General Info Table settings that are used by File Maintenance

These General Info Table settings are used by File Maintenance, and are saved within the TMWSuite database.

Settings are listed in alphabetical order. If you know the name of a setting, use your browser’s Find feature to jump to that setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite, TMW Back Office


This setting specifies the external accounting system your company uses.


Record your entry of up to 60 characters.


  1. Any entry other than None makes the Accounting menu visible.

  2. You do not need an accounting interface to use the Accounts Payable Reconciliation feature. However, to access the feature, you must make the Accounting menu visible by recording any entry other than None.

  3. If you are using the Accounts Payable Reconciliation feature without an accounting interface, use only the A/P Invoice Maintenance command on the Accounting menu. Do not use any of the other commands on the Accounting menu.


This field is applicable only when String1 has an entry of GreatPlains.

  • Blank, that is, no entry
    Do not allow users who do not have system administrator rights to edit the Server and Database Name fields from within the applications.

  • Yes
    Allow users who do not have system administrator rights to edit the Server and Database Name fields from within the applications.


Applies to



This setting determines whether the system is to automatically attach load requirements to a hazardous material commodity. Only load requirements that pertain to driver qualifications can be used with this automatic attachment feature.


  • N
    The feature is not active. (default)

  • Y
    The feature is active. When the Hazardous Yes radio button is selected in the commodity profile, the system will attach the load requirements specified in the HazMatLdRqCode General Info Table setting.

Additional Notes

Selecting the Hazardous Yes radio button in the commodity profile triggers the system to attach the load requirements. The system will not automatically update existing commodity profiles in which the Hazardous Yes radio button was selected prior to this enhancement. To attach load requirements to existing commodities you must select the Hazardous No radio button, and then reselect the Hazardous Yes radio button.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.1208 and later


In the Driver File Maintenance window, you can merge driver expiration information into a predefined form by selecting the Driver Card option from the Print menu. The form can be a SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) report that you create yourself, or it can be based on TMW’s free SSRS driver card template that you can request from your Support representative. The report is made available in TMWSuite via the Integrated Reporting module.

This setting allows you to:

  • Identify the license renewal expiration code that applies to the driver card form, as well as to the license renewal letter, which is a separate from.

  • Identify up to two additional expiration types for which data can print on driver cards.

  • Specify the report ID of the form. When you initiate the printing process, the system uses this ID to determine which Integrated Reporting format to use for the output.

Note: To identify driver expiration types, you must use the codes recorded in the Abbr field in the DrvExp label in System Administration.


The Abbr field value for the driver license expiration type that you want to use in the Card Print Expiration form and in the Driver Renewal Letter form.


The Abbr field value for the second driver expiration that you want to use in the Card Print Expiration form.

Note: The TMW-provided template uses this expiration type for the hazmat card. Therefore, in the General Info Table, the hard-coded description indicates the setting is for the Hazmat expiration type. However, you can change the template to use a different expiration type, or you can create your own form that is based on an expiration type of your choosing.


The Abbr field value for the third driver expiration type that you want to use in the Card Print Expiration form.

Note: The TMW-provided template uses this expiration type for the medical qualification card. Therefore, in the General Info Table, the hard-coded description indicates the setting is for the Driver qualification expiration type. However, you can change the template to use a different expiration type, or you can create your own form that is based on an expiration type of your choosing.


Report ID for the driver cards. This system-assigned ID is displayed in the Integrated Report Setup window, accessed in the System Administration application.

Note: To specify the report ID for the TMW-provided template for a Driver Renewal Letter, you must use the DriverRenewalLetter General Info table setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite 2020.2, TMW.Suite 2020.2


This setting determines whether Social Security numbers you enter in the Driver profile are encrypted in the TMWSuite database.


  1. This setting affects only Social Security numbers entered in versions 2020.2 and later.

  2. You can use the Data Conversion Administration Utility to mass encrypt Social Security numbers entered in versions before 2020.2.

  3. Social Security numbers are stored in the mpp_ssn column in the database.


  • Y (default)
    Encrypt Social Security numbers.

  • N
    Do not encrypt Social Security numbers.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0211, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations: 15.30.074


When stop locations are entered or modified on an order, this setting determines how the system chooses the location information used for mileage lookups, i.e., whether lookups are based on street addresses, latitude and longitude data, ZIP Codes/postal codes in TMWSuite company profiles, or each city’s primary ZIP Code/postal code in the mileage application.


  • OLD (default)
    The system will use [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy option to determine the location information for all mileage lookups.

