User pages: DriverSeat

The pages are organized by function. For example, all the pages that pertain to driver pay are listed in the Driver pay topic.

Driver schedule

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Assigned Trips

View any upcoming trips to which the driver is assigned. Trip details, such as stop location and freight information, are displayed, along with a map for the suggested route.


Available Trips

View any upcoming trips that are available for assignment. Trip details, such as stop location and freight information, are displayed, along with a map for the suggested route.


Time Off Scheduler

View events or appointments, add them to a personal schedule or calendar, and request time off.


Time Off Summary

Driver can view any requests for time off that have been approved or denied, including the reason for and who denied the request.


Driver pay

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

Trip Pay

Driver can look up pay data for a list of trips that occurred during a specific date range. Information can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet.


Period Pay

Driver can look up pay that has been finalized within a specific pay period or date range. Information can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet.


CSA safety information

The names of the pages that pertain to this function are listed.

Page name Page description ASPX page name

CSA Stats

Drivers can access their CSA safety data. You must have registered your company’s DOT number in ClientCenter.
