Recording load requirements for a commodity
In a commodity’s profile, you can create default load requirements for the following conditions:
Any time the commodity is recorded on any order.
When the commodity is associated with a particular shipper and/or consignee company.
If the commodity is classified as hazardous.
Note: You can have the system automatically add driver qualification load requirements to a commodity’s profile when the commodity is identified as hazardous. For more information, see "Automatically attaching load requirements based on driver qualifications" in the File Maintenance online help.
To record a default load requirement for a commodity, follow these steps:
Select Tools > Profiles > Commodity Profile.
Enter the ID for the commodity for which you want to add default requirements.
Select the Load Requirements tab.
To add a requirement, click Add in the upper left of the tab.
The fields used to define the requirement are shown. -
Define the requirement.
If the load requirement is to be applied when the commodity is associated with a particular shipper or consignee, enter the company’s ID.
The system automatically displays the commodity ID.
Note: This field is display only.
Specify the type of stop to which the condition applies. The options are:
Both (pickup and drop)
The resource type to which the condition applies. The options are:
Note: The resource type selected in this field determines the options that will be displayed in the Requirements field.
Specify whether the requirement is a must or a should condition.
Note: By default, the condition is set to must when a new load requirement is added. You can change the default to should by setting
in your TTS50.Not
Specify whether the requirement is met by the presence of the criteria or the absence of it. The options are:
Not have/not be
Select the applicable accessory/qualification from the drop-down list.
Accessories are defined using the CarQual, DrvAcc, TrcAcc, and TrlAcc labels in the Edit User Definable Fields window. The options displayed reflect your selection in the Equipment field.
For tractors and trailers, the list does not distinguish between inventory and non-inventory items.
Applicable only for trailers for which an inventory quantity was recorded on the Inventory tab in its profile. If needed, specify the accessory quantity required when the commodity is recorded on a trip. When the trailer is assigned to a trip, the system will check the quantity recorded in the trailer’s profile. If the quantity is less than the amount recorded for the load requirement, the system will display a warning. For a must requirement it also will prevent dispatch of the trailer.
The checkbox is cleared by default. Select it to allow users to override default load requirements. For more information, see Allowing users to override commodity load requirements.
Expiration Date
If applicable, enter the date the load requirement is to expire. After the expiration date, it will no longer be attached to an order.
Viewing a commodity’s default requirements
If load requirements have already been recorded for a commodity, they will be shown on the Load Requirements tab when you access the commodity’s profile.
By default, all load requirements appear. If you want, you can filter the displayed requirements to only those that are open (active) or closed (expired).
Select Tools > Profiles > Commodity Profile.
Enter the ID for the commodity for which you want to view default requirements.
Select the Load Requirements tab.
At the bottom of the tab, do one of the following:
Select the All radio button.
All requirements are displayed. -
Select the Open radio button.
Only requirements having an expiration date in the future are displayed. -
Select the Closed radio button.
Only requirements having an expiration date in the past are displayed.
If you want, you can limit the list to requirements of the selected type that have an expiration date within a specific date range. Use the date fields to enter the range.
In the first date field, enter the beginning date.
Enter the ending date in the second field.
To clear the filtering fields and start over, click
Reset Filter.
Restricting commodity load requirements by the Bill To company
You can set up a commodity load requirement to be applied only when a specific company is the Bill To company on an order. You specify the Bill To company in the Bill To field.
Use the steps below to add a Bill To restriction to a load requirement:
In the commodity’s profile, create or retrieve the load requirement.
Note: For more information, see Recording load requirements for a commodity.
Add Bill To Restriction.
A Bill To restriction line appears below the load requirement.
Note: You can attach multiple Bill To restrictions to the same load requirement.
Select the correct company in the Bill To field.
This load requirement will be used only for orders that have both this commodity and Bill To company.
If you need to remove a Bill To restriction, select it and then click
Remove Bill To Restriction.
Deleting a default requirement from a commodity profile
If a load requirement was entered in error, or is no longer applicable, you can remove it from the commodity’s profile.
Select Tools > Profiles > Commodity Profile.
Enter the ID for the commodity for which you want to delete default requirements.
Select the Load Requirements tab.
Select the row of the requirement you want to delete, and click Remove.
The Delete Rows message appears. -
Click Yes to complete the deletion.
Save before closing the commodity profile.
Allowing users to override commodity load requirements
The Overridable checkbox on the Load Requirements tab is cleared by default. This prevents users from disabling the load requirement on an order-by-order basis. You can allow users to override default load requirements.
Open the commodity profile for which you want to allow load requirement overrides.
Select the Load Requirements tab.
In the row of the load requirement you want to allow users to override, select the Overridable checkbox.
Save your changes.