  • 2004
    The system determines the location information for mileage lookups on a company-by-company basis.

    The Distance SearchLvl field displays in the General section of the Company File Maintenance window. The option in this field determines the location information used for mileage lookups involving that company.

    The available options in the Distance SearchLvl field are:

    • A (address)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s street address.

    • L (latitude and longitude)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s latitude and longitude data.

    • Z (ZIP Code)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the company’s ZIP Code/postal code.

    • C (city)
      Mileage lookups will be based on the primary ZIP Code/postal code for the company’s city in ALK.

Notes for TMWSuite users

  1. To use the 2004 option TMWSuite must be set up to use either:

    • ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher, or

    • RAND MileMaker with Intelliroute 18 or higher.
      This option is first available in 2014.13_07.0644.

  2. You cannot use the 2004 option with any other mileage application.

  3. If a company’s Distance SearchLvl field is blank, mileage lookups will be based on the company’s city in ALK.

  4. The 2004 option overrides the [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy setting.

  5. The 2004 option is required to enable any of the following optional features:

    • Storing separate entries in the mileage database for each direction of the same route
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheOneWay setting.

    • Saving travel directions for routes in the mileage database
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheRouting setting.

    • Recording the states traveled through on a route in the mileage database
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheByState setting.

      Note: To use the Permitting feature in TMWSuite, you must enable the state cached mileage feature. The Permitting feature is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately.

    • Specifying a company ID as the origin point for calculations performed by the Calc Distance button in Company File Maintenance
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceValidateCmpID setting.

Notes for Fuel Dispatch users

  1. You can use the 2004 option with ALK’s PC*MILER|Streets version 17 or higher.

  2. You can use the 2004 option with RAND MileMaker SP32 and RAND IntelliRoute version 18 or greater.

  3. If a company’s Distance SearchLvl field is blank, mileage lookups will be based on the company’s city.

  4. The 2004 option overrides the [MileageInterface]DefaultLookupBy setting.

  5. The following optional features are available when you have a value of 2004 or OLD in the String1 field.

    • Storing separate entries in the mileage database for each direction of the same route
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheOneWay setting.

    • Saving travel directions for routes in the mileage database (available only for ALK)
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheRouting setting.

    • Recording the states traveled through on a route in the mileage database (available only for ALK)
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceCacheByState setting.

      Note: To use the Permitting feature in TMWSuite, you must enable the state cached mileage feature. The Permitting feature is a licensed add-on that must be purchased separately.

    • Specifying a company ID as the origin point for calculations performed by the Calc Distance button in Company File Maintenance
      For more information on this feature, see the description of the DistanceValidateCmpID setting.


First available in V. 2006.05_10.1071

String 2 is applicable only when the String1 field has a value of 2004.

  • TMWSuite

    It is possible for the mileage on some trips to be incorrect because of the lookup used for the companies on the trip segments. For example, if a company has its Distance SearchLvl field set to A (Address), but the address is not valid according to ALK, the system will perform the lookup as city-to-ZIP Code. However, the company’s SearchLvl field remains set to A. You can use the String2 field to specify the search method that will be used when the one specified in a company’s profile fails. The options are:

  • Fuel Dispatch

    String2 options are used only when the system validates the company’s address in the company profile.

    • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
      Base the lookup on the company’s address. If the address is not a valid ALK address, no other lookup will be made.

    • A
      Base the lookup on the company’s address. If the address is not a valid ALK address, base the lookup on the company’s city location.

    • C
      Base the lookup on the company’s city location. If the city is not a valid ALK city, base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.

    • L
      Base the lookup on the company’s location, as defined by the lat/long entries in its profile. If no lat/long data is recorded in the company’s profile, base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.

    • Z
      Base the lookup on the company’s ZIP Code.


First available in V. 2011.10_08.1029

String3 options are valid only for TMWSuite.

String3 is applicable only when the String1 field has a value of 2004.

When you are using a manual mileage interface and a company on an order has the Distance SearchLvl field set to Z (ZIP Code) in its profile, the system does not return saved Zip-to-Zip lookup miles. Instead, it returns miles equal to the option recorded in the [MileageInterface]DefaultIntraCityMileage setting in your TTS50.

You can force the system to perform a new lookup, and base it on the company’s ZIP Code, or its ZIP Code and its city/state location. The options are:

  • N (default)
    When the company’s Distance SearchLvl field is set to Z, return miles equal to the value record in the [MileageInterface]DefaultIntraCityMileage INI setting.

