of employee dependents and associated benefits

Employer’s Tax Expense

Summary of all tax expenses

Gross Wages

Summary of gross wages per employee for a specific year

Mandatory Arrears

This report lists all the employees missing from a payroll build that need added into the arrears transactions screen.

Missing Time Cards

Lists any employee missing a time card or recorded time

Payroll Precheck Totals Report

Summary of pre-check totals

This report contains:

  • Pay codes

  • Deductions

  • Benefits

  • Taxes

Trial Balance

Summary of account information for a specific year


Summary of vacation pay for a specific employee

Work History

Summary of work history for a specific employee

Mileage Table

This template generates a report that displays mileage information based on trips.

Report Name Description

Stored Mileage Entries

Displays the following trip information:

  • Miles

  • Hours

  • Origin/Destination

Resource Analysis Reports

These templates generate reports that analyze assets or resource types.

Report Name Description

Activity Audit By Order Number

Logs changes made to a list of orders

Asset Utilization

Asset utilization (drivers, tractors, and/or trailers) over a period of time with percentages

Beaming Report

Displays asset start/end location inconsistencies

Companies not used in the last XX months

Displays companies not used within the last number of months

Companies Within X Miles Of Primary Company

Lists companies within a user-defined distance of a primary company

Driver Expiration Calendar

Expirations for non-termination, but dispatch effecting statuses in a calendar format

Driver Random Selection

Report that selects a random group of drivers and displays driver information, such as: birth date, hire date, driver ID, and other information

Driver Hours Check

Displays driver log hours by day, including days with missing logs

Event Level Beaming

Start/end location inconsistencies based on event

Find Backhaul Report

List of potential backhaul trips for drivers, includes: start date, estimated hours, order number, and other information

You enter a move number and use the Miles Radius slider to find orders available for backhaul.

Hires, Terminations, and Driver Count

Displays the number of new hires, terminations, and the number of active drivers over a period of time

Last X Commodities per Trailer

Shows the last x commodities hauled on a specific trailer over a period of time

Note: The x represent a user-defined value.

Load Balance

Compares the number of orders that start in a region with the number of tractors that completed orders in the same region

If you had ten (10) tractors that completed orders in the Northeast region and twelve (12) new orders in Northeast region, then your score would be two (2). Positive scores mean that you have more orders than trucks in that region.

This report displays the results in a table and then it uses symbols to display the results on a map.

Load Balance By Zip

Compares the number of orders that start in a ZIP Code with the number of tractors that completed orders in the same ZIP Code

If you had ten (10) tractors that completed orders in a ZIP Code and twelve (12) new orders in that same ZIP Code, then your score would be two (2). Positive scores mean that you have more orders than trucks in that ZIP Code.

This report displays the results in a table and then it uses ZIP Code Shapefiles to display the results on a map.

Note: For this report to display the Shapefiles, you must run the AddTigerTableData.sql SQL script against your database. To obtain the file, contact your Trimble BI Support representative. Work with your company’s system administrator to apply the script.

Resource Mileage Trailer by Stop

The Resource Mileage Trailer report shows a summary of empty, loaded, and total miles for each resource within a specified trip segment end date range. Miles are calculated for all moves, regardless of whether an order is attached. Breakdown is at stop level so switching trailers mid leg is supported.

Revenue by Tractor

Summary of line haul revenue over the last 30 days

Top Customer Growth and Decline

Displays a year-over-year line haul revenue comparison

Safety Reports

These templates generate reports that contain driver incident or accident safety information.

Report Name Description

Accident Report

Displays a list of accidents

Safety Report

Displays a driver’s safety record

Note: The safety report contains links to a hidden safety detail report that shows detailed information about each safety report item.


These templates generate reports that display billing and settlement tariff information.

Report Name Description

Billing Tariff Detail

Summary of individual billing tariff information

Billing Tariff Scroll

Displays all billing tariff records

Settlement Tariff

Summary of individual settlement tariff information

Settlement Tariff Scroll

Displays all settlement tariff records


These templates generate reports that display TotalMail communication information.

Report Name Description

TotalMail Errors

Summary of TotalMail errors

TotalMail Errors Only Grouped

Shows TotalMail errors for a period of time, grouped by general error description and showing error details

TotalMail Messages

Summary of all messages recorded for a specific period of time

TotalMail Message Timing

Summary of message delay between sending and receiving

Trailer Location Reports

These templates generate reports that contain trailer location and company trailer locations.

Report Name Description

Trailer Location

Displays trailer locations

Trailer Location by Company

Displays company trailer locations

User-Defined Auditing

These templates generate reports that display user-defined auditing information. You must enable the User Defined Auditing application to use these reports. For details, see User Defined Auditing.

Report Name Description

User Defined Audit Data by Table

Displays general user-defined audit information

User Defined Audit Data by Table Details

Displays detailed user-defined audit information

Workflow Checkup Reports

These templates generate reports that contain order status updates, trip revenue, and management information. System administrators run them against a test database to verify data accuracy.

Report Name Description

Asset Utilization

Displays active assets without assignments for a selected number of days

Expirations Due for Completion

Displays expirations with a completion date over a selected number of hours

Go Live Administration

Displays a summary of administration features, such as security, permissions, and freight boards

Non Invoiced Orders

Displays orders in a completed or cancelled billable status that have not been invoiced a certain number of days after delivery

Non Settled Trips

Displays completed trip segments not paid

Non Transferred Invoices

Displays orders not transferred after the bill date

Non Transferred Pay

Displays pay not transferred after the pay period

Orders Late to Start

Displays late orders

Order Status Report

Lists orders by status

Required Paperwork not Received

Displays required paperwork that has not been received

Segments Late To Complete

Displays completed segments not paid a number of days after the assignment end date