Checking in paperwork in Settlements

If all required paperwork is not checked in for Settlements, you will not be able to save pay for the trip in a Released status.

To check in paperwork for Settlements, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settlements > Trip Settlements Folder to open the Trip Settlements Folder.

  2. Open the trip.

  3. Click the Paperwork tab.
    The tab displays a list of all paperwork required for the movement in a tree format.

    In this example, notice that the following paperwork is listed:

    • Two requirements for a Bill of Lading
      This is a consolidated trip containing two orders and each order has its own paperwork requirement.

    • Two requirements for an Inventory Ticket
      This is a split trip, and the setup requires paperwork for each driver.


  4. To check in the paperwork, select its check box.
    The system records the date in the paperwork’s date field.


  5. If desired, use the two unnamed fields to record additional information.


    Note: You set up options for the unnamed fields in these labels in the Edit User Definable Fields window:

    • PaperWorkShipMode

    • PaperWorkMShipColor

    To access the Edit User Definable Fields window, go to Tools > Setup > Edit User Definable Fields.

  6. Save your changes.

After all required paperwork is submitted, you can save pay for the trip in a Released status.