  • Y
    When the company’s Distance SearchLvl field is set to Z, the company’s city and state will be added after the ZIP Code to provide more information to the mileage system for the mileage lookup.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2014.13_07.0644


Use this setting to automatically create a Driver ID at the same time you save a Recruit profile.


  • N (default)
    Do not automatically create a driver profile when saving a new recruit profile.

  • Y
    Automatically create a driver profile when saving a new recruit profile.

Additional Notes

The Driver ID can be manually entered, system generated from the driver’s first and last name, or system generated as a numeric. The format of the Driver ID is specified in the DrvIDAutoGen General Info Table setting.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.1208 and later


In the Driver File Maintenance window, you can merge driver expiration information into a predefined form by selecting the Renewal Letter option from the Print menu. The form can be a SQL Server Reporting Service (SSRS) report that you create yourself, or it can be based on TMW’s free SSRS driver renewal letter template that you can request from your Support representative. The report is made available in TMWSuite via the Integrated Reporting module.

This setting allows you to specify the report ID of the form. When you initiate the printing process, the system uses this ID to determine which Integrated Reporting format to use for the output.


Report ID for the driver renewal letter or form. This system-assigned ID is displayed in the Integrated Report Setup window, accessed in the System Administration application.

Additional Notes

This setting works in tandem with the CardPrintExpiration setting in the General Info Table. To identify the expiration type to which the driver renewal letter template applies, you must enter the Abbr field value for the license renewal expiration type in String1.

Note: The license renewal expiration type is defined in the DrvExp label by your company.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.1208 and later


Prior to this release of TMWSuite, when adding a driver record, the system automatically generated a driver ID that consisted of the first three characters of the driver’s last name and the first two characters of his/her first name.

With this release, you can use this setting to determine the format the system uses when it generates a driver ID.


  1. This setting affects profiles created in the Driver File Maintenance window, the Recruit File Maintenance window, or the Add New Driver window.

  2. Regardless of the options specified in this setting, you can manually enter a user-defined driver ID.


  • LastNameFirstName (Default)
    The automatically generated Driver ID will be composed of:

    • The first [value in Int1] characters of the last name,

    • Followed by the first [value in Int2] characters of the first name.

  • FirstNameLastName
    The automatically generated Driver ID will be composed of:

    • The first [value in Int1] characters of the first name,

    • Followed by the first [value in Int2] characters of the last name.

  • GetSystemNumber
    The automatically generated Driver ID will be a number based on the last numeric value stored by the system. The maximum value is 99,999,999. When this value is reached, the system will no longer auto-generate an ID.


  • ZeroPadding=Blank (Default)
    If, in String1, you selected GetSystemNumber, enter the total number of digits you want to use for the system-generated ID.

    The system will fill, or pad, the preceding digits with zeroes. For example, when the field size is six (6), then a numeric value of 25 displays as 000025.

    A maximum of eight (8) digits is allowed.


  • 3 (Default)
    If, in String1, you selected:

    • LastNameFirstName,
      enter the number of first characters to use from the driver’s last name.

    • FirstNameLastName,
      enter the number of first characters to use from the driver’s first name.


    1. The entry must be greater than zero (0).

    2. The total value of the entries in Int1 and Int2 fields cannot exceed six (6).


  • 2 (Default)
    If, in String1, you selected:

    • LastNameFirstName,
      enter the number of first characters to use from the driver’s first name.

    • FirstNameLastName,
      enter the number of first characters to use from the driver’s last name.


    1. The entry must be greater than zero (0).

    2. The total value of the entries in Int1 and Int2 fields cannot exceed six (6).


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2000 and later, TMW Operations


By default, the driver profile lists the tractor that was assigned to the driver’s last Started or Completed trip. Similarly, the tractor profile lists the driver who was assigned to the tractor’s most recent Started or Completed trip.

This setting allows you to protect the driver/tractor relationship you record in the driver and/or tractor profiles. In other words, it prevents the system from updating the driver and/or tractor listed in the profiles based on trip assignments.

For example, suppose you link DriverA with TractorA in the driver and tractor profiles. With no protection on either profile, the system would update both the driver and tractor profiles if either of the following occurs:

  • DriverA is started on a trip with a different tractor.

  • TractorA is started on a trip with a different driver.

Your entry in the String1 field tells the system how to handle driver/tractor pairing.


  • NONE (default)
    Offers no protection

  • DRV
    Protects the driver profile from being updated with the driver’s current tractor assignments on a trip.

