2021.4.26.202 Service Pack


No Touch Processing


The No Touch Billing service includes three workers for processing orders that are ready to be invoiced, invoices that are on hold, and invoices that are ready to print. The No Touch Settlements service includes one worker for trips that are ready to settle.

If an item is not ready for processing, it can be put on hold for a specific time before the system attempts to process it again. Before, there was only one configurable wait time per worker. This wait time was used for all items put on hold regardless of the hold reason.

These settings have been removed from the app.config file:

  • BadAvailableOrderRetryTimespan

  • BadInvoiceOnHoldRetryTimespan

  • BadInvoiceReadyToPrintRetryTimespan

  • BadTripsReadyToSettleRetryTimespan

Now, there are new settings that you can configure based on the hold reason.

If an order to be invoiced is delayed because of any of these reasons, the settings in this table determine the length of the delay.

  • Required order terms of reference numbers were not set

  • Duplicate tariffs

  • Billing computation failed to produce invoice details

  • Invoice detail reasonability checks failed

  • Fuel surcharge requirement not met

Setting name Default value


1 hour


1 hour


1 hour


1 hour


30 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes

If a trip that is ready to be settled is delayed because of any of these reasons, the settings in this table determine the length of the delay.

  • Duplicate tariffs

  • Pay computation failed to produce pay details

  • Pay details reasonability checks failed

  • Paperwork requirements not met

Setting name Default value


30 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes


30 minutes


1 hour


1 hour


1 hour


1 hour

This table lists other delay times that are hardcoded in the system and are not configurable.

Item Reasons for delay Delay time

Order to be invoiced

  • Bill To is not set

  • Bill To is not eligible

  • Order has more than one invoice

  • Planning Board requirements not met

1 day

Invoice that is on hold

  • Bill To is not set

  • Bill To is not eligible

  • Planning Board requirements not met

1 day

Invoice that is ready to print

  • Bill To is not set

  • Bill To is not eligible

  • Planning Board requirements not met

  • Bill To is a Master Bill company

1 day

  • Print invoice attempt fails

6 hours

Trip that is ready to settle

  • No assets assigned

  • No assets are eligible for No Touch Settlements

1 day