Setting up Mobile eStat

You can set up eStat to allow users with mobile devices to access order-tracking features. Mobile eStat users can:

  • Track orders

  • View details such as stops, reference numbers, freight, and check calls

  • Access a route map between the origin and destination of the trip

Currently supported devices are: Android, iPad, and iPhone.

To provide users with mobile access to order tracking, follow these steps:

  1. Create the mobile role. When doing so:

    • Base it on the Customer role by selecting Customer in the Template Role for Security field.

    • Do not assign the role to the pages.

  2. Set the page definitions.
    Trimble Web Products includes two pages for mobile eStat users:

    • Order Detail

    • Mobile Track Orders

    You must add these pages to your system’s framework.

    The following table describes the specific page data to enter on the Manage Page Definitions page.

    Manage Page Definitions field Order Detail Mobile Track Orders

    Page Name

    Order Detail

    Mobile Track Orders

    Page Type

    GENAUTH - General Access Authenticated

    URL - Active Page

    URL Path



    ASPX Page Name



  3. Add mobile pages to the menu.

    1. Add a core menu and label it Mobile Pages.

    2. Add menu items and label them Mobile Track Pages and Search Orders.

  4. Assign the Mobile Track Orders and Search Orders pages to the mobile user role you created.

  5. Create a mobile board.

    1. Go to Security > Work with Users > Review Users and select the user who will have mobile access.

    2. On the Customer page, ensure the TMWSuite ID field contains the appropriate ID.

    3. Go to Configuration > Customer Configuration > Customer Maintain Boards.

    4. In the Board User ID field, select the appropriate ID.

    5. Click image1 Add.

    6. In the Description field, enter a board label to describe this view.

    7. In the View Name field, select EstatActiveMobileOrdersView.

    8. If you want, select the statuses you want to display in the Dispatch Status field.
      Note: By default, all statuses will be displayed.

    9. Click Save.

  6. Assign the mobile role you created to the applicable user.