  • TRC
    Protects the tractor profile from being updated with the tractor’s current driver assignment on a trip.

  • BOTH
    Protects both the driver profile and tractor profile from being updated with current resource assignments on a trip.

Additional Notes

In TMW Operations, this setting does not protect driver/tractor pairing from changes made in the Maintain Tractor-Driver Assignment window.


Applies to



This setting determines the options available in Company File Maintenance for handling a Bill To company’s invoices. You can:

  • Apply the same output method to all of the Bill To’s invoices.

  • Apply output methods based on invoice type, definition, and credit terms.

Note: Starting in TMWSuite V.2019.1, this setting and following locations are no longer used to set up invoice outputs:

  • The EDI 210 field in the company profile

  • The Advanced EDI Output Settings window in the company profile

Instead, you set up invoice outputs in the Billing Output Configuration Folder in File Maintenance. To access the window, go to Edit > Company Billing Output.


  • N (default)
    Display the EDI 210 field in Company File Maintenance. The field options allow you to specify how all of the Bill To’s invoices will be handled.

    • Print Only (default)
      Invoices will be printed.

    • EDI Only
      Invoices will be sent as an EDI 210 (electronic invoice).

      Note: Rebill information will also be sent as a 210.

    • Print & EDI
      Invoices will be both printed and sent as an EDI 210 document.

    • EDIOrig/PrintRebill
      Original invoices will be sent only as an EDI 210. Rebilled invoices will be printed. The 210 will not be resent with the rebill.

  • Y
    Display the Invoice Output Method button in Company File Maintenance. Clicking the button displays the Advanced EDI Output Settings window. Window features allow you control invoice handling for each Bill To company based on invoice type, definition, and credit terms.


    1. If no options are specified in the Advanced EDI Output Settings window, all invoices will be printed.

    2. If an option was previously specified for a company in the EDI 210 field, that option is used for all invoices for the Bill To.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.1208 and later


This setting identifies e-mail information that you want the Recruit File Maintenance application to use when sending employment verification forms, based on SQL Server Reporting Services reports, as e-mail to past employers of a recruit.


Email subject, such as "Request for employment verification."
A maximum of 60 alphanumeric characters is allowed.


Email body, such as "Please confirm employment for the referenced applicant." A maximum of 60 alphanumeric characters is allowed.

If String2 is left blank, the system uses "See Attached".


Reserved. Do not change the setting from -1.


Report ID for the employment verification form, taken from the Integrated Report Setup window.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting turns on the expiration audit feature.


  • N (default)
    The system will not track the creation of, or any changes made to an expiration.

  • Y
    The system will track the creation of, and any changes made to an expiration.


Applies to



This setting specifies the default load requirement(s) the system will automatically attach to hazardous material commodities. Only load requirement(s) that are based on driver qualifications can be used.

You can specify 1-4 load requirements by entering the abbreviation of the desired driver qualification as it is recorded in the Abbr field of the DrvAcc label. Make your entries in the String1-String4 fields.

Additional Notes

This setting requires that you have Y set in the String1 field of the AutoCreateHazMatLdRq setting in your General Info Table.


Applies to

TMWSuite, Fuel Dispatch


This setting determines if the HazMat Mileage feature is active. This feature allows you to create routes and calculate mileages based on ALK’s hazardous material classifications. The HazMat Mileage feature also allows you to filter trips in TMWSuite’s Available Trips grid based on hazardous material classifications.


  • N (default)
    The HazMat Mileage feature is not active.

  • Y
    The HazMat Mileage feature is active.

    Note: In versions earlier than V.2014.13_07.0242, this setting was valid only if the String1 value of the DistanceLookupVersion General Info Table setting was OLD. Starting with version 2014.13_07.0242, the 2004 value is also supported.

Additional Notes

To create routes and calculate mileages based on hazardous material classifications, you must have ALK’s HazMat add-on module and either PC*MILER V.18 or PC*MILER|Streets V.18.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0181 and later


This setting determines whether the system requires carriers to meet the driver, tractor, and trailer load requirements recorded on a trip. Make your entry in the String1 field.


  • NO (default)
    Do not ignore load requirements. Require that the carrier and/or its assigned resources meet all the driver, tractor, and trailer load requirements recorded on the trip.

  • YES
    Ignore load requirements. A carrier assigned to a trip does not have to meet the trip’s driver, tractor, and trailer load requirements.

