Allowing users to edit shipments

By default, once a user submits an order as a tendered shipment, the user can make no further changes to that order. You can allow your customers to edit their tendered shipments. Editing is limited to shipments having a Tendered or an Available status. When a user accesses a Tendered or an Available shipment from the View Tendered Loads page, fields defining the order can be edited. The bottom of the Tender Shipment page contains four editing-related command buttons.

  • Update This Shipment
    The system will save the changes to the shipment using the same order ID that was assigned when the shipment was first submitted.

  • Submit as New Shipment
    The system will save the changes to the shipment and assign it a new order ID.

  • Cancel this Shipment
    The system will change the status of the shipment to Canceled. It will not be available for assignment to resources.

  • Clear for New Shipment
    The currently displayed order will be cleared from the Tender Shipment page so that the user can create a new shipment.

By default, the Process Tendered Shipments setting for users is selected. This setting must be cleared to enable a user to edit shipments. Look up a user at Menu > Security > Work With Users > Review Users and select Modify. This setting is located on the Customer tab of the Create Users page. If this check box is selected, users will be able to process tendered shipments, but will not be able to edit tendered or available loads.

To allow users to edit their tendered shipments, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Menu > Configuration > Settings Manager.
    The Settings Manager page opens.

  2. From the Role field, select the role you want to customize.

  3. On the Modules tab, select Customer in the Module Selection field.

  4. Click these tabs: Application Settings > Shipment Tracking and Reports > Shipment Tracking - 3.

  5. In the Allow Edit of these Statuses section, select the statuses you will allow to be edited.


    1. To select both statuses, hold the CTRL key as you select the second status.

    2. If you incorrectly select a status, click Clear.

  6. Click Save.
    A message appears at the top of the page, stating your settings were saved successfully.

    If you do not want to save, click Revert instead. The application cancels any unsaved changes and reverts to the last saved settings.