Adding users to the Routing website

About this topic
  • Audience: TMWGo! system administrators, Trimble Web Products system administrators, general system administrators

  • Conditions/restrictions: You must have an existing Trimble Identification (TID) account.

After you have added your drivers and/or dispatchers to your system, you must add them to the Routing website. This website generates a secure TID account for that user or users.

  1. Trimble creates your system administrator’s TID. This administrator is responsible for creating additional Routing website users.

  2. Users added to this site will receive an activation e-mail within 72 hours.

  3. To use TMW.Suite Go, all users must have a TID account.

  4. This section assumes that you have already configured your Routing Tenant. If you have not done this, contact your Support representative.

To add users to the Routing website:

  1. Open an internet browser and go to

  2. Click Log in with Trimble.
    The Sign in to Routing page opens.

  3. Enter your TID username and password.

  4. Click Sign In.

    • If your company has multiple tenants, the Tenant Maintenance page opens. Click image2 Edit next to the needed tenant. The Routing page opens. Go to Step 5.


    • If your company has one tenant, the Routing page opens. Go to Step 5.


  5. If your company has more than one installation for this tenant, select the needed installation.

  6. Add users to an installation.

    1. In the upper right corner of the page, click image5 Add Users to Installation(s).
      The Add User(s) to Installations pop-up window opens.


    2. Make entries in the following fields:

      Field definitions

      Required field: *

      Field Definition

      Role *

      User’s role on the Routing website and in TMW.Suite Go

      • Tenant Admin

        These users can:

        • Manage Routing installations

        • Remove users from an installation

        • Log into TMW.Suite Go applications

      • Tenant User

        These users can log into TMW.Suite Go applications.

      E-mail(s) *

      User’s e-mail address

      Note: This e-mail address must match the e-mail address in your TMS.

      • Driver profile

      • User profile (dispatchers)

      You can enter more than one e-mail address at a time.

      Acceptable formats:

      Installations *

      Available installations

    3. Click Add User.
      The user is added to the Users grid.