Additional Notes

  1. This setting is applicable in Order Entry and Dispatch.

  2. If a driver, tractor, or trailer is assigned with the carrier, the system will enforce the load requirements for those assets.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0281 and later, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch


By default, when new notes are created, the value in the note’s Note Expires field is the apocalypse date of 12/31/2049. You can enter a specific expiration date for a note, or you can use this setting to specify the number of days until a note expires.

In versions prior to V. 2010.09_08.0990, this setting used only the Int1 field. To specify the number of days until a note’s expiration, you entered a number from 1 to 9999. The same method of calculating the expiration date was used for all note types (i.e., notes attached to orders, companies, resources, Pay To’s, movements, invoices, settlements, and commodities). Also, the adjusted expiration date did not display until you closed and reopened the Notes window.


Starting with V.2010.09_08.0990, TMW added options for the String1 fields. These options allow you to set a different numbers of days for order type notes than you set for other note types. Entries are allowed in the String1 and Int1 fields.

When String1 is:

  • Blank (no entry)
    The expiration date is based on your entry in the Int1 field. When Int1is set to:

  • 0 (or blank)
    The expiration date will be the system’s apocalypse date of 12/31/2049.

  • 1 to 9999
    The note expires the specified number of days after the date it was first saved.

  • C
    The note’s expiration date is based on the date/time it was first saved.

    In the Int1 field enter the number of days that you want the system to add to the date/time the note was first saved. Values from 0 to 9999 are acceptable.

  • E
    The note’s expiration date is based on the whether the note is order-based.

    • Order type notes
      The note’s expiration date is based on the date/time recorded in the order’s Latest date/time field for the last drop.

      In the Int1 field enter the number of days that you want the system to add to the date/time recorded in the order’s Latest date/time field for the last drop. Values from 0 to 9999 are acceptable.

    • All other note types
      The note’s expiration date is based on the date/time it was first saved.

      In the Int1 field enter the number of days that you want the system to add to the date/time the note was first saved. Values from 0 to 9999 are acceptable.

Additional Notes

  1. Do not enter a decimal point in the Int1 field.

  2. This setting affects notes for companies, resources (drivers, tractors, trailers, carriers) Pay To’s, commodities, orders, movements, invoices, and settlements.

  3. Regardless of the options set in this key, you can manually set a different expiration date for a note in the Note Expires field.

  4. By default, the Int1 field is blank. Once an entry is made in the field, you cannot delete the value to return the field to its blank state. You must save a value between 0-9999. The value 0 (zero) has the same meaning as blank.


Applies to

TMWSuite V. 2002 and later


Use this setting to prevent users from entering duplicate reference numbers of the same reference number type.

Note: You can guarantee uniqueness for only one type of reference number.


  • Blank, that is, no entry (default)
    Allow users to enter duplicate reference numbers for any reference number type.

  • User-defined label abbreviation for the reference number type for which unique entries are required
    Prevent users from entering duplicate numbers for the specified type. To determine the reference type’s abbreviation, see the ReferenceNumbers label in the System Administration application.


    1. If a user attempts to save a record with a duplicate number, the system displays a warning message stating that the record cannot be saved because of the duplication.

    2. If the General Info Table key RefUniqueMultiLevel is set to Y, it overrides the RefUnique key.

    3. In company profiles of individual Bill To’s, you can specify that numbers for a specific reference number type must be unique. If you specify one reference number type in the General Info Table RefUnique key, and a different reference number type in a company’s profile, reference number checking will proceed independently for each type.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2006.05_10.0997 and later, CRM Right


This setting determines whether the system will check for duplicate entries when a new company is being added. If a duplicate entry exists, the system displays a dialog box listing the duplicate(s). The system will not stop you from entering the record. This setting affects the File Maintenance application and the New Company quick add window, and the .NET version of the Company Profile window.


  • N (default)
    Do not check for duplicate entries.

  • Y
    Check for duplicate entries.

Additional Notes

To use this feature, you must have a value of OLD for the DistanceLookupVersion General Info Table setting.

This feature is designed to work in tandem with the CompanyIDFormat=Original setting in the [Misc] section of the TTS50.ini file.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2014.13_07.0242


Exclude carriers with active expirations from being listed as available for assignment in Order Entry and Dispatch.


  • N (default)
    Do not exclude carriers with active expirations.

  • Y
    Exclude carriers with active expirations.

    Carriers with active expirations will not be available for selection in the Carrier field in these locations:

    • Assign Driver/Equipment window in Order Entry

    • Asset Assignment window in Dispatch

    • Trip Folder’s Stop Detail grid

Additional Notes

This setting does not apply to assigning a driver, tractor, or trailer to a trip.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch, TMW Operations


Determines whether the system will show expired notes in the Notes window.


