Color-coding dispatch statuses

Use the Operator condition type to add one or more OR conditions based on an arithmetic operator (such as equal to, greater than, or less than) or on a true condition.

This example uses the Invoice Scroll to illustrate how to set up a conditional format that will change the font color of the entries in the Status column based on the following invoice statuses:

  • Transferred invoices should display with a green fill and white text.

  • On Hold for Audit invoices should display with a red fill and white text.

  • All other invoices should display with the default white fill and black text.

You must set up multiple Operator conditions, one for each invoice status for which you want to change the fill and font color: Transferred and On Hold for Audit.

You must retrieve data before setting conditional formatting for a column.
  1. Retrieve data in the grid you want to format. In this example, go to Tools > Scrolls > Invoice Scroll and click Retrieve to retrieve all invoices.

  2. Right-click the InvoiceStatus column header.

  3. From the shortcut menu, select Conditional Format.
    The Add Condition/Appearance Mappings window opens. A single condition row appears in the grid by default.

  4. In the Select a condition type field, select Operator.


  5. Select the font and fill colors for the Transferred status.

    1. Make sure the operator button is set to = Equals.

    2. In the field to the right of the operator button, type XFR.


    3. Make sure the Is Case Sensitive check box is selected.

    4. Click image3 Styles.

    5. Select the predefined style that displays white text on a green fill.


  6. Select the font and fill color for the On Hold for Audit status.

    1. Click Add Condition.
      A new condition row appears in the grid.

    2. In the Select a condition type field, select Operator.

    3. In the field to the right of the operator field, type HLA.

    4. Make sure the Is Case Sensitive check box is selected.

    5. Click image3 Styles.

    6. Click Custom Style.
      The Custom Style Properties window opens.

    7. In the Font Color field, change the font color to white. You can do this by typing 255, 255, 255 in the field or by following these steps:

      1. Click the arrow in the Font Color field.
        A drop-down menu opens.

      2. Click the Web tab.

      3. Select White.


    8. In the Fill field, change the fill color to red. You can do this by typing 255, 0, 0 in the field or by following these steps:

      1. Click the arrow in the Fill field.
        A drop-down menu opens.

      2. Click the Web tab.

      3. Select Red.


    9. Click OK.
      The Custom Style Properties window closes.

  7. In the Apply field, make sure Any is selected. This ensures that if the InvoiceStatus column value is XFR or HLA, the cell style will change.


  8. Click OK on the Add Condition/Appearance Mappings window.
    The statuses in the InvoiceStatus column display in the selected colors.


  9. Save the grid layout.