Carrier File Maintenance overview

Resource profiles are a series of information folders that contain data relevant to one individual resource. You must create a profile for each resource referenced in the system. When your company contracts with a new third party carrier, a profile must be created for that carrier.

The Carrier File Maintenance window is used to record carrier profile information.


Carrier File Maintenance field definitions

General section


Carrier’s name. A maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

Address (Line 1)

First of two lines used to record the carrier’s street address. A maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

Address (Line 2)

Second of two lines used to record the carrier’s street address. A maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

City, State

Carrier’s city and state/province location.


  1. If applicable, the county may also be identified.

  2. The city and state/province combination must exist in the city file before entry in this field.


Country in which the carrier is located. A maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters is allowed.


Carrier’s unique identification code. The maximum length is eight alphanumeric characters.

Alt ID

Alternative identification code used to identify the carrier. The maximum length is eight alphanumeric characters.

Note: This code may represent a code assigned to the carrier in another computer system, such as an accounting package.


Carrier’s Standard Carrier Alpha Code.


Five-digit or nine-digit zip/postal code for the city.



  1. When making entries in these fields, do not enter any dashes or spaces; the system will format the field correctly.

  2. Multiple contacts for a carrier can be entered in the Carrier Contacts window. The window does not automatically display the information recorded in the Phones section as a contact record. For more information, see the Recording contact information for TMWSuite entities guide.


Primary telephone number at which the carrier can be reached.


Alternate telephone number at which the carrier can be reached.


Carrier’s fax number.


Name of the person who is the primary telephone contact for the carrier.

Misc section

Pay to ID

Person or organization that should be paid for loads that this carrier hauls.


  1. Entry in this field is required. If it is erroneously left as UNKNOWN, the Pay To ID will not be stamped on the carrier’s settlement records. Also, the Pay To name will not print on the carrier’s settlement sheets, which will make it impossible for payroll personnel to match the sheets with the appropriate Pay To.

  2. The Pay To record must be set up before an entry can be made here.

Fed ID

Carrier’s Federal Tax Identification number.


Carrier’s Motor Carrier number. A maximum of 12 alphanumeric characters is allowed.


Carrier’s USDOT number. A maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

Last Act

Currently not functional.


Carrier’s e-mail address.


  1. E-mail addresses for carriers can also be entered in the Carrier Contacts window, which is accessed from the Carrier File Maintenance window by clicking image2 Contact Info in the sheet toolbar.

  2. The Carrier Contacts window does not automatically display the carrier’s previously recorded e-mail address as a contact record.

  3. If you are using the Advanced Carrier Selection add-on module and sending confirmation letters as e-mail, the system uses the e-mail address in this field by default. For more information, see:

    Guide: Advanced Carrier Selection |Chapter: Assigning a trip to a carrier |Section: Submitting the load confirmation


Carrier’s currency type.


  1. The field name and options are user-defined in the Currencies label, accessed in the System Administration application. The field name cannot be changed by an entry in the label’s Name field.

  2. If a Pay To ID has been recorded for the carrier, this value should match the value in the Currency field of the carrier’s Pay To. If the two values do not match, the system will use the Currency value for the Pay To when calculating pay for the carrier. If no Pay To has been recorded for the carrier, the system will use the Currency value specified in Carrier File Maintenance.

Contract #

Carrier’s contract number. A maximum of 19 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

Use Cash Card

Indicates whether the carrier is permitted to use a cash card belonging to your company. The options are:

  • Yes

  • No


Indicates the carrier’s status. The options are:

  • Active

  • Inactive

Inactive Date

Date the carrier became unavailable for dispatch, based on an expiration.


  1. By default, when the carrier has more than one active expiration, the system uses this logic to choose the expiration that sets the carrier’s status:

  2. If an Inactive carrier expiration is in effect, use that expiration to set the status.

    • An Inactive expiration has INA recorded in its Abbr field.

    • If no Inactive expiration is in effect, use the expiration with the latest date recorded in its End Date field.