  • Y (default)
    The system will show all notes, including those that have expired.

  • N
    The system will not show expired notes.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later, CRM Right, Fuel Dispatch


This setting instructs the system to allow notes to display in the Notes window for a set number of days past their expiration date. After the grace period ends, the system hides the expired note.


  • 0 (default)
    The system will show all notes, including those that have expired.

  • Value
    Enter the number of days you want expired notes to display.

Additional Notes

To use this setting, you must have ShowExpiredNotes=N in the General Info Table.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003.03_03.0140 and later


This setting determines:

  • The allowed distance from a company’s current position a GPS sighting to be considered to be in tolerance

  • If a GPS sighting is out of tolerance, whether the system will generate an error in TotalMail

Your entry in the Int1 field specifies the maximum number of miles a GPS sighting may be from a company’s currently recorded location to be considered in tolerance. Only those GPS sightings that are in tolerance will be used to auto-tune the company’s latitude and longitude data. An out of tolerance sighting will not be averaged into the current lat-long.

Your entry in the String1 field controls whether a GPS sighting that is out of tolerance will trigger an error in TotalMail.


  • -1 (default)
    Turn off tolerance checking.


  • I (default)
    Ignore an out of tolerance GPS sighting.

  • E
    Generate an error if the GPS sighting is out of tolerance.


Typically, a profile defines a single type of entity, such as a driver or company. TMWSuite users system. However, branch profiles are profoundly different from other profiles because they are the only ones that are optional. If you choose to use them, your setup determines what they represent, as well as how they influence your use of the system.

This setting allows you to configure branch-related functionality. Values can be entered in its String1, String2, String3, and Int4 fields. Your entries in these fields allow you to use branch profiles to:

  • Identify cost centers and tie them to user profiles.

  • Identify booking terminals and executing terminals and tie them to user profiles. Additionally, you can identify the customer service and carrier service representatives who work for these terminals, and associate your companies and carriers with the terminals that service them.

  • Identify booking terminals and executing terminals, and the representatives working at those terminals, without tying them to user profiles.

What you enter for a TrackBranch setting field varies, depending on the functionality you want to use. The descriptions in this document help you determine the entries that best suit your business.

Using branches to identify cost centers

By default, revenue types are used to group orders. Your company defines its groups using the RevType1 - 4 labels. When you create an order, you select one of your RevType1 values as its booking revenue type. The booking revenue type is identified in the Bk: RevType1 field. Once an order is saved, the booking revenue type cannot be changed.

Using RevType1 values is a simple way to track orders booked by specific terminals. However, because a terminal is represented by a label entry, there is no way to track other details about it. When you enable the branch tracking feature, you can use branch profiles to capture much more detail.

Typically, asset-based companies use branch profiles to represent cost centers. With this setup, the branch (cost center) is recorded on the order instead of the booking revenue type. If an order must be shifted to a different cost center, you can update the branch on the order to the correct cost center.

The entries described below set up the system to:

  • Allow you to associate a user with a cost center in the user’s profile.

  • Automatically default users' cost center on the orders orders they create.

  • Automatically use the user’s cost center as a restriction in order lookup windows.

Required TrackBranch settings when using branches to identify cost centers

Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0741 and later


Activates branch configuration functionality in TMWSuite.

  • Y
    The system requires orders to have a branch (cost center) specified before they can be saved. To facilitate meeting this requirement, the system allows users to be associated with branches (cost centers) in their profiles. When you do this, the system will:

    • Automatically stamp a user’s cost center on the orders the user creates.

    • Allow the cost center to be changed after the order has been saved.

    • Allow a user to retrieve only orders for his/her own cost center in lookup windows.

    • Automatically stamp the user’s cost center on any company, driver, tractor, trailer, or carrier profile the user creates.

    • Allow a user to retrieve only company and resource records associated with his/her own cost center in lookup windows.


Identifies the source of the branch field name used throughout the system.

  • Branch
    The system uses the value recorded in the Branch label’s Name field to identify branch fields throughout the system.

    Note: These windows will not display the name from the Branch label:

    • Find Invoices scroll window

    • Restrict Invoices on Hold

    • Restrict Invoices on Hold for Audit

    • Additional Header Information

    • Pay To File Maintenance

    • Restrict Settlement Data

    • Trips Ready to Settle retrieval queue


This field is not applicable for using branches to identify cost centers.


