Setting up e-mail addresses for event notification

You can set up the system to send your employees event notifications. Once you record an employee’s e-mail address, you can associate it with one or more groups.

As needed, you can manage e-mail addresses by:

  • Modifying them

  • Assigning them to different groups

  • Removing them from the system

Adding an e-mail address

To record the e-mail addresses of employees who are to receive event notifications, follow these steps.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

      Note: The e-mail identifies the load, carrier, and any comments the carrier recorded for the load request.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

    Show me


  2. In the E-Mail Address field at the top of the page, enter the person’s e-mail address.

  3. Click Add.
    A message appears at the top of the page, stating your changes were saved successfully.

  4. Continue with Adding an e-mail address to a group.

Adding an e-mail address to a group

You can send a single notification e-mail to a group of addresses simultaneously. Groups are defined on these pages:

  • CarrierHub: Group Definition page

  • eStat: Define Groups page

An e-mail address can belong to more than one group. A user whose e-mail address belongs to more than one group may receive more than one notification e-mail.

To assign e-mail addresses to a group, follow these steps:

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Active Email Addresses list, click on the e-mail address that you want to add to a group.
    Note: You can select only one e-mail address at a time.

  3. Click image12 Assign Groups in eStat or image13 Assign Groups in CarrierHub.
    The available groups appear at the bottom of the page.

    Show me


  4. Select the check box for each group to which the e-mail address should belong.
    Each dispatcher whose e-mail address is assigned to a specific group will see the notifications only for orders specified for that group.

  5. Click image15 Save Group Assignments.
    A message indicates that the group assignment was successful.

Removing an e-mail address from a group

You define groups on these pages:

  • CarrierHub: Group Definition page

  • eStat: Define Groups page

To remove e-mail addresses from a group, follow these steps.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Active Email Addresses list, click on an e-mail address that you want to remove from a group.

  3. Click image12 Assign Groups in eStat or image13 Assign Groups in CarrierHub.
    The available groups appear at the bottom of the page.

    Show me


  4. Clear the check box for each group from which the e-mail address should be removed.

  5. Click image15 Save Group Assignments.
    A message indicates that the group assignment was successful.

Modifying an e-mail address

To change an e-mail address for event notifications, follow these steps.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Active Email Addresses list, click on an e-mail address that you want to modify.

  3. Click image16 Modify Address.

  4. Enter the new e-mail address at the top of the page.

    Show me


  5. Click image15 Save.
    A message indicates that the change was successful.

Deactivating an e-mail address

To remove an e-mail address from the Active Email Addresses notification list, follow these steps.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Active Email Addresses list, click the e-mail address that you want to deactivate.

  3. Click image6 Deactivate.
    The e-mail address is moved to the Inactive Email Addresses list.

Reactivating an inactive e-mail address

To reinstate inactive e-mail addresses, follow these steps.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications.
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications.
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Inactive Email Addresses list, click on the e-mail address that you want to return to the Active Email Addresses notification list.

  3. Click image5 Activate.
    The e-mail address is moved to the Active Email Addresses list.

Deleting an e-mail address

To remove an inactive e-mail address permanently, follow these steps. Only inactive e-mail addresses can be deleted.

  1. Go to one of the following:

    • CarrierHub
      Menu > Configuration > Carrier Configuration > Configure Email Notifications
      The Configure Email Notifications page opens.

    • eStat
      Menu > Configuration > Customer Configuration > Email Notifications
      The Email Notifications page opens.

  2. In the Inactive Email Addresses list, click on the e-mail address that you want to delete.

  3. Click image18 Delete.
    A message indicates that the e-mail address was successfully deleted.