  3. If multiple expirations have the same latest date, use the expiration with the highest number recorded in the Code field when setting up a carrier expiration in the CarExp label, accessed in the System Administration application.

Acctg Type

Carrier’s accounting type is Accts Payable.


Carrier can be an inside carrier or an outside carrier.

  • An inside carrier is called a board carrier because the activities of its resources (drivers, tractors, trailers) are tracked on the Dispatch Planning Worksheet (also known as the Dispatch Board).

  • An outside carrier is called a non-board carrier because the activities of its resources are not tracked on the Dispatch Planning Worksheet.

If the activities of the carrier’s resources will be tracked in the Planning Worksheet, the Board check box must be selected.

Branch Executing Terminal

You can link the carrier with an executing terminal (carrier representative).

Specifying a value in this field allows you to use it as a restriction in the Find Carrier scroll window.


  1. This field is available only when you are set up to use branch configuration functionality, that is, you have an entry of Y in String1 of the TrackBranch General Info Table setting.

  2. The field display name is determined by your entries in the TrackBranch setting.

  3. For details on setting up branches as cost centers, see the "Branch File Maintenance" chapter in the File Maintenance guide.

  4. For details on setting up booking and executing entities, see:

Carrier Types section

Car Type1

Car Type2

Car Type3

Car Type4

Field name and options are user-defined in the CarType1-4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. Assigning carriers to carrier classifications allows you to track the revenue collected for trips assigned to those carriers. In some cases, such classifications may also govern the pay rates used to determine carrier settlements.

Insurance section

Liability Limits

Carrier’s total liability coverage. The maximum value that can be entered is $999,999,999.

Cargo Limits

Carrier’s liability coverage for cargo. The maximum value that can be entered is $999,999,999.

Note: If you have the Enhanced Brokerage license and are using the Advanced Carrier Selection window to assign a carrier on a trip, the system will compare the value in this field with the value recorded as the order’s freight value. If the carrier’s Cargo Limits is not greater than the order’s freight value, the system will not allow the assignment.

  • In Order Entry, the order’s freight value is recorded in the Fgt. Val. field in the order header section of the window.

  • In the Trip Folder, the freight value is recorded in the Order Header Information window’s Frgt. Value field.

For more information about the Advanced Carrier Selection add-on, contact TMW Sales.

Certificate of Insurance

Indicates whether the carrier has a certificate of insurance. The options are:

  • Blank (no entry)

  • Y

  • N


Indicates whether the carrier has filed a W9 form with your company. The options are:

  • Blank (no entry)

  • Y

  • N

Contract on File

Identifies whether the carrier has a contract with your company. Allowable values in this field are blank (no entry), Y, and N.

Service Rating

Rating that reflects the carrier’s past performance for your company.

EDI Flags

  • 204
    EDI 204 is used to tender a shipment to a carrier and/or forward the shipment details to a carrier, consignee or third party. It provides the carrier (and/or third party) with an electronic version of the Bill of Lading rating and scheduling information pertinent to the shipment.

    It can also be used to send an electronic load tender or manifest.

  • 210
    EDI 210 provides an itemized record of freight charges for the shipper, consignee, or third party. It can also be used to request payment for services rendered by the motor carrier or to provide details about freight shipment charges. Typically, an invoice is sent for each shipment.

  • 214
    EDI 214 transmits the status of a shipment to the shipper, consignee, or other parties. It can also be used to provide customers with carrier performance data, pickup or delivery dates and times, and information about shipments in transit.

Comments section

Car Misc1

Car Misc2

Car Misc3

Car Misc4

Field names are user-defined in the CarMisc1-4 labels, accessed in the System Administration application. You can use these fields to enter free-form comments about the company. A maximum of 254 characters is allowed in each field.


Click the Notes indicator to view/record notes for a carrier.

  • If no notes exist, the indicator is grey.

  • If a note exists, the indicator is yellow.

  • If a note has been assigned Alert status exists, the indicator is red.


Names and options for these fields are user-defined; setup occurs in the Revenue Type 1-4 labels in the System Administration application. Assignment of orders to revenue classifications allows you to track revenue collected for different types of loads.