This field is not applicable for using branches to identify cost centers.

Additional Notes

For details on setting up branches as cost centers, see the File Maintenance guide’s Branch File Maintenance chapter.

Using branches to track booking and executing entities' commissions

Brokerage operations may classify a branch as a booking terminal or an executing terminal in order to track revenue, costs, and the commissions due customer and carrier service representatives.

In TMWSuite, you can use branches as:

  • Booking terminals, where customer service representatives perform order entry work.

  • Executing terminals, where carrier representatives monitor the dispatch of third party carriers.

You use the Booking Terminal and Executing Terminal flags on branch profiles to identify their type. You can also use branches to represent customer service and carrier service representatives, and associate them with the terminals in which they work.

This branch profile setup is used by the Status Based Loads Grid add-on module. It is part of the Enhanced Brokerage license bundle. To use the module, you must associate:

  • Customers with a booking terminal or a customer service representative.

  • Carriers with an executing terminal or carrier service representative.

You can make the associations in branch profiles, or in the company and carrier profiles.

To set up the system for the Status Based Loads Grid module, you must make these entries:

Required TrackBranch settings when using branches to track booking and executing entities' commissions

Applies to

TMWSuite: 2005.04_10.0741 and later


Activates branch configuration functionality in TMWSuite.

  • Y
    The system allows branches to be identified as:

    • Booking terminals, or the customer service representatives who work for them.

    • Executing terminals, or the carrier service representatives who work for them.

      It requires orders to have a booking entity specified before they can be saved. To facility meeting this requirement, the system allows users to be associated with both booking and executing entities in their profiles. It automatically stamps a user’s booking entity on any orders he/she creates. By default, when a user uses a lookup window, he/she can retrieve:

    • Only orders stamped with his/her own booking entity.

    • Only resources associated with his/her own executing entity.


    1. By default, branches can be only one type. If you need to have branches that are both booking and executing entities, you must have the BranchTerminalTypeRestricted=No setting in the [Dispatch] section of your TTS50.ini file. This INI setting is applicable only in TMWSuite.

    2. When you are using this option to identify booking and executing terminals, you must also make entries in the String2 and String3 fields.


Identifies the source of the booking terminal field name used throughout the system.

  • BookingTerminal
    The system will use the value recorded in the BookingTerminal label’s Name field to identify booking terminal fields throughout the system.


Identifies the source of the executing terminal field name used throughout the system.

  • ExecutingTerminal
    The system will use the value recorded in the ExecutingTerminal label’s Name field to identify booking terminal fields throughout the system.

Additional Notes

For details on using branches as booking and executing entities with the Enhanced Brokerage module, see the Status Based Loads Grid guide.

Using branches with CRM Right

CRM (Customer/Carrier Relations Management) Right is a TMWSuite calendar-based add-on application that enables customer service representatives and carrier service representatives to schedule and log customer and carrier-related calls, events, and tasks. It requires you to establish branch profiles for all of your booking and executing terminals, as well as the individual representatives assigned to them. This structure appears in the CRM Org Tree pane.

If you are using CRM Right without any of the Enhanced Brokerage modules, you can set up the system to:

  • Allow you to create the branch profiles in CRM Right.

  • Associate companies and carriers with their appropriate representatives.

If you are using CRM Right with the Enhanced Brokerage module, you must use the setup described in the Using branches to track booking and executing entities' commissions section.

Required TrackBranch settings when using branches with CRM Right

Applies to

CRM Right


Branch configuration functionality is not turned on in TMWSuite. The system does not require orders to have a branch specified or apply the user’s branch as a look up restriction.

  • N (default)


An entry in this field is not required to identify the source of the booking terminal field name used in CRM Right. The system automatically uses the name recorded in the BookingTerminal label’s Name field.


An entry in this field is not required to identify the source of the booking terminal field name used in CRM Right. The system automatically uses the name recorded in the ExecutingTerminal label’s Name field.


Activates branch configuration functionality in the CRM Right add-on module.

  • 1
    The system allows you to create branch profiles for:

    • Booking terminals, or the customer service representatives who work for them.

    • Executing terminals, or the carrier service representatives who work for them.

    You must associate your customers with the customer service reps assigned to their accounts and your carriers with the carrier reps assigned to them from within CRM Right.

    Note: If you determine that you no longer want to use the functionality provided by this option, you must enter a 0 (zero) to disable it.

