Creating primary users - CarrierHub settings

When creating primary user accounts for CarrierHub, you must also make these selections.

Carrier tab

A user account is created for each third-party carrier that needs access to CarrierHub and anyone else at the host site who needs to perform tasks within CarrierHub.


Field Definition


The TMWSuite user ID is used to "group" carriers together by associating them to the same set of views designed for their load boards. You can use an existing user ID or create one or more new IDs to represent the groups of carriers appropriate for your company.

Enter the TMWSuite ID, also referred to in CarrierHub as the Board User ID.

Find TMWSuite User ID

Use the lookup function to find the TMWSuite user ID.

Default Carrier ID

The Carrier ID determines the data that is viewed in the Available, Assigned, Historical, and Invoice Review Load boards.

This field shows the default Carrier ID associated with the user.

Note: You cannot make an entry directly in this field. You must perform a Carrier List lookup.

Carrier List

Your company may associate multiple Carrier IDs with a single user. For example, if you have created a separate profile for each of a carrier’s terminals, or if you have agents responsible for multiple carriers.

Note: Each time a user that has multiple Carrier IDs associated with his/her login signs on, the system will verify that each of the associated Carrier IDs is active in the dispatch system.

  • If a user’s carrier becomes inactive in the dispatch system, that carrier is no longer associated with the user. No information on that carrier’s loads will be available.

  • If an inactive carrier is subsequently made active again, you must re-add it to the user’s profile. It will not be added automatically.

You cannot make an entry directly in this field. Use the lookup function to find and select the needed ID(s).

  • For carriers, use the Carrier ID assigned to the carrier in TMWSuite File Maintenance.

  • For internal users who will not be accessing the load boards, you can use UNKNOWN.

The first Carrier ID added to the Carrier List is used as the default and is displayed as read-only in the Default Carrier ID field. To change the default Carrier ID when multiple IDs are listed, do the following:

  1. In the Carrier List, select the default carrier.

  2. Click Set Default.