Additional Notes

  1. For details on using CRM Right, see the CRM Right help, or the CRM Right guide, which is the PDF version of the help.

  2. By default, this set up does not add the Booking Terminal and Executing Terminal check boxes to the CRM Right Branch Maintenance window. You must add them. For more information on using QuickDesigner to add the check boxes, see the Adding fields to a window topic in the CRM Right documentation.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2010.09_08.0575 and later


By default, when the branch tracking feature is activated, the current user’s assigned branch (cost center) or booking terminal (customer service representative) and executing terminal (carrier representative) automatically appear in branch fields used as selection criteria in scroll windows.

This setting allows you to have those fields default to UNKNOWN.

Note: This setting is applicable only when you have Y recorded in the String1 field of the TrackBranch General Info Table setting.


  • Y (default)
    The current user’s assignments for booking terminal and executing terminal are used as selection criteria in scroll windows.

  • N
    The system displays UNKNOWN in branch fields in scroll windows.

Additional Notes

For more information about using branch profiles and about assigning branches to users, see Branch File Maintenance in the File Maintenance online help.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later; TMW Operations


This setting allows you to specify a default initial pickup and/or a default final delivery event in a company’s profile. You record this information in the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields in a company’s profile. When a company is used as the shipper on an order, its default delivery event is used. When it is uses as the consignee on an order, its default delivery event is used.


  • N (default)
    Do not display the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields.

  • Y
    Display the Default Pickup Event and Default Delivery Event fields.

    • TMWSuite
      The fields appear in the Company File Maintenance window’s Additional Details sub window.

    • TMW Operations
      The fields appear on the Stop Info/Routing tab in the Company Profile window.

      Note: This option is required when you are using either of these settings:

      • [FileMaint] DefaultDrpEvent

      • [FileMaint] DefaultPupEvent


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2008.07_08.0506 and later


A carrier expiration is used to remove a carrier from service, temporarily or permanently. When a carrier expiration goes into effect, the system updates the carrier’s status based on the expiration.

You can set up the system so that when more than one expiration is in effect for a carrier, the system will set the carrier’s status based on the expiration that has the highest value recorded in its Code field.


When a carrier has more than one expiration in effect, your entry in the String1 field determines whether the system will set the status to the expiration that has the highest value recorded in its Code field.

  • N (default)
    In instances where the carrier has more than one active expiration, the following logic is used to choose the expiration that will set the carrier’s status:

    If an Inactive carrier expiration is in effect, use that expiration to set the status.

    Note: An Inactive expiration has INA recorded in its Abbr field of the CarExp label.

    If no Inactive expiration is in effect, use the expiration that has the latest date recorded in its End Date field.

    If more than one expiration has the same latest date, select from the expirations that share the latest date the one that has the highest number recorded in its Code field.

  • Y
    The active expiration having the highest value recorded in its Code field will set the carrier’s status. It also determines the date the carrier becomes unavailable, which is the date displayed in the Inactive Date field in the carrier’s profile.

Additional Notes

When setting up a carrier expiration in the CarExp label, you must also set up a corresponding carrier status label in CarStatus label file.


Applies to

TMWSuite: 2003 and later


This setting turns on the Fuel Pin code function.


  • N (default)
    Do not activate the Fuel Pin code function.

  • Y
    Activate the Fuel Pin code function.

Additional Notes

A Fuel Pin code is associated with a particular combination of shipper, consignee, and RevType4 value. If the Fuel Pin code function is turned on, and the shipper, consignee, and RevType4 value recorded on an order match that of a Fuel Pin code, the Fuel Pin code is automatically added to the order as an Order-based note.


Applies to



This setting allows you to use an order’s Scheduled Earliest Date instead of its Arrival date as the start date. The start date is used throughout the system to retrieve orders in lookup windows and queues. The start date is also used by the rating engine when it tries to match a rate to an order. It compares the order’s start date to the billing or pay rate’s effective dates.


  • N (default)
    The system will use the order’s Arrival date as its start date.

  • Y
    The system will use the order’s Scheduled Earliest Date as the start date instead of the order’s Arrival date. This replacement is used:

    • As the effective date for rates (billing rates and settlements rates).

    • To look up orders.
      This functionality is available in the:

      • Invoicing Queues
        Restrict Orders Ready to Invoice, Print Invoices window, Restrict Invoices on Hold for Audit, Restrict Invoices on Hold, Batch Rating window, and A/R Export window.

      • Settlements Queues
        The Trips Ready to Settle and Trips on Hold queues.

    • Find